
save image from url by paperclip

please suggest me a way save image from url by paperclip. thanks ...

accepts_nested_attributes_for in combination with formtastic and paperclip

Hi guys I am trying I have a simple one-to-many association. I am trying to update photos that belong to an album through a nested form: The edit form for the photo album: <%= semantic_form_for(@album, :url => user_album_path(@user, @album), :html => {:method => :put} ) do |f| %> <%= f.inputs do %> <%= f.input :title %> <%=

Uploading to S3 on Heroku with Paperclip (delayed_job question)

I'm trying to upload to a portfolio app I've built, specifically trying to find where to hook delayed_job into the process. It all works otherwise. Right now it returns undefined method 'call' for #<Class:0xae68750> on app/controllers/portfolio_items_controller.rb:18:in 'create' so here's my model and that portion of the controller... an...

Error reprocessing in Paperclip 2.3.5

I updated from 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 for the string to array bug, and now when I try to call Model.image.reprocess! I get the following error. Is this something in my code or something in paperclip? Or maybe in the image I'm uploading? "\xFF" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 /home/brian/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@sp/gems/paperclip-2.3.5/lib/paperclip/sto...

Rails 2.3.10, Paperclip and s3 dead slow and would like to Ajax

I'm using Paperclip and s3 to upload a simple Image file on article. I've browse all these tutorials explaining on how to actually make a delayed job, for the images, but i feel that they're too old and perhaps there's an easier way to accomplish this. My question is, what's the "rails" (quick and easy) of accomplishing an flash/ajax upl...

paperclip - Saving the images Dimentions? width,height

Hello? Any paper_clip wizards out there know if you can when using paperclip to save an image, also save the image dimensions (width&height) in 2 extra fields? How do you get such data during the paperclip upload process? Thank you ...