
ASP.NET MVC "Components"

Is there someway to have a part of the page that renders like a little sub-page, like components. For example if I have a shopping cart on all my pages? Thanks in advance :) ...

Ruby on Rails - Scope of Instance Variables with Partial Views

Hello I do not understand how to use instance variable properly with partial views, I am hoping someone here can enlighten me. For example class MainController < ApplicationController def index @item_list = Item.find_all_item end def detail_display @current_selected = @item= Item.find(params[:id]) redirect_to :action => :...

What place for server controls in ASP.Net MVC?

Hello. What is the recommended replacement of ASP.Net server controls in the bright new world of ASP.Net MVC? In my opinion, one of the best features of ASP.Net is the ability to write server controls (although, admittedly, the event model is horrendous to deal with). If these controls are self-populating, then they can be shared betwee...

How to include a partial view inside a webform

Some site I'm programming is using both ASP.NET MVC and WebForms. I have a partial view and I want to include this inside a webform. The partial view has some code that has to be processed in the server, so using Response.WriteFile don't work. It should work with javascript disabled. How can I do this? ...

ASP .NET MVC correct UserControl architecture

I'm trying to learn the new ASP .NET MVC framework and would like to know the best practice for using UserControls. I understand that you can render UserControl's as a partial and pass data to them from a controller. Ideally I would think that it makes sense not to have a code behind file as this creates a temptation to break the MVC ru... mvc search and edit views

I am considering creating a view that allows for ajax-based search and edit functions. I would appreciate any feedback on the structure I am considering! The structure will consist of A textbox and a search button Submit of the button causes the action Search to be hit, and a partial is returned with - text representation of items fou...

ASP.NET MVC: How to render a partial view on all but one view?

I have a partial view/user control called LogOnUserControl which I display in a side bar on my site (defined in Site.Master). I also have a separate LogOn view, which also renders the LogOnUserControl. I don't want two instances of the LogOnUserControl in the LogOn view, because it's just plain confusing, so my current thinking is to...

ASP.NET MVC: Partial class: Cast Model to Generic class?

I'm building a generic grid to use in ASP.NET MVC applications. I'm having troubles with making a partial view that gets a generic class passed to it. I have prepared a small sample project which demonstates what I want to do. Download it here. In the HomeController I have 2 controller actions that use my generic grid class to prepare ...

Include JavaScript file in partial views

I am wondering what the best practice is for including javascript files inside partial views. Once rendered this will end up as a js include tag in the middle of my page's html. From my point of view this isn't a nice way of doing this. They belong in the head tag and as such should not prevent the browser from rendering the html in one ...

Self-AJAX-updating partial-view/controller in ASP.Net MVC and the duplicating div

I have a partial view in MVC that goes something like: <div id="comments"> ... </div> Inside that div there's a form that calls a controller using AJAX and gets back that same partial view. The problem is that the results of calling the view replaces the contents of the div, not the whole div, and I end up with: <div id="comments...

Render partial form in jQuery dialog

Hi, Most of you probaly know, and my page is much like that, so let's imagine doing this to Nerddinner. When editing a dinner, you'll be redirected to Dinners/Edit.aspx, and presented of the partial view DinnerForm.ascx of type DinnerFormViewModel. What if you wan't this DinnerForm presented in a jQuery UI Dialog? I'm ...

Partial View with parametrized prefix for controls names.

I have a BarEditor.ascx, that can be called from diffent places. <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<MyApp.Models.Bar>" %> <%= Html.TextBox("a") %> ... Now consider I need to edit two objects on one page Edit.aspx <form action="update"> <div> <% Html.RenderPartial("BarEditor", Vi... MVC - rendering a List containing different types, with a different view for each type

Imagine I have a list of objects that implement an interface called ISummary The objects within this list MAY have additional properties ie. public interface ISummary { Guid Id {get;set;} string Title {get;set;} DateTime Created {get;set;} } public class GigSummary: ISummary { Guid Id {get;set;} string Title {get;set;} DateTim...

Removing logic from partial views in ASP.NET MVC

I am aware that views should not have code in them but in a project I am working on I have a lot of logic in the views. My home page has <% Html.RenderPartial("SearchResults"); %> Now in the partial view I have an aweful lot of logic like this; <div id="RestaurantsList"> <%if (Model.restaurantsList.Count() > 0) { foreach (var ...

mvc partial post back when button is clicked using ajax

Scenario: I am having a dropdown, a button and html table which displays data from the Model. Below is the code in aspx & controller Data is displayed without a postback when i click the submit button, but dropdownlist & button appears twice and then the following clicks are fine. Should i be using Html.RenderPartial anywhere, not sure... MVC Partial View Form Submit Problem

How do i return a partial view inside a master page after submitting a form. Basically what i'm trying to do is display form validation errors, but the problem i can only manage to return a partial view not the master page or full view that its in. Any suggestions? ...

Is recursively rendering a Partial View in Asp.Net Mvc a bad idea?

I want to output a menu structure that will look like this <ul> <li> MenuItemName1 <ul> <li>Child Item</li> </ul> </li> <li> MenuItemName2 </li> </ul> I have a menuitem class that contains the name, url and children menu items. I would like to create a partial view that renders each item as ...

ASP.NET MVC Custom Type List in Partial View

I have a view that takes a PaginatedList (like in Nerd Dinner sample). The page works as intended. Now I have added a partial view that takes the same PaginatedList and I call RnederPartial inside the first view. ASP.NET throws a exception that I can't seem to resolve. PaginatedList Code: public class PaginatedList<T> : List<T> { p...

Working with Partial Views in ASP.NET MVC

Background I'm receiving the following error when trying to render a partial view in ASP.NET MVC. I am new to ASP.NET MVC and am sure the error is simple to resolve and just stems from my lack of complete understanding. Question (for those not wanting to read everything): What is causing this error ? Exception Details: System.I...

ASP.NET MVC RenderPartial Handling Client Side IDs

I have taken on an MVC project that has a view that displays several partial views using Html.RenderPartial("ClientDetail", model); Html.RenderPartial("PlanSummary", model); The problem I have is that inside of these partial views, controls with the same id are being generated. Both of the above partial views have this line: Html.Hid...