
Null ControllerContext in my custom Base Controller

Hi. Could you tell me MVC 2 Life cycle The problem: I got my own BaseController class where i try to get ControllerContext in constructor. It's "null" Question: where does ControllerContext fill? ...

All controls are still null after calling EnsureChildControls() ?

The way this page is laid out, all of the data is loaded at Page_Init. Well, I have a custom control that is having problems with this though. I have it on the page like so: <cc:SomeControl... /> And then I set the value at Page_Init using MyControl.Value="blah"; Simple stuff.. The Value is an accessor and has something simila...

ASP.NET Page Rendering

How does the ASP.NET page rendering happens from Server to Client Browser? The question is, consider the Page has a Header and Footer which are User controls and contain many server controls. Does ASP.NET start sending the HTML to client browser, once it gets some of the controls being rendered and converted in their respective HTML? Or...

When is it ok to meddle in the page lifecycle an ASP.NET MVC page?

It seems that ASP.NET MVC just runs on top of ASP.NET WebForms. System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage in ASP.NET MVC inherits from System.Web.UI.Page which includes page lifecycle methods like OnRender and friends. I have seen a couple of comments around the web to the effect that you should resist the urge to override these methods AT ALL COSTS!. ...

Invalid page requested during lifecycle of another page request (in IE and NOT in Firefox)

Bear with me on this one! Right. Clicking on a link button on a page causes Postback to a page containing a number of controls. For arguments sake say page a.aspx containing a link button containing user controls control b.ascx control c.ascx When clicked page d.aspx is requested. During the Postback to (page a) on the...

How to save connection request to database in this scenario

I am new to and know little bit about its working and as I am moving forward I am getting new and more newer doubts. Here at this point I was working with two RadioLists that are being binded at page load. Now when a user changes the index of radio button in list 1. Second needs to get updated accordingly depending what value ...

ASP.NET User Control, DataGrid, CRUD Issues

Hi all I'm working with a user control (one panel with a Button and a DropDownList) in my ASP.NET application, that is triggered by a GridView. An ID of one record is passed as a CommandArgument each time a button in the GridView is clicked, and my control is displayed via the RowCommand event handler: myControl.CurrentID = Guid.NewGui...

In what situation Application_EndRequest is called but Application_BeginRequest is not called?

The expected order of HttpApplication methods is: Application_Start Init Application_BeginRequest Application_AuthenticateRequest (page life cycle) Application_EndRequest I'm passing through a situation, which throws absolutely no exception, in which, after the Init, it goes directly to ApplicationEndRequest. It doesn't call Applicat...

ASP.NET/JavaScript - Script Registration/Redirection Problem

Hi Guys, My page has a submit button on it (server-side button). Here's my code for the click event: protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { db.SaveSomething(); Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript("someScriptWhichReliesOnServerData"); Response.Redirect("SomeOtherPage.aspx"); } Now, the problem...

Get state of ASP.NET page life cycle

I need the following functionality in my method: if the method is called before OnLoad event of ASP.NET life cycle throw an exception else continue execution of the method. I was thinking of something like this: if (Page.LifeCycleState < LifeCycleState.OnLoad) { throw new InvalidPageStateException(); } Is it possible to retrieve ...

In ASP.Net, How do I run code after sending page.

In ASP.Net, I want to run some code (logging, other cleanup) after the page has already been sent to the user. I don't want this code to interfere with the amount of time it takes the client to receive a response. I tried placing this code in the OnUnload part of the page, but through testing (using breakpoints, or busy waiting loops) ...

List is being emptied in the middle of a method! Help!

Hi, this has me puzzled - I am no expert on page life cycle but I do not see why this is happening. It may be a simple case of where I declare my list. Here is the code: public partial class feedback : System.Web.UI.Page { List<Module> allModules = new List<Module>(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...

ASP.NET Life-cycle Dichotomy: Dynamically Added Controls and Events

The situation: I have user controls with buttons that have hooked events. Controls with events need to be initialized in Page_Load or earlier. I wish to spawn these user controls dynamically by clicking an Add button. It is important to remember that events, such as click events, are not fired until just before Page_LoadComplete. Br...

Need to upload file, and use it in the pre-init event

As it states, I need to upload a file, and then use it in the pre_init event of a second page. Server lifecycle prevents this (as pre_init happens before the event handlers), that's fine, so the only way I can see around is to use page1 to upload the file, then do a response.redirect to the page2 where I can use the file in the pre_init....

server side validation ?

hi all i want to know that if apply server side validation on text box then when validation event fire (i means in wich state of page cycle this validation has been done in server side) ...

Event like .net's "Application_Start" and "Begin_Request" for java/tomcat/JSP?

Is there a way to attach to events like's "Application_Start" and "Begin_Request" in Java/Tomcat/JSP web projects? I would really rather not use JSF or an extra framework(Spring, Struts). I do not want to do it on a per-page basis with anything like 'jspInit', a global event handler is the goal. In the event that I am stuck in t...

What is the advantage of using HttpContext over HttpApplication?

What is the advantage of intercepting a request for an ASP.Net application at the HttpContext level rather than waiting for the request to be processed by the HttpApplication pipeline? ...

Page_PreInit not called?

Im running an ASP.NET 4.0 project. The .aspx page has AutoEventWireup="true" set in the header. Although OnPreInit is called, Page_PreInit is not? Can anyone suggest what is wrong? protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("bar"); } protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { Response.Writ...

Intercept Page object creation to hook up events

I'm looking for a way to intercept the ASP.NET processing pipeline in such a way to be able to register event handlers to all events on the Page class. The reason is, I need to maintain a session-bound instance of a component that needs to be notified of all important Page events, starting from OnPreInit. There's an arbitrary number of ...

ASP.NET page lifecycle - between constructor and Page_PreInit (the "start stage")

There are plenty of articles that explain the ASP.NET WebForms page lifecycle, but what happens between the constructor in the code-behind page getting called and the Page_PreInit event? MSDN refers to this time as the "start stage" of the page. I am debugging some code in which there is often a moderate delay between these two events (...