
subprocess.Popen() and Shell=True results in error 'The syntax of the command is incorrect'

Hi everyone. I seem to have discovered a problem with subprocess.Popen() on a Windows XP x64 machine. If Popen() is called with Shell=True, instead of a subprocess being created, the error The syntax of the command is incorrect is printed to the command prompt. The problem was discovered when trying to use Mercurial on the comman...

Where does django dev server ( runserver) get its path from?

I recently moved a django app from c:\Users\user\django-projects\foo\foobar to c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\foo\foobar (which is on the python path). I started a new app in the django-projects directory, and added foo.foobar to the INSTALLED_APPS setting. When I try to run the dev server ( runserver) for my new app, I get the e...

Where is the new_post_path, edit_post_path, posts_path ... lies in the source? I need to override them

Where is the new_post_path, edit_post_path, posts_path ... lies in the source? I need to override them. my env: ruby-1.9.2-preview rails-3.0.0.beta3 ...

deploy website to cd - paths

hi what's the best way of porting a static HTML website to a CDROM, to allow users to insert the disk, copy the files off, and then run the site "offline", as it were. what sort of path structure should i use? at the moment all of the assets are like: file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/MySite/index.html which obviously isn't very portable...

Adding system header search path to Xcode

(Posting this question for reference purpose, I'll answer immediately) How to header search paths to Xcode? Especially using include it this syntax: include <myheader.h> Adding path globally to all projects like system headers. Adding path to only to a specific project. ...

How can I supress auto-generation of project folders within Visual Studio?

I have a directory structure that looks like so: MyApplication\Source\Linux\Makefile For VC6, my path used to looked like this: MyApplication\Source\Win32\MyApplication.dsw MyApplication\Source\Win32\MyApplication.dsp I'd like my path for Visual Studio '08 to be the same: MyApplication\Source\Win32\MyApplication.sln MyApplication\...

PHP exec $PATH variable missing elements

When I echo $PATH on my command line, it returns /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/usr/X11/bin When I execute this php code exec('echo $PATH; whoami; less /etc/paths; 2>&1') I get string 'echo $PATH; whoami; less /etc/paths; 2>&1' (length=56) array 0 =>...

require wp-load.php 3 directories back

I'm trying to include a file (/wp-load.php) at the beginning of the /html/ directory. I'm trying to include it from /wp-content/themes/pw-steel-orange/index-load.php, but I always get the error message Warning: require_once(../wp-load.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c07/h01/mnt/1...

Globbing/pathname expansion with colon as separator

How can I convert a string containing glob characters such as /var/lib/gems/*/bin into a colon-separated string of filenames (i.e. PATH compatible) matching the pattern? i.e. echo /var/lib/gems/*/bin will return /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin I want /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin:/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin instead. The obv...

PHP system calls and $PATH in OS X

I'm trying to get PHP to make system calls on OS X. However, it doesn't seem to be able to find anything that's included in the system path. When I run... putenv("PATH={$_SERVER["PATH"]}:/usr/local/bin"); ... just before the system call, it works. This is not a practical solution, since the code that executes the system call is a plug...

Getting an Xcode project's resources in c++

I'm coding a simple game using SFML in Xcode. I have a .png of a block I want to use in a sprite. At the moment, I have to type the full path to the image in the code snippet below: sf::Image blockImage; if (!blockImage.LoadFromFile("/Users/me/Development/Tetris/images/block.png")) { cerr << "Could not load block image." << endl; ...

Different types of authors in Wordpress?

I want to make a website about illustrated books. There are two different kind of authors for a book: writers and illustrators For each writer I want to make a page that lists the books for that writer. The path would be: etc The same for each illustrator: ...

c++ process start problem with path

I'm using process::start(PATH); to open up the process. The problem is, sometimes it finds the file and sometimes it doesn't. For example, this works: process::start("C:\text.exe"); But this doesn't work: process::start("C:\New Folder\text.exe"); Any idea what the difference is? ...

Setting native library path

My native library resides at C:\Mywork. How do I set the native library path towards C:\Mywork using both command prompt line and the path variable? ...

Delphi TPath.GetTempPath result is cropped

Hi all! I am using Delphi 2010 and my program wants to get the system's temp path. I am using TPath.GetTempPath and everything is working fine... at least for me and my coworkers. But on some customer machines this method returns a cropped path which is (of course) not existing. I found out that the problem seems to be the result from u...

How to convert a Hadoop Path object into a Java File object

Hi Is there a way to change a valid and existing Hadoop Path object into a useful Java File object. Is there a nice way of doing this or do I need to bludgeon to code into submission? The more obvious approaches don't work, and it seems like it would be a common bit of code void func(Path p) { if (p.isAbsolute()) { File f = new ...

What is the path to your apps "assets" folder in Android?

I am developing an Android App and would like to have a video file (mp4) bundled inside the .apk so that when the app is launched I can play a short intro video. Unfortunately I'm having trouble figuring out where in my project folder I should place this video file, and also how to access it (the path to the file). I am using videoView...

Getting path of an R script

Is there a way to programmatically find the path of an R script inside the script itself? I am asking this because I have several scripts that use RGtk2 and load a GUI from a .glade file. In these scripts I am obliged to put a setwd("path/to/the/script") instruction at the beginning, otherwise the .glade file (which is in the same dire...

Cannot open include file "jni.h", No such file or directory exists

I am implementing the simple JNI example , as given in At the second last step, when the C source is being compiled, the following command is used--- C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21> cl -IC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\include -IC:\Program Files\Java\jdl1.6.0_21\include\win32 ...

Visual studio 2008 creates a additional bin\debug folder although I have no pre/post build events defined?

I have this structure: Projects |-bin |-Project1 |-Project2 .....|-crapBin When I build my solution from project1+2 all the built binaries goes into the bin. But additionally some binaries are also put into the crapBin folder although I have not set this path as output path of any project. Furthermore I have not defined any pre/post b...