
How exactly DO you integrate ckeditor with Paperclip so it can upload image files?

How do you get working so you can upload image files? I don't think I'll use the s3 storage... any help would be appreciated. ...

Paperclip to upload images to S3 in Rails. The files upload at a very slow rate. A work-around?

I'm working on a rails app where the user will be uploading large quantities of images. My current setup: Using SWFUpload to upload multiple files at once using the Paperclip plugin with S3 storage. After the original image is uploaded to S3, Delayed_Job is used for the post processing (thumbnails, etc). The problem I have is that the...

Upload a WAV file with Paperclip and store both .wav and .mp3 versions

I have a Rails application where people can use an in browser sound editor to create wav files and upload them to the server. I use Paperclip for handling the sound file upload. I would like to be able to convert the wav file to an mp3, but keep both files. I have read about Paperclip processors, but I'm not sure how to use them to ge...

Paperclip image url

Stupid question? <img alt="Phone_large" src="/system/photos/1/small/phone_large.jpg?1238845838" /> Why ist "?1238845838" added to the image path? How can I get my path/url without it? ...

AWS::S3::NoConnectionEstablished error using aws-s3 gem in Rails

I am getting a AWS::S3::NoConnectionEstablished exception when trying to download a file using paperclip + s3. I can fire up s3sh and create a connection just fine with the s3 credentials in my config. What is the best next step I can take to debug this issue? This is what my model looks like: has_attached_file :file, ...

Rails Paperclip 'class methods' and validations refactor ?

Hi, I've been breaking the DRY principle a bit in a project built with Paperclip for media storage. I've added assets to certain models, such as AlbumPhotoFile, AlbumSoundFile and so on, using the following code : # Asset is a regular < ActiveRecord::Base class class AlbumPhotoFile < Asset has_attached_file :pic, :url => "foo", :pat...

Does paperclip work with SimplyStored?

Rails 3.0.0, paperclip 2.3.3, simplystored 0.3.6. I'm using simplystored so i can use couchdb, but i am thinking that simplystored doesn't work with paperclip. I've tried using paperclip as a gem [via bundler] as well as a plugin, and I get the same error regardless: undefined method `has_attached_file' for Video:Class. Any way to g...

Paperclip upload to S3 is failing!

I have an application which uploads images to an S3 bucket using Paperclip. It's been working fine for months, but suddenly my files are not being uploaded to the S3 bucket. Unfortunately, I've been doing a refactoring in a number of unrelated areas, and it's possible that something I changed broke my upload. I'm using paperclip 2.3.1. ...

Secure paperclip urls only for secure pages

I'm trying to find the best way to make paperclip urls secure, but only for secure pages. For instance, the homepage, which shows images stored in S3, is and the image url is I have secure pages like that has i...

Rails image uploader and EXIF data reader?

Any decent paperclip-like Ruby gems that also read EXIF data? It would be a huge bonus if the gem was Windows-friendly. ...

can HTTP multipart/mixed xml part be converted to a Hash when mixed with other parts.

The question is just above the last code snippet. Thank you. (environment details are the end ) posts_controller.rb class PostsController < ApplicationController def create @post =[:post]) respond_to do |format| format.xml { render :xml => @post.to_xml(:include => [ :assets])} end end posts.rb class P...

Hiding amazon urls when using S3, Rails and Paperclip

I have just set up file uploads to Amazon S3 using Rails 3 and Paperclip. All this works amazingly well and is up and running. There is just one small detail that I would like to sort out. At the moment, the urls are the amazon urls (ie start and I would like them to begin with my domain. I have already added...

Create an image with ruby-graphviz, send it to s3 from heroku?

I'm trying to make an image of a graph using ruby-graphviz by @graph.output(:output => "png", :file => "public/images/graph.png") Since I'm using heroku, how can I save the image locally and send it to an s3 bucket, or just send it straight to the s3 bucket? I'd appreciate any help. ...

Problem viewing photos in Paperclip - routes error

I have set up Paperclip and ImageMagick successfully on my system, and files are uploading correctly, being resized, and and being saved into the right folders. I try to display those images in my view: <%= image_tag @customer.logo.url(:medium) %> No image is displayed. When I go to the image's direct url I get: Routing Error No rou...

How can I make Paperclip process files from a server directory?

I want to run Paperclip on all files in a directory on the server. Basically, I would like to allow users to FTP some files to my webserver, then I can manually run a rake task to have Paperclip process all of the files (resize the images, update the database, etc). How can I do this? ...

multiple paperclip attachements with watermark processor

Hi guys! I'm having a ton of trouble with uploading multiple attachments with paperclip and processing them with a watermark. I have 2 models, Ad and Photo. The Ad has_many :photos and the Photo belongs_to :ad. To be more exact in /models/ad.rb I have: class Ad < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :photos, :dependent => :destroy accep...

capturing an image from the webcam

I was following this tutorial here: [link] about getting a webcam image into rails using paperclip and jpegcam. I followed the tutorial through and through yet I can't seem to get the image uploaded. I'm getting this error when I go to photo/show: NoMethodError in Photo#show Showing app/views/photo/show.html.erb where line #3 raised: ...

Getting ""AWS::S3::NoSuchKey"", only from Production Server..

The Error : 2010-10-06T04:40:41-0700: * [Worker(delayed_job host:domU-12-31-39-0C-CC-64 pid:21517)] acquired lock on PhotoJob 2010-10-06T04:40:41-0700: * [JOB] delayed_job host:domU-12-31-39-0C-CC-64 pid:21517 failed with AWS::S3::NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist. - 1 failed attempts Paperclip matches the ID, but the ID sud...

ROR: Paperclip styles

I have a model that handles all my uploads of different filetypes. How do I create a style with the same name as the :basename so that the url will be the same for images and non-image files? ...

Cannot load 'paperclip/storage/ftp' when using paperclipftp in Rails 3

Hey, I've just installed paperclip 2.3.3 and paperclipftp 0.1.0. Paperclip was working fine, the attachments were saving and everything was great. Enter paperclipftp. I've included both gems in my Gemfile, installed it with bundle and made sure all dependencies were satisfied. I've also double checked that all my ftp info is correct ...