
How to contain the width of an element so it does not overflow the body, but IS visible?

I'm trying to have an element with a greater width then the body, but not cause horizontal scrolling. http://jsfiddle.net/hYRGT/ This hopefully demonstrates my problem somewhat. The #header contains the #imghead and is set to 960px width. What I want is the browser to 'think' the page is 960px wide. Because #imghead is more wide then ...

What's the best way to check/prevent arithmetic overflow in java?

Possible Duplicate: How can I check if multiplying two numbers in Java will cause an overflow? Some programming puzzle, as you all may know, asks its member to compute a very big number. For example : long a = 10000000000L; long b = 10000000000L; long c = a * b; System.out.println(c); Code above prints incorrect output, w...

PHP: on 32 bit system INT_MAX displays wrong?

I was simply wishing to test for overflow on an integer, such as in C (well, if it were just over integer max anyway). When I looked to see if PHP was actually doing what I told it to, it seems it fails for some reason. Here are my tests of the problem: define('INT_MAX', 0x7FFFFFFF); print "In decimal: " . hexdec(INT_MAX) . "<br/>"; pri...

Rails 3 Cookie Based Sessions Question

With Rails 3, the default session storage mechanism is cookie_store. I assume that this means that the contents within the session hash are serialized, encoded and stored within a cookie in the browser? Does this mean that nothing (or very little) of the session is stored in the server? I've had a few issues where I had a cookie overflo...

Scroll page to a certain point then start scrolling a div's overflow content using only one scrollbar

I'm after some information on how to make the page's scroll bar scroll the overflow content of a div instead of the page once its scrolled to a certain point. The end outcome is to scroll the page to the extent that the header isn't visible anymore, but from that point forward scroll the contents of the div - with the main scrollbar, no...

Why scroll bars appears ?

I have the following simple code: HTML: <div> <img src='http://i51.tinypic.com/4kz4g5.jpg' /> </div> CSS: div { width: 260px; height: 195px; overflow: auto; background: #333; } The dimensions of the image are width=260px, height=195px, which is exactly like the dimensions of the div. My question is why the scr...

jQuery: How to get content not visible with overflow: hidden?

I'm trying to span content across multiple pages (divs) set at a height of 950px per div, so I can properly output to pdf. I start off with one div which nests all of the content using overflow: hidden. Ideally I'd like to use jquery to find content which is out of the viewing scope (hidden), but I can't see any functionality to do thi...

HTML/CSS: Creating a div that doesn't trigger a horizontal scrollbar if it's wider than the screen size

Hi folks, I'm trying to improve user compatibility of a site for 800 x 600px monitors. I have a 'headerbackground' div which is 900px wide, and contains nothing but a background image. The rest of the site is nested inside that div, with a width of 790px. What I'd like to do is show the full 900px 'headerbackground' div if the browser...

android webview iframe overflow

Hi, I'm currently building a web app in android. My app runs in a webview, and loads third-party contents through iframs. The iframe size is fixed and supposed not to be changed by the content loaded. In desktop Chrome browser, it works fine and the overflow part of loaded content can be scrolled via scrollbars. However, in android webvi...

Text overflow behaviour in CSS with non-left values for text-align

Given the following HTML: <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore</p> And the following CSS: p { border: 1px solid red; width: 200px; text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; } What would the expected rendering be? I was expecting the text to butt up against the right h...

A scrollable area with the overflow hidden but no scroll bar

Is there a way of having an overflowing div that hides the overflow, doesn't have a scroll bar but is still scrollable (by means of the mouse wheel / touch input)? e.g. <!DOCTYPE html> <div id="longtext" style="width:100px; height:100px;"> Lorem ipsum.... </div> My CSS attempts have failed as overflow: hidden; s...

Overflow with product of ints

In the code below, the value of prod is not 9,000,000; it gets a garbage value. Why do we need num1 and num2 to be of type long? #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num1 = 3000, num2 = 3000; long int prod = num1 * num2; printf("%ld\n", prod); return 0; } ...

AIX 5.3 vs Solaris 5.10 - C strcat implementation

Does anyone have any idea of why this could happen? I have a C program in AIX 5.3, I've been asked to run it on a SPARC Solaris 10 machine, but when I did it, I noticed there was a buffer overflow with one of the many reckless strcat uses. My goal is not to sanitize the code but to provide a concrete and well founded answer of why does...

Overflow my memory, to force garbage collector?

How can I purposely overflow my memory, to force garbage collection? Can someone propose algorithm like this: while ( garbage collector starts ) { overflow my memory with something easily disposable } Edit: To everyone that purposed GC.Collect method. I've always tought, that GC can not be forced to occur programmaticaly. Guess,...

IE 8 absolute positioned element outside its parent clipping problem

I have an absolute positioned div inside another absolute positioned div. The child div content is much bigger than the parent can contain. This is by design. I need the child div to spill out of its parent. It does so in every other browser except IE 8 (IE 7 looks OK, not sure) In IE8 the part of the child that is out of parent is clipp...

Submenu not showing - overflow hidden??

Hi, my problem is that I got 3 submenus in the third nav named "Productos", but they are not showing. I think maybe the error got something with the jQuery plugin kwicks... making it overflow:hidden; I'm kinda new so I will appreciate your help ^^ Here is the link to the website Edit: I remove the kwicks and I can see the submenu b...

Floating layout similar to HTML/CSS

In HTML/CSS, if you float items, DIV's that exceed the width of the container are moved down 1 line. I would like to achieve this in FLEX. I have 3 components with variable width. I would like for the 3rd component to be moved down when it doesnt fit the container any more. ...

Stack Overflow in multi threaded application

Hopefully someone can help me out a little bit. I have a c# application running under .NET 2.0. It's a strange app. It is listening on the network for any UDP packets. When it receives a UDP packet with the first 8 bytes spelling out 'Catalina', it parses the packet and then sends the information to an appropriate socket connection (asyn...

Unsigned Overflow in C

Consider the following piece of C code: #include <stdint.h> uint32_t inc(uint16_t x) { return x+1; } When compiled with gcc-4.4.3 with flags -std=c99 -march=core2 -msse4.1 -O2 -pipe -Wall on a pure x86_64 system, it produces movzwl %di,%eax inc %eax retq Now, unsigned overflow is predicted in C. I do not know much about x86_64...

Scrollable div inside a table

I need to place a scrollable div in a table cell. The table should be 100% height. The div has a lot of content that doesn't fit in the screen so scrolling should appear. But I want only the div to be scrollable, not the whole page. If I don't use table, everything is perfect: <div style="height: 100%; width: 100px; padding: 5px; over...