
Undo for a paint program

I am looking into how to write a paint program that supports undo and seeing that, most likely, a command pattern is what I want. Something still escapes me, though, and I'm hoping someone can provide a simple answer or confirmation. Basically, if I am to embody the ability to undo a command, for instance stamping a solid circle on the...

Why arent my new resources added in the res/ sub-folders showing up in the R class?

I don't understand why Eclipse doesn't know how to resolve the color resources I've defined. Am I doing something wrong? R.color.notepad_lines cannot be resolved I've had problems before too with eclipse being able to find images in my /res/drawable directory /res/values/colors.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ut...

Implementing free form drawing in a paint app

I'd like to pick your brains on how to implement freeform drawing in a paint app. Given that the command object would encompass the click down, the arbitrarily dragging around, and the release, how would this be necessarily stored in the command and drawn onto the bitmap context? For starters, would the data simply be every pixel coord...

Using awt Paint in Multi threading

Hello everyone, I have a school project and i want to dedicate this for New Year, the project that i came up is a Text-Firework, i am using characters and symbols as the Explosion particles, and just constantly changing their X and Y position inside Paint(). I am confused on how to use Paint and Thread together. The problem is it's not...

Java Awt Paint Method's Variable Inconsistency

I'm not sure what is wrong but there's some weird happening in my Paint() concerning some variables. this code works just fine: public void paint(Graphics g) { Point[] positions = {new Point(20,50),new Point(60,30),new Point(80,20),new Point(80,30)}; } but this one don't, i wanted this one, because im changing position formations...

How is the clipping rectangle for a JComponent calculated?

I'm creating a slider bar, which will be a subclass of JSlider, as part of a logging gui. What I'd like to do is be able to draw some items above the slider bar (e.g. a "volume" display, indicating how much logging info will be spit out by a particular setting). I have overridden the paintComponent() method, but I'm getting a bit confu...

Delphi TListBox contents overflow when selecting (Win7, 32bit, themed)

I've a TListBox on a Windows form with 966 elements in it. When I click a button on my form, a subset of these strings are selected (roughly 200 of them). If I now unfocus my application by clicking somewhere on the task bar, the entries from my TListBox bleed upward, so as they are visible above the boundaries of the TListBox. They a...

How to draw text at runtime

Basically, Im making a paint application very similar to MSPaint. The idea is that, that the the user clicks anywhere on the form and should be able to write text in a control. And then following that, that text should be displayed in g.drawstring graphic method. ...

Are there any Good Open API for Web Frontend Paint Tools ?

Hi Stack Overflow! I'm currently attempting to develop an HTML5/JavaScript application which is similar to: The source is right there, but I think I'd run into some copyright issues by cutting/pasting (I suppose I could contact them), but I'd rather use some free APIs that would have similar functionality. ...