
How do I detect taps in the gesture area on the Palm Pre?

Playing with my Palm Pre phone. I want to detect the user tapping in the gesture area (the area directly below the screen). How do I do that? I haven't found anything obvious in the framework API's or service API's. ...

how to apply scrollBar to the form manually in palm application

hi in my project that is developed using palm technology ie webos ,in this application form is not get scrolling option automatically,so i have to apply scrollbar manually.with this user can feel userfriendly.could some help me in this isue hoe to apply scrolling manually. thanking u ...

Orientation change event in Browser on Palm webOS

I'm working on a web application where I'm trying to capture when the user rotates the screen. Fundamentally, I want to know if the user is browsing in portrait mode or landscape mode. The iPhone/iPad and Android browsers send a resize event when the screen orientation changes. Unfortunately, the browser in webOS doesn't seem to send t...

Palm Mojo: Object properties

There was another question with an answer saying that you can use event.down.x to get the x-coordinate of a tap event. It also said that this was not well documented in the Palm Mojo SDK. My question is how can I find the properties that I can use for any given Mojo object? ...

Can't get horizontal scroll to work.

Can't get it to scroll horizontally. What am I missing? Here's my code in first-scene.html: <div id="main" class="palm-hasheader"> <div class="palm-header">Header</div> <div id="scrollerId" style="width:500px; height:500px" x-mojo-element="Scroller"> <div> My Text that goes on... and on... and on... horizonta...

how to apply adds in palm application

hi everyone,in my palm-pre application,iam willing to apply addvertisement's as a banner in which add's will be changing for every 30 to apply this could some one provide code r logic to do it.thanks in advance ...

Palm webOS CSS Targeting Hack?

Although it is not good practice, I am looking for a CSS hack to target Palm webOS. The problem is that Safari 3+ is awesome, and I can do some things like gradient background animations on text, but only in Safari. Right now I use @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {} and it works like a charm, no Opera, Firefox, or ...

admob for webos/palm

Hi Folks i want integrate admob ads to my palm pre application.can you please suggest me and share integration code for ads.some where i found code it wont work for me Thanks in Advance Aswan ...

publish image in facebook users wall from webos

Hi folks in my application i select one image from photos and then press submit button selected image should publish in facebook user wall with some message.any idea Thanks in advance Aswan ...

setting MailService ' To: ' value, logined persion mail id in palm webOS.

Hi, i am trying to send an email by opening the MailService in webOS. In that compose Scene how can we place the To: value is the log inned persons mail id. How can i get mail account information who log inned in to the mobile. please help me to solve this problem. ThanQ.. ...

Dynamic List with images on left side

Hi all I m new to palm pre.Now i m devloping application. I need to create a Dynamic list and my list contains a picture on the left side and details of a particular picture on its right side. So any please help me.......... Thanx in adv ...

webOS controllers and assistant

I've started tinkering with webOS and it's pretty cool. Out of all the major smartphone platforms I have to say that webOS is the easiest to work with. Currently I'm just trying to get an intuitive sense for the framework and I'm just tinkering with basic stuff like event handling, pushing and popping scenes, etc. This has gotten me far ...

How do I get Palm's WebOS browser to default to numeric input?

The following CSS worked fine in my Windows mobile phone, but my Pre won't default to numeric inputs. input.numeric { -wap-input-format:"*n"; } How do I get the Pre (and presumably other newer mobile browsers?) to default to numeric inputs? ...

Starting PalmPre2 Dev. Palm-install says: "no devices found"

Hi, I am a iPhone Developer trying to start PalmPre2 development, so I am doing as written here I have my emulator working and running. I have created my workspace directory $mkdir palmWorkspace $cd palmWorkspace I have create my app $ palm-generate -p "{title:'Hello World', id:com.nacho4d.hello, version:'1.0.0'}" HelloWorld genera...

Starting and stoping listeners in Mojo framework (WebOS)

Hi, I am starting WebOS dev and I have a doubt on where should I start and stop my listeners ? I am reading this book but I couldn't find a clear explanation about this. In the sample the author set the listeners in the setup function but I wonder why? isn't a better idea to set them in activate function and stop them in deactivate func...

Palm-pre app loading takes forever

HI, I am new to WebOS dev. I finished writing the sample app of chapter 2 of this book, everything seems to be correct except when I start the app I get this: Is like my app is still loading but I can't really tell and it never ends. what does this mean and how can I debug this? What could be causing this? I have tried the original s...