
Deciphering Encoding: Packet Analyzation Tools

I am looking for better tools than wireshark for this. The problem with wireshark is that it does not format the data layer (which is the only part I am looking at) cleanly for me to compare the different packets and attempt to understand the third party encoding (which is closed source). Specifically, what are some good tools for viewi...

Can WinPcap be used to capture network traffic per process?

On Windows I am loading a DLL and running it. The DLL performs a lot of network activities. Now I need to monitor which url and hosts the DLL connects to. I think using a packet sniffer might be a good option. Can WinPcap be used to capture traffic from a single process? I can't find any such option in the docs. If that can’t be done us...

Any good .net packet sniffers around?

I am looking for one to use from my c# application. Anyone knows a free one? ...

Winpcap simple question - how to send packets to a specified ip/port?

I read the tutorials and so, but I am not getting it. It does let you send packets, but how can you tell Winpcap where to send those packets? Is there any header I should put on the packets so it will know to which ip/port's to forward it? I mean. Let's imagine I want to send some data to my MSN, as if I had wrote something to someone on...

Winpcap - Having troubles sending data

I'm using Tamir's SharpPCap to try to send data to my msn. Currently, for testing purposes, my idea is to wait for any msg received by [email protected] and then send the packet itself again, that is, make any message appear repeated forever on my msn. I thought this had to work, as I am simply getting the packet itself I receive, and rese...

Convert C# DateTime object to libpcap capture file timestamp

Hi there Call me a noob, but i am stuck in converting a DateTime object to a timestamp for the libpcap capture file format (is also used by wireshark, file format definitiom here: in C#. The timestamp i can't manage to convert my object to is the Timestamp in the packet (record) h...

Sniffer for localhost (Windows OS)

I am looking for a sniffer that can work with the loopback address in Windows. So far, I found Microsoft Network Monitor which is a nice tool, but for localhost it's useless because on Windows, localhost packets don't pass through the regular network stack, so they're invisible to an ethernet sniffer like MS Network Monitor. How do you...

iPhone and WireShark

How can I sniff packets from my iPhone on my network? can someone give me some instructions? I tried Googling, but nothing teaches how to sniff iPhone packets、 I am on windows. ...

Packet Sniffing using Raw Sockets in Linux in C

I need to write packet sniffer in Linux that detect http packet that send and save the url that request . I see code in security-freak and run related code . This code run and only sniff received packet but I need send packet to sniff . In this code how to detect sent packet ? I can't use any library like libcap or ... (forbidden) the...

Is there a library that can perform packet analysis and block certain packets from being sent?

I found Jpcap, however it only meets half my requirements - it does not allow me to block packets, as stated in the FAQ. I would prefer a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) solution, but if one does not exist, OS-specific solutions would be acceptable. My goal is to, under certain conditions, block access to certain Internet and netwo...

sniff and block packets in a server

I'm new to the concept of nw-sniffing. < so , i'll try to describe the problem with the best terms i know > In an organisation , there are 30 computers connected to a server. And as users of these systems browse the Internet , packets are sent to the outside nw via this server.. i want to write an application that runs in this server , ...

first chance exception of type NullReferenceException'occurred in in thread

am doing a dll in vc++ for blocking ports(like tcp sniffer).while blocking udp port in local machine its works fine.while am taking remote computer from my my system its raises on exception "system.NullReferenceException'occurred in" i incorporated the dll in c# application.please give your suggestion ...

how to filter incoming packets in pcap vc++ writing simple tcp sniffer using pcap in how to block or filter all incoming pockets from any ip kindly give your suggestions thank you ...

how to solve errors like ‘struct iphdr’ has no member named ‘daddr’

I ran a program ( the link is - ) in my fedora core 5. On compilation , i get the following errors : [root@localhost ~]# gcc sniffer_eth_ip_tcp.c In file included from sniffer_eth_ip_tcp.c:12: /usr/include/linux/ip.h:97: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘u...

how to print flags in TCP header of raw packets using libpcap

Hi all , sniffex.c is a program that is based on libpcap , to sniff and display some packet information. How do i modify it so as to print the values of TCP flags - urg , ack , psh , rst , syn and fin ? please help.. ...

writing a http sniffer

Hi all, I would like to write a program to extract the URLs of websites visited by a system (an IP address) through packet capture.. I think this URL will come in the data section ( ie not in any of the headers - ethernet / ip / tcp-udp ).. ( Such programs are sometimes referred to as http sniffers , i'm not supposed to use any availab...

need help regarding a packet capture program

Hi all , The following is a program that captures TCP packets < port 80 > and prints header related information in the console for every packet. I have also included a timer , so that after every 1000 millisec i.e. 1 sec , the frequency of occurence of various flags , and distinct number of Src IPs , Ack nos and Seq nos encountered are...

How to find whether the MORE FRAGMENTS field is set or no ?

Given this header , how do I find if the MORE FRAGMENTS field is set or not.. struct sniff_ip { u_char ip_vhl; /* version << 4 | header length >> 2 */ u_char ip_tos; /* type of service */ u_short ip_len; /* total length */ u_short ip_id; /...

Is there an API for Wireshark, to develop programs/plugins that interact with it/enhance it?

Googling didn't give me great results. Is there any sort of API for Wireshark that abstracts away from the main source code so we can develop programs that interact with it and deal with the data it provides? edit: I appreciate the suggestions for different ways to receive packets, but I want to implement packet injection into Wiresha...

when is the push flag set in tcp segment

i asked this previous question here: i tried the method given in the solution and while sending while using netcat and sniffing packets with ethereal i observed that when i sent a "hello" string from one side to the other it was sent in a segment ...