
Solutions for working with multiple branches in ASP.Net

At work, we are often working on multiple branches of our product at one time. For example, right now, we have a maintenance branch, a branch with code just going to QA, and a branch for a new major initiative, that won't be merged for some time now. Our web project is set up to use IIS, so every time we switch to a different branch, we...

Install tool to create virtual directory on IIS

What install tool can I use to create Virtual Directory on IIS? OpenSource, free or to do in C#. ...

How to host multiple webapps using only 2 Virtual Directories

my shared hosting only allows me to create 2 virtual directories. and i want to host multiple webapps... say an mvc blog, a forum, a personal site etc... isnt there any other way of doing this? cant i simply just ftp the blog folder to one of my virtual directories and then access it online?? ...

IIS API - Create virtual directories?

Just looking for the relevant documentation. An example is not necessary, but would be appreciated. We have a situation where we are having to create 100s of virtual directories manually, and it seems like automating this would be a good way to make the process more efficient for now. Perhaps next year we can rework the server env...

Cookie problems with virtual directories in IIS (deleting unwanted cookies)

I've just had a small nightmare with unwanted cookies somehow being created. I swear my code never created a cookie in a certain virtual directory, it just read it, but somehow my browser ended up with a root cookie and a copy of this cookie for the vdir too. Which meant the two values were separate and did not both get updated. Most ar...

Virtual Directory in ASP.NET project

In our web application we have a directory which resides outside of the project. On IIS that's no problem to do, but can I do that also in my project in Visual Studio? Edit: My project is running on File System, and not on Local IIS ...

Best way for multi-language sites virtual Directories

I have a site that will ultimately support 4 languages and 2 countries (US & Canada, English and Spanish) I'm wondering what's the best way to set up the directory structure? Right now, I have a root site called This will take you to a page where you choose your country and language. Ideally, I want to have the directory l...

Virtual Directory pointing to UNC share

I have an app that uploads documents to the server through the standard When sent my application to the production server, I found out that they had the server load balanced. My solution to this was to place the upload directory into a network share and then create a virtual directory pointing to the share. I have set permissions on ...

How do you get the name of the current virtual directory using ASP Classic?

How do you get the name of the current virtual directory using ASP Classic? In ASP.NET you can use Request.ApplicationPath() to find this. For example, let's say you have a URL like this: http://localhost/virtual_directory/subdirectory/file.asp In ASP.NET, Request.ApplicationPath() would return /virtual_directory ...

Sub Folder is affected by root web.config

It should be an easy question , I am building a site under IIS , For one part of it inside a subdirectory like \blog I turned it to a vitual directory . the root folder has its own web.config and the blog sub Folder has its own . in the root's web.config I used : <pages theme="DefaultTheme"> and the sub folder seems to be affected ...

Sharing authentication between IIS applications on same domain

Hi, I have an IIS website on and a virtual directory at How can I use the authentication cookie from in my virtual directory? ...

httpHandler works for virtual directory but not similarly configured website

I am setting up a 3rd party website which makes heavy use of httpHandlers. When configured as a virtual directory under Default Site on a 2003/IIS6 machine, everything works as expected. When configured as a standalone site on the same machine, pointing to the same directory and web.config however, httpHandlers do not work (404). I have...

Creating virtual application/directory in physical folder on IIS/ASP.NET

What I want to achieve is simple: I have a website, say "my-site" - http://localhost In this website I have a (physical) folder "foo" - http://localhost/foo Inside the "foo"-folder I want to have a virtual directory (application?) called "upload", so the URL becomes http://localhost/foo/upload Notice that "my-site" is an empty websit...

Browser history cleared after navigating to a pdf via href

Ok, hopefully I have worded this in a way that you can understand. I'll start off by saying my website has a landing page of On PageOne.aspx, I have a link to another page: On PageTwo.aspx, I have an link to the following: <a href="

IIS Config file in virtual directory

I have multiple websites that all have the same code, but different app settings. I want to place my app settings in a separate configuration file that is located in a virtual directory. This will allow me to have a single copy of all of the code shared across all of the sites with a different virtual directory for each site. Unfortuna...

401.1 Error when accessing virtual directory pointing to network share

IIS5 is running on SERVER1. One of the virtual directories in IIS, myfiles, is pointing to "A shared location on another computer", //SERVER2/myfilesshare When I try to access the page: http://SERVER1/myfiles ... I get the error: You are not authorized to view this page HTTP 401.1 - Unauthorized: Logon Failed Internet Information S...

IIS 6.0 Access Permissions to Remote Share

When setting up a virtual directory under IIS using a UNC path to a remote share, what user identity should I be expecting to see the read request to the share come under? I've setup the above scenario and configured the user under 'Connect As' as a known user who has permissions on the remote share, which I checked with Windows Explore...

Where has my user installed my web setup project?

I have a web setup project, and a web service project in visual studio 08 In my web setup project i allow the user to choose his virtual directory name and by the end of the installation i have an installer class in my web service project that "wants" to do some stuff such as opening a web page with the web service home page installed. ...

IIS 6 with wildcard mapping and UNC virtual directory problem

Hi. On our production servers (win 2003 with IIS6 and load balanced with an F5 BIGIP), we have a problem when introducing wildcardmapping on IIS6. We use .net Framework 3.5 SP1. The issue manifests itself as by the server only sometimes serving the images stored on a virtual directory pointing to a UNC path. Sometimes the images are di...

IIS virtual directory from web.config

I have a IIS problem that I think this blog gives me a fix for: To resolve it, Right Click on the virtual directory - select properties and then click on "Create" next to the "Application" Label and the textbox. It will automatically create the "application" using the virtual directory's name. Now the application can be accessed. ...