
Client Path of uploaded file or image?

Here is what I am trying to make. Whenever a user browses a image from a file field. I want to grab the clients path and show it on the page so that user can be certain of what image he choosed, before uploading it. ...

bin directory and PATH

Hello everybody I'm beginner in programming. Can somebody please explain (by simple words) what do I have inside the bin directory of program? What is this PATH environment variable of windows, how does it work (please don't think that I don't know how to use Google, I just want to understand it more clearly)? Thanks in advance for any...

move an object follow a user-defined path on Android

What algorithm or technique should I use to make an object follow the path that the user's drawing on the screen? ...

Drupal Image attach path in view using Customfield "PHP code"

I created a View that gets the title, body and attached image of some Story nodes. I need to use the Customfield "PHP code" to customize the output but the problem is that it's only giving me the id of the image in an array like this: [image_attach_iids] => Array ( [0] => 66 ). So, I it looks like it's giving me the id but I need the fu...

Is there anything like 'whereis' in MATLAB?

I have a line in the code I'm working on like this: feval('func_name', myArg); And it works, but I want to know where func_name is. I can't step into feval to see where it is finding func_name. Instead of (or in addition to) just doing func_name, how can I get MATLAB to tell me where it found it? ...

WPF/C#: Get the endpoint of the a dynamic path and add an object to it

Hi, I am looking for way to get the endpoint of a dynamic path and add on object to it - similar to this kind of pattern: where the red circle is where the endpoint of the given path is located. take note that the path is created thus, instead of this: <Path x:Name="path" Data="M621,508 L582.99987,518.00011 569.99976,550.00046 511.9...

Converting relative paths to absolute paths C#

Hi, I have a program that trawls html files and finds href tags, takes the string inside (the link), and converts it to the file location. The problem comes when the href tag uses relative links, eg: <a href="../../../images/arrow.gif"/> In that case, my program returns: \\server\webroot\folder\foo\bar\mew\..\..\..\images\arrow.gif ...

Include path and weird structure

Hai. I've got site which is really weird, and now is making me troubles. This is simplified structure public_html - adm --- raport ------ raportpdf.php --- class ------ Bonus --------- Bonus_DAO.class.php ------ config.php --- raport.php - index.php So. Index.php is giant loader. It has lines: (but I don't think that they are making ... relative paths not working?

This should be pretty simple but it's not working. I have a file underneath the root of my project. I want to call it like this. GetWorkbook("tplBud806_wRevenue.xls") I publish the project out to the server and try to run it and the server says it can't find it. Could not find file 'c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\tplBud806_wRevenue.xls...

Set path in web.xml relative to WEB-INF

Hi, I want to set a path in my web.xml which is relative to the WEB-INF or the WEB-INF/classes. However, the following code (repository.home) seems to pick up a path relative to c: root drive path on my windows machine here. <servlet> <servlet-name>ContentRepository</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.jackrabbit.servlet.j...

How to define path ..

Hello ! I know it may be simple question to all experienced developer.. I have trapped with the problem that how to set the path in bootstrap file like ...... when i work on local ... i use this path $filenam = "C:/xampp/htdocs/application/public/pdf_profile/$pdfname.html"; when i upload this particular file... i need to make chan...

Regex does not properly break down file path with a version number

Hi, I was using a regex pattern to break down the context path for a servlet. /{1,2}([^/{1,2}]+) This works great for simple paths like /User/folder1/folder2/folder3/. In more real world scenario however there seems to be a problem if one of the folder names contains a dotted version number, such as: /User/username/Library/Tomcat/...

get path to an included file on Classic ASP?

I have a file that is being included, in that file there's Server.MapPath('../_data") which doesn't work since that file included is not in the same Server.MapPath as the file executed. any Idea of how I can get the included file's path? To clarify the situation, I added a picture As you can see, I'm including a file from one si...

My hosting is messing up my urls.

Usually when I get the url of a request i use Request.RawUrl. This gives /default.aspx for example. However recently my host changed something and now the name of the application directory is displayed as well so i get /appdirname/default.aspx. Now why does it give me the directory of the application? It looks as if my website is a su...

File path for base64 image in Android

Hi everyone, In the app I am making, I would like to take a Base64 image that is received from a server, and save it to a file for displaying later. My question is where should I store this file? It needs to be dynamic, and may be empty when the program launches. I am unsure how exactly the file system on Android works, such as how file...

Cygwin make can't find cygwin commands

While trying to install a build server I've run into a funny problem where all cygwin commands can be run from a DOS box but sometimes do not work when called from make. What's even more weird is some make targets, like 'clean', work and others, like 'all', do not. Here's a representative makefile extract. The quoting has hosed the fo...

Long UNC path not working in CMD.EXE on remote machine

Hi, I am trying to connect to a remote server using Plink tool. Both my local and remote machines are Windows. On remote server, I have OpenSSH server installed. I am able to run commands on remote machine but there is some problem with long UNC path, which I noticed today. For example, Working: Plink -ssh -pw xxx user@server cmd.e...

Access parent drive "relatively" on Windows

Is there any "built-in" way to access the parent drive "relatively" on Windows? i.e, instead of my program storing a path like K:\1\2\3 (K:\ being a USB flash drive), I'd like it to store the path without the drive letter, that way if the drive letter happens to change in the future, the stored path will still be valid because it's dyna...

Incorrect Nested Module Routes

I'll preface this with the fact that I'm new to RoR. I have a class that resides in a nested module, ::Physical::Users::User. The code is organized into paths such as app\controllers\physical\users. My problem comes when I try to use form_for like this: <% form_for @user do |f| %> ... <% end %> I get the error ActionView::Templ...

How to check if a path is absolute path or relative path in cross platform way with Python?

UNIX absolute path starts with '/', whereas Windows starts with alphabet 'C:' or '\'. Does python has a standard function to check if a path is absolute or relative? Or do I have to come up with a function using regular expression? ...