
Alpha transparency with particle effects in OpenGL

I have a simple particle effect in OpenGL using GL_POINTS. The following is called, being passed particles in order from the particle furthest from the camera first to the one nearest the camera last: void draw_particle(particle* part) { /* The following is how the distance is calculated when ordering. * GLfloat distance = sqrt...

open source smooth particle hydrodynamics

Anyone know of any open source libraries for particle based large scale smooth particle hydrodynamics. I am looking for a easier way of simulating large scale planetary body impacts with rotation. I was also wondering if you had any ideas on how to visualize the output from said simulation. I have tried using IBM graphviz, but it is ver...

particle animation problem

I'm trying to draw several particles as we touch and moving. When user tilts the device, particles moves to the tilted side. I made this steps by using each particles on each Image View. But it's too slow when making like 100 image views. SoilView= [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(currentPoint.x + randomDist1, CurrentPoi...