
How to get the root path of a pylons website

I'm using pylons to build websites. I want to write some files to a directory under the root of the project, but I don't konw how can I get the root path(project path) in the controller? ...

storing file path using windows explorer browser in python

Dear All, I have written some encryption code in python that takes raw input message from user and then encrypts and decrypts it using AES. Now i want to enhance the working and i want that i can open the windows explorer from my code and browse to any file on my computer, select it and when i press OK button the path to file is stored ...

How can I check if the content of a folder was changed

I need a procedure that checks if new folders/files were added to a given selected folder. I need this procedure to run upon application start up so the processing time at this stage is important. I guess I can make a log of current state, log of the previous state, sort and compare them. First I need to know if there is another way. ...

Why the links are not working when moving a page outside the root directory?

My website is in the root directory, which is / I am using this: Dim appPath As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath Dim directory As String = appPath & "/upload/" & Left(TableName, 2) & "/" to get the path and it's working very well. But when I create a new sub-folder and copy some ...

Accessing the Java application without context path

Hi guys - we need to have a context path to deploy the Java application and access it through the browser. We have nearly 10 applications on Oracle Application server. We would like to work our applications without context path. i.e.; we would like the application server to look at the corresponding application based on the domain name. ...

PHP: confused about file permissions, cannot unlink setup file?

I created a setup.php to handle MySQL table generation, and as an obvious precaution I added a way to delete it after it was finished. As using unlink(__FILE__) is impossible to do, I added deletion code to main.php?action=deleteconfig to unlink the file. setup.php has permissions 777, but it gives me a permission denied error when I un...

Codeigniter multiple file upload paths

I'm building an app which needs to take uploaded files and put them in separate directories for thumbnails and fullsize images. But $config['upload_path'] = './uploads/'; only allows me to select one upload path. How do I define two or more upload paths? ...

Is there a method to determine if a file path is nested within a directory path in .Net

I want to determine if a folder contains a file, when both are specified by a path. At first glance this seems simple. Just check if the file path starts with the directory path. However, this naive check ignores several issues: Paths may be relative or absolute Paths may use the alternate directory separator Paths may use inconsisten...

Actuate - Class path set

How to set environment Classpath in Actuate iServer, the OS installed in the Server which we access through Putty is SunOS 5.8 The purpose for setting the env classpath is to archive old files (reports) from the encyclopedia of Actuate. ...

BeautifulSoup chokes on paths with back slashes

I wrote a script to automate the process of creating an image gallery. I used os.path.join() for creating paths to new image directories. I only relized after creating all the galleries that using os.path.join() was not such a good idea as it creates paths with \ (on windows) which causes problems with firefox (it doesn't seem to unders...

Is there a way to programmatically convert other Xaml elements to path elements?

In Blend, it is possible to convert certain Xaml elements to Path, using Object->Path->Convert to Path option. Is there some API to do the same programmatically, in a WPF application? Thanks ...

WPF Drawing arrow heads along a path

Just wondering how I might go about drawing arrow heads along a path. The path will change direction and go through several different points. The arrow heads are designed to show the user which direction along the path they need to travel. I've tried to use a brush but it didn't work as I need the arrow heads to orientate them selfs al...

How can I include Perl modules with paths relative to the program?

I have a Perl script which uses installed packages. One is a Perl package another one is Perl XS package. Now I want to call this script but use not installed packages, but packages with the same name by path. I used perl -I /home/.../lib but it doesn't work How can I do it? ...

RadEditor UploadPaths Absolute File Paths

I am trying to set the uploadpaths for all of the RadEditor File Managers to the same absolute file path, and also share the same path across a couple of Solutions on the same machine. So, I wrote a method to get the path from the Web.Config and set all the Properties on the FileManagerDialogConfiguration objects (UploadPaths, ViewPaths...

How to add additional dlls to a .pro file?

hi, am using visual studio for my project, and i need to include a lib/dll in my application. i have included the lib for the same and compiles fine, however when i try to run it, gives me an error saying that it could not find the specified dll, adding this path in the env variable PATH solves the issue, but i do not want to do it every...

Route IIS request to parent folder resource

I would like to create an page in my site within a particular folder e.g. at I would then like any requests that are routed to sub-folders of /go to actually route the request to this page. i.e. a request to should actually end up being handled by /go/mypage.aspx. (Indeed, it ...

Drupal Attachments (FileField) file path

What function in Drupal gets file attachment path? Edit: the attachments provided by Upload module in system section. But since you mentioned there may be another way around it. Maybe I could achieve may goals using FileField module so if you could tell me how to get a direct link of a file uploaded by FileField module that may also be ...

django url path problem

I feel like there is a easy answer to this but I don't know it. I have a app that uses base template with a html link to the user's home page '../home/', but once you get 2 levels into the site, that link can't get back to the home page level. For example, the user logs in and goes to When a user selects a book (...

Smooth Path traversing in C#

Hello. I'm looking for a C# implementation of a Spline, not to draw it, but to traverse it. Basically I have a 2D game and I want an object to move on a predefined path. Any ideas how to implement this ? Thanks, SW ...

How to store directory path in the DB?

I'm trying to store directory path in the database (as we'll be using them in our project very often) and stuck on a question - which way of storing directory paths is more favorable: /my/directory/path/ - with an ending slash /my/directory/path - without an ending slash my/directory/path something else? Any suggestions are greatly a...