
Flex/Actionscript: Unable to add archive file

I have an Flex 4 application that I am developing in Flash Builder 4. I'm trying to use a library developed by a coworker, which was delivered as an SWC. I added the library to the Library Path in the project properties. Component set: MX + Spark, Framework linkage: Merged into code. When I attempt to instantiate a component from th...

Best method for creating absolute path in PHP? (See 3 methods listed inside)

I can create paths with no problem, but I want to know which of these 3 methods is the most rock solid and reliable and will work on the most servers. Right now I am using method 1 in my script and some users are having path issues. I just want the method that will work on any version of php and almost any server config. 1. <?php ...

Scala: A class declaring itself as a variable

I'm trying to make a binary tree in scala and need to make a method for it so I'm trying to make functions inside the class that deals with children and parent. I want to make the parent a Tree so that I can recursively call it in another function called getPath but I can't create a Tree inside the Tree class. this is the code: case cl...

How can I get the directory (file path) separator in Perl?

In case of Java, we can get the path separator using System.getProperty("path.separator"); Is there a similar way in Perl? All I want to do is to find a dir, immediate sub directory. Say I am being given two arguments $a and $b; I am splitting the first one based on the path separator and joining it again except the last fragment and...

How do I pass a string or data object between two view controllers?

In my last question i asked how to best send a string from one view controller to another, both which were on a navigation stack: However I just realised I can either pass the path to the file in the app's document's fol...

Hotcocoa installation path error

I have installed MacRuby 0.6 and then the hotcocoa gem from Github. However, when I try to create a hotcocoa application with eg. hotcocoa demoapp I get the error -bash: /usr/local/bin/hotcocoa: No such file or directory Typing 'which hotcocoa' results in /usr/bin/hotcocoa Other online documentation seems to suggest that this ...

How to set up on windows vista?

I manage to install Django after some struggles by using install on Windows Vista Now I tried to use but it is not working. According to this document, The script should be on your system path if you installed Django via its setu...

Change Qt install path after building ?

Hello, how can I change Qt install path after I building it ? Example : qmake.exe search binaries to original install path, how can I change/redefine it ? Thanks. Edit : I finally found this patch to apply to Qt :

Python list directory, subdirectory, and files

Hi all. I'm trying to make a script to list all directory, subdirectory, and files in a given directory. I tried this: import sys,os root = "/home/patate/directory/" path = os.path.join(root, "targetdirectory") for r,d,f in os.walk(path): for file in f: print os.path.join(root,file) Unfortunatly it doesn't work properly....

How do I get a pathname in ASP.NET?

Hi, I'm working on an internal web app and I need to get a directory path from the user. I (obviously) can use the asp:FileUpload to get a file but I can't find anything to just get a directory path. Is there any (preferably simple) way to have a directory-chooser dialog in I haven't been able to find any solution on Google or...

Getting the file name of files dropped on the script


I have a very long and repetitive python path, where do I look to correct this?

I know it is probably not necessary to paste the whole path, but just for the record I have done so below. Whenever I run a python command, it takes a long time to load this path I suppose. I have checked in .bash_profile and only have these two lines: export PATH=/Users/username/bin:/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versio...

Personal directories on file server for each user in AD

I want to make a home directory for each user of every group in AD using a batch script. the users personal directories (my documents, ...) should be stored in there as well. the path should be as following: \Fileserver{group name}{user name} can someone give me some pointers on how to achieve this? ...

How to specify custom Sass directory with sinatra

Instead of serving my Sass files from the default 'views' directory I'd like to change this to /assets/sass The following attempts are in my main ruby root file in the app: Attempt 1 set :sass, { File.join(root, "assets/sass") } get '/stylesheet.css' do sass :core end With this I get the following error: myapp.rb:17 ...

php mkdir windows relative path

Hi, Want to create a directory on windows from a PHP script. My script is in www/Test directory of Apache and want to create a folder(fold1) inside www/downloads directory. Inside the script, using, $dirName = "../downloads/fold1"; mkdir("{$dirName}"); If we use the full path of dirName like C:\Apache\www\downloads\fold1, it works f...

How to fix the installation path for application in deployment

Please tell me how can i fix the installation path of my application on client machine so that my application should not tell user to enter/select path for installation and my application get installed on default path.. i am using and .net deployment tool ...

addField type image and thumbnail path

Hello, I have a Magento webshop and just created a custom module with the extension (Modulecreator). This module comes with a standard admin interface that can handle file uploads. I found out that if you want to show thumbnails you can use the 'image' field type (addField('myfield', 'image')) instead of the 'file' type field. But now ...

Calling a function of en external javascript file

Hello. In general... How can I make a call on a function of an external javascript file? More specific... In the head tag i have <script type="text/javascript" src="JScript/FontSize.js"></script> The external javascript file, (that i would like to call) FontSize.js contains the following functions. function checkCookie() funct...

How to draw a line between points in google map in Android

Hello I already wrote a program that read locations from android GPS ; each locatin(long , lat) will be sent to remote server to save it and display it in a website map. what I'm trying to do now is to display my path in android by drawing line between the points I didn't find any sufficient answer until this moment! so how this can ...

Python doesn't work properly when I execute a script after using Right Click >> Command Prompt Here

This is a weird bug. I know it's something funky going on with my PATH variable, but no idea how to fix it. If I have a script C:\Test\ and I execute it from within IDLE, it works fine. If I open up Command Prompt using Run>>cmd.exe and navigate manually it works fine. But if I use Windows 7's convenient Right Click on folder >> ...