
Can we mention path in installer

I am using c# windows installer to install a service. Can I mention the path where that installer has to install the service? ...

Path for image files in project

I have an image in my project that I want to go along with the program. If I was going to use something like BitmapImage() what would I use for the path? I don't want to use the c:\blah blah blah because that could change depending on were it is on each PC. Is it called a "relative path"? ...

Changing the directory where .pyc files are created

Is there a way to change the directory where .pyc file are created by python interpreter ? I saw two PEPs about that subject (0304 and 3147), but none seems to be implemented in the default interpreter (I'm working with python3). Did I miss something ? Thanks ! ...

How to give application path in C#.NET ?

I am writing the necessary business logic in C# methods by using class library in .net. In each class of class library I am writing single method which servers the specific purpose. My project folder containing the class library is stored on F: drive. I have added one folder named XML to class library & added the XML file in that. Now ho...

Python module search path

I have a project like that : foo/ | | bar/ | | | | | | with doing import bar.module1 and doing import module2. This works using python 2.6 but not with python 3.1 (ImportError: No module named module2) Why did the behaviour change ? How to restore it ? ...

Change xcode's environmental path variable

I migrated from iphoneOS3.1.2.sdk to iphoneOS4.0.sdk and had to re-reference all frameworks. The old OpenAL reference is getting stuck in the build script as I see the new one but the old one is also there: Ld build/Debug-iphonesimulator/ normal i386 cd /Users/yuri/Desktop/AweTrainGameEngine ...

NSLocalizedString Path

Is there a way to define a custom path of where the strings for NSLocalizedString are read from? I am aware you can define what filename to read from, but I am trying to make a user-editable system that will be stored in the Application Support folder. If there is no way to change the path it reads from, then is there a low-level class b...

Is there QPath::Combine in QT4?

I need a similar to .NET method for safely combining path parts without worrying for platform specifics of the path separator. Is there such class and method in QT4? Something like: QPath::Combine ...

Need help getting this auto-download header to show the right path

Hi folks, I have a page with mp3s that are playable from a player, and there are also links to download the songs. When the user clicks on the download link, it needs to open the download dialog instead of opening a media player, so it was recommended to me to use this header script: includes/auto-download.php: <?php $path = $_GET['pa...

How does this zend framework path work?

Hello, I'm using the zend community server on windows vista. I'm following the tutorial in the book Zend Framework 1.8 by Keith Pope. $this->_view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/css/main.css'); is not finding the main.css file (404). The actual file path is htdocs/myapp/public/css/main.css . When i take out the slash and chang...

Ruby on Rails Paths checking

Hello, sorry for my english, I have worked in a helper to create an objects tree based in :has_many associations and it's working fine, but I have a problem with links: some objects don't have an edit action to create a link (edit_object_path object_id). How can I to know, if an object has edit action? Regards. ...

PHPUnit inclusion path issues

This one's got me stumped. I've been working with PHPUnit for a couple of months now, so I'm not that green...but I look forward to being pointed in the direction of the obvious mistake I'm making! The initialisation process outlined below works fine if I run the "app" from a browser - but PHPUnit is choking...can any one put me out of m...

Win32 Perl - Telling the difference between files and folders using a passed directory argument

Hi, I'm writing a script in perl strawberry. The first thing it needs to be able to do is take a path argument and get a directory listing for that path, and it needs to be able to distinguish between files and folders. I read some tutorials on the subject and wrote the script below, but it only works when I give it the path that the s...

Google map plotting

I was wondering if anyone has any ideas/tutorials on how to plot various points on a google map, and save the points in a database with custom marker titles. I want something similar to , where i can actually draw on a map and mark out paths and such. ...

XAML Path sizing and positioning

I am trying to design a template for a TabItem using paths and rectangles. The sides of the tab layout are paths to accommodate curves in the design. I am having a problem with getting the sides to line up/resize correctly. Here's my XAML: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Path Stretch="UniformToFill" Fill="#FF000000" Data="F1 ...

what do i need to do to make my c++ program run by only entering the name on my unix system

Possible Duplicate: Code wont run. [not] I have written and compiled a program and i want to make it so that from shell i can just type programname to make it run instead of going to the directory the the program is in and typing ./ before the program name. If this is possible please let me know. ...

Bash script absolute path with OSX

I am trying to obtain the absolute path to the currently running script on OS X. I saw many replies going for readlink -f $0. However since OS X's readlink is the same as BSD's, it just doesn't work (it works with GNU's version). Any suggestions for an out of the box solution to this? ...

Find LineSegment that contains a Point

I have a Path and when user click on a segment I have to split it into two segments. I have the point where user click but I can't find a method to get the LineSegment that contains that point. I don't have to find the Path element... but the LineSegment of a collection of Segment that create the PathGeometry of the Path clicked. How ...

How to get TortoiseSVN to propose a checkout destination folder path 'intelligently'

I have three systems each with a TortoiseSVN installation accessing a common repository either on our intranet or via the web. When I choose a folder in the repo browser and right-click and select 'checkout' I get what seems to be various proposed destination paths despite playing around with the setting 'Default checkout path' in 'Dialo...

Are Extended-Lenght Paths safe to use?

I just stumbled on this article on MSDN that says a path can be 259 characters + NUL termination, but if you prefix it with "\\?\" WinAPI allows you to use the maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. Eager to see it working I tried using that prefix from Explorer (On XP SP3) but it doesn't work at all (on any path). If you...