
Setting up PayPal to allow my site's members to charge others

I have a site where members write specialized articles. I'd like to allow my members the option of putting up a PayPal button to charge their readers for these articles. Basically, I'd like to set it up so that a member can choose to charge for content or not. If they choose to charge for an article, then their reader must pay via P...

Paypal send personal details to checkout page

Hi Anybody know how to send values like Name, email, city, country, phone etc to populate the new account form on the paypal checkout page? I am taking billing and shipping address on my site only. just want to send the same to the checkout page so that the user won't have to fill it up again on that page. I am using the paypal ipn cla...

Android Paypal One time Payment

Hi All, Does any one know, or is it possible to do one time payment, with paypal in android ? Consider the senario. Buyer purchases installs free application. Clicks on paypal module and makes in-app payment, purchases feature successfully. Buyer deletes application. All information including the feature purchase enty in database is...

Paypal Payflow pro library

I already have an express checkout integrated with my Codeigniter application. Now I want to integrate seamless paypal where I collect the CC information and pass it to Paypal (via backend) and once everything is approved, my application shows that to the user. All this with out ever going to Paypal's website. I know that Paypal gives a...

Can i make products on Paypal site

I offer hosting to only 2 clients for 2 diff products. I don't want to build the site and tell them to pay. Is is possible that on my paypal account i create two products like Product1 - monthly subscription 20 product 2 - monnthly yearly subscription 150 So that i can just send them the link and it automatically gets deducted from t...

API-based solutions for sending payments to people without bank accounts

I'm looking for inexpensive ways to send payments to hundreds or thousands of individual contractors, even if they do not have a bank account. Currently I only need to support payment in the USA, but may eventually be international. What solutions exist that expose an API that I can submit payment details to? Or at least submit a batch...

return to merchent problme in paypal.

Hi, I am using paypal standard as my payment gateway. My problem is that, in Paypal Standard payment method, I have done my code as below: When user click on return to merchant button from paypal then user return to the site with order data , and on that page my order entry will be inserted in my DB. So my problem occur when someone p...

Help manual of google checkout and paypal.

I'm trying to find help manuals of Google Checkout and PayPal with screenshots, online. ...

Validating Masspay IPN

Is there a way to validate the ipn post by paypal from a mass pay api call? ...

how to insert a verify code HTML Standard Paypal

i have a product , product infor was save in table , and have a field verify_code, i will create a string by md5 and insert to this field, and i want send this verify_code to paypal then i can check response return from paypal if verify_code == response verify_code will do next action how i can do it with html standard paypal? ...

Symfony plugin development

Can anyone point me towards a good tutorial/documentation on writing symfony plugins? I'm trying to write a plugin for paypal using doctrine and sf 1.4. Thanks ...

Preventing Spoofing with Paypal

I have a scenario where i need to have a user checkout through PayPal and then once we receive the payment then we create a membership record in our membership site. The PayPal requires a "return" field when you submit the form button that will take the user back to our page once the order has been successfully processed. On that page ...

paypal express checkout integration in asp classic

i am trying to figure this out for almost a week now.. with no success.. i am coding in ASP and would love to receive some help. i am following the steps from paypal wizard here: i am collecting all the information on my website i just want to pass it to paypal when the bu...

Is Paypal In-App model for Android legal on Android Market?

Hi, As you all might be knowing that Paypal has launched an in-App purchase model for Anroid. I will like to know whether this is legally allowed in Android market or not. I know this may not be the best place to ask this but being developers if anyone has developed an application which uses Paypal In-App and is on Android Market then...

Shopping cart in php and how to integrat PayPal in it?

Hello Friends! I want to develop a shopping cart in php. I also want to integreate online payment facility using paypal. Which allows payment thrugh credit card and decbit card. So Please tell me how to integreate paypal in my own shopping cart to achive secure transaction? Thank You! ...

Security header is not valid - using curl php

Hi all, Im implementing the Express Checkout, Paypal API using PHP. I have no problem with the first step:SetExpressCheckout. I a have awk=success. But in method GetExpressCheckout I get "Security header is not valid". I try to figure out the problem and i think found out maybe it was the curl not working well.. What i did i copy th...

How to calculate paypal fees, 2.9% +0.30 doesn't work for some cases variable FEEAMT in checkout method doesn't match

Hello to everyone, thanks for reading this. I am implementing paypal checkout in my website it is working but i want to make a simple fees calculator for paypal in order to help the user, i went to paypal and they said their fees amount is 2.9% +0.30 fixed, but it is not working for some cases, for example: deposit $1.34 2.9 % = $0.04 ...

How to quickly integrate with multiple merchants from one app

Hi folks, I'm trying to write a free mobile app that would make payments merchant-agnostic for the customer. Context: Most web-apps are merchant centric and allow for multiple payment types from the customer. But the problem I'm trying to additionally solve is to have, say, a mobile app that is capable of paying as many merchants as p...

PayPal does not return me my information

Hi guys I am using following paypal return value http://localhost:8080/projectName/sucess?id=1 but when transaction completes it does not return me value of id it return only http://localhost:8080/projectName/sucess we have call sucess servlet after paypal transaction completes Please help me ...

Paypal return URL - using GET parameters?

Here's some simple code I'm using to test the Paypal Website Payments Standard upload thingy. My return URL is http://mysite/index.php?module=store&show=order_confirm I go through the payment process, and when I get to the end and it returns me to the page, it instead just returns me to index.php (i.e. without the extra parameters)....