
What's a buffer?

Hello! As far as my understanding of languages goes, a buffer is any portion of memory in which a data is stored like an int,float variables, character arrays etc. However, I was reading buffer overflows and came across this link while reading about stack http://www.tenouk.com/Bufferoverflowc/Bufferoverflow2a.html The diagram in this li...

Stack overflow exception in c# setter

Hi. This is simple to explain: this works using System; using ConstraintSet = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.String, double>; namespace ConsoleApplication2 { class test { public ConstraintSet a { get; set; } public test() { a = new ConstraintSet(); } static void ...

Example of a buffer overflow leading to a security leak

I read many articles about unsafe functions like strcpy, memcpy, etc. which may lead to security problems when processing external data, like the content of a file or data coming from sockets. This may sound stupid, but I wrote a vulnerable program but I did not manage to "hack" it. I understand the problem of buffer overflow. Take this...

In C#, how can I display only a certain number of digits?

In my application, I have a TextBlock that I display a Double number in after the user presses a button. This number can be a very small decimal or a very large number needing exponential notation (i.e. 3.43e12). The problem is, the program prints so many digits that it overflows my TextBlock and the user can't see all the valid informat...

CSS Overflow Problems

Damn, I always feel frustated with CSS. I keep reading books and articles/tuturials but CSS is a PITA! I've the following code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Testing CSS</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background: #dddddd; font: 12px "Trebu...

Supersleight IE png fix causing overflow problem

I am using supersleight to fix png transparency, but it is causing a strange bug, where the browser seems to ignore any overflow rule in IE6. Here is what it looks like (had to hide the list of things, but you get the idea...) I am stuck with using the fix and never come across a problem with it before. Here is the markup: ...

prevent long running averaging from overflow?

suppose I want to calculate average value of a data-set such as class Averager { float total; size_t count; float addData (float value) { this->total += value; return this->total / ++this->count; } } sooner or later the total or count value will overflow, so I make it doesn't remember the total value by : cl...

Div with overflow:auto, end reaches = start a function.

Possible Duplicate: JavaScript: Scroll Position of div with overflow: auto Hi, i want to start a function XXX(); when the scroll-end from a div (overflow:auto;) is reached. <div style="width:200px; height:500px; overflow:auto;"> /* content here */ </div> Is this possible? greetz from germany Peter ...

How do I determine when a child of an overflow:hidden parent is overflown

Below is my HTML and CSS. I want to use javascript to determine when one of the LIs is overflown. I then want to put that item into a popup menu, similar to Win32 toolbars. I need to know when an LI is overflown and which LIs are overflow. I'm fine if this only works in modern browsers and I don't want to use a framework like JQuery. <...

How do I prevent floated-right content from overlapping main content?

I have the following HTML: <td class='a'> <img src='/images/some_icon.png' alt='Some Icon' /> <span>Some content that's waaaaaaaaay too long to fit in the allotted space, but which can get cut off.</span> </td> It should display as follows: [Some content that's wa [ICON]] I have the following CSS: td.a span { overflow: hidde...

WebKit and overflow: hidden affecting width

Hi! I'm having a problem with overflow and width in Google Chrome/Webkit. This is a follow-up question on this question, there you will find the CSS. I need to have visibility: hidden to fix the problem in the first question. The problem is visible in the screenshots below. Why does this attribute affect the width in Webkit? Can I solv...

How to limit a table cell to one line of text using CSS?

Hi, I have a table of users where each row contains their names, e-mail address, and such. For some users this row is one text line high, for some others two, etc. But I would like that each row of the table be one text line high, truncating the rest. I saw these two questions: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2779779/a-column-of-a...

Overflow:hidden not working in email...

Hi, I'm trying to send some emails with some images. If I display the images on a webpage they are 100x wide and 100px tall, but if the image is taller than 100px it will get the excess pixels hidden. If I try to send it in an email, I can't get it to clip the excess height of the image. Here's what I'm sending in the email: <img sr...

Make child visible outside an overflow:hidden parent

In CSS the overflow:hidden is set on parent containers in order to allow it to expand with the height of their floating children. But it also has another interesting feature when combined with margin: auto... If PREVIOUS sibling is a floating element, it will actually appear juxtapose to it. That is if the sibling is float:left then the ...

HTML table fixed header overflow scroll.

I have defined a table with thead and tbody the header section of table remains fixed.This whole table is defined inside a div container. I have given the main container 'height:inherit;' property so that the container fits in between the main header and footer, and also the table body named tbody is given 'overflow-y:scroll;' the scrol...

Arithmetic Overflow

Why is it that an arithmetic overflow cannot occur when adding an positive and a negative number using two's complement. If you could please provide an example with 8-bit signed integers (bytes). ...

CSS Overflow Hidden Workaround?

Wondering if anyone has a work around for this issue. I've got a markup like this: <div id="outer"> <div id="inner"> content here </div> </div> now my inner div isnt always extending as far as I would like it. Overflow: hidden; works wonders, but in this case I have some elements that overlap the edge so I cant use that. Float:lef...

Loader SWF Height and Width/Overflow Question- Simple banner Ad

I'm trying to create a simple banner ad where the mouse hovers over the button and a panel shows up over some content of the site. I have two different .swfs: the container, which is the button and a loaded swf that has the animation that comes up when the button is clicked. The button is only 183 x 40px where as the loaded swf is 183...

Mat::convertTo used with inplace matrix cause buffer overflow

I have a problem in with a inplace Mat::convertTo cause buffer overflow if destination and source data type is different. Please, anyone having this problem too? Can I fix? ...

HTML table with horizontal scrolling (first column fixed)

I have been trying to think of a way to make a table with a fixed first column (and the rest of the table with a horizontal overflow) I saw a post which had a similar question. but the fixed column bit did not seem to be resolved. Help? ...