
paypal payment integration from page

can anyone detail the particulars that are required to send data collected from a web page using that has a bunch of text boxes for first name, last name, address... item price, quantity, total price... to paypal for processing and settlement? i have never worked with paypal so i am assuming paypal will get this info and ...

PHP: How to check for response code?

Hi, I'm a relative PHP newbie implementing a PayPal IPN listener and all seems to be working fine, except I dont really know how to check for a response code. I've tried something ugly with cURL but it doesn't work at all (I'm not understanding cURL). I've tried this piece of code that I grabbed from somewhere on the net: $fp = fsock...

paypal subcription: Can I make the first payment different ammount?

I am currently working on Paypal Payment Pro and need to have a special recursive payment. In this case. My client want to make the first month payment is 0, and in following months, the payment will be 5$ each. Is there any way or document about this? I personally don't know what it's called so I can't google around. Thank you very m...

PayPal Fetch Token

Hello, I am using the PayPal API for Express Checkout Integration. Upon setting the Express Checkout, one gets to a page with a token, like this page: The token looks more or less like that ACK=Failure&L_ERRORCODE0=81002&L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Unspecified%20Method&L_LONGMESSAGE0=Method%20Specified%20is...

Paypal subscription trial extra charge?

I tried to implement paypal pro for my site. Which will let user enter their info and charge 1$ for the trial, and 10$ for the recursive fee. But when I check my merchant account, it show up 1$ and 10$ in separate order, but within 1 day (it charge 10$ that I don't want) PROFILEID=I%2d0xxxxxx1HCKEF &PROFILESTATUS=PendingProfile &TRANSA...

PayPal integration woes: PDT hangs on return to site

Hi, I'm implementing PayPal IPN & PDT. After some headache & time at the sandbox, IPN is working well and PDT returns the correct $_GET data. The implementation is as follows: Pass user ID in form to PayPal User buys product and triggers IPN which updates database for given user ID PDT returns transaction ID when user returns to site ...

Can I send a variable to paypal, and have it post it back to me when payment completes?

Ive been using express checkout API to convert people's accounts on my site to premium accounts after paying. The only problem with it is that it doesn't send the user back to the site until they click the button to return, and it updates their permission when that happens. About 40% of the users don't seem to do that.... so their accoun...

PayPal testing without using Sandbox

I am developing a website in PHP that accepts PayPal payments. It uses the IPN from PayPal and has a custom payment template etc etc. It all works great through the Sandbox server but when it comes to showing my client, I don't want to have to tell them to login to/create a Sandbox account, create a buyer account and make a payment - h...

Paypal integration with php codeigniter...

How to get started with Paypal integration with php codeigniter? Where should i start? Any suggestion? ...

PayPal IPN Security

PayPal IPN sends a POST request with a variable number of fields to the notify URL, in order to confirm that the POST request is legit we need to resubmit the same request along with a additional cmd=_notify-validate field to PayPal, which then replies VERIFIED or INVALID. My question is, why do we need to resend the request to PayPal? ...

How do i integrate paypal in my website? Java

Hello, I want to integrate paypal in my java web application. I saw that they offer many methods to accomplish this. But i want my visitors to remain on my site only. My friend told me that Paypal offers webservice. But i can't seem to find any documentation on Paypal site. If anybody could help me with this, i would be really very grat...


Hey all... I'm trying to figure out how to use PayPal's IPN and I've run into a wall. I want a buyer to be forwarded to a success page after making a purchase, and I want that page to show the details of their transaction. I choose IPN instead of the PDT because I also want to do some other behind the scenes stuff with their data. Any...

paypal sandbox to original paypal

Hi I used paypal sandbox to test my code and my ipn is working. but Now i need to go to original paypal account. My confusion is in sandbox we make buyers and sellers account. and we get [email protected] like seller account. is it needed in original account? if needed how to make it? if not needed which email address shd ...

Question about notify url of Paypal

Hello, Paypal returns me successfully to the return url that i specify while creating buy now button. But, now i am confused. How do i retrieve details about the transaction that happened on Paypal? And i also want to set some database values on the return url. But i am afraid if my user without paying to paypal goes to that url, then he...

Setting the country and language when redirecting to login page of paypal

After having aquired a token via express checkout I redirect the user to paypal using this tag: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="1; url=;lc=FR&amp;country=FR&amp;token=EC-sometoken"&gt;&lt;/meta&gt; Even if I set country=FR and lc=FR I always get the login page displaye...

changing payment in paypal to in drupal site

Hi, I'm using paypal payment method in my druapl site, i want to change that to how can i change the existing paypal payment method to in my drupal site please help me Thanks ...

Confirm accepting a payment!

I want to make a web application were people are paying money (for example through mastercard/visa/paypal etc.). My question is: can it somehow be made that the money transfers are made only after a longer period when a condition is met in my web application. ...

Paypal donate button for my personal site

Hi Experts, I am using 3.5 and C#. I have a pay pal account, I want to associate a Donate button to my Pay Pal account. I have checked pay pal site, under Merchant service > Website Payment Standards ... I am getting only three buttons [Buy Now, Add to Cart & Subscribe], but their is no "DONATE" button that I can use for my per...

Paypal IPN call back with parameter

Possible Duplicate: Can I send a variable to paypal, and have it post it back to me when payment completes? I want to automate a process after user have made a payment. 1) User enter details on forms and submit, the session will pass unique ID to paypal 2) After user complete the paypal payment, unique ID is then pass back to...

how to get transaction id from shopping cart to show up in the Paypal Transaction Details

Hai, i am trying to fetch transaction id from shopping cart site. how can i do this? Thanks. ...