
Paypal IPN Confirmation Screen immediately after redirect without reload

Hi I made a script for IPN which works great but how can i immediately notify the user? I mean paypal redirects the customer to a custom-page i can define, simultanously my ipn.php checked the status, BUT how can i immediately tell the customer on this custom-page that it was successful or not. this custom-page does somehow has to k...

how do redirect values to other page without click event in html. Below code is fine IE. But Not in Mozila

I have implemented paypal in my web page. Process is 'given inputs are redirect to other page(2 nd page) which have to get that input and redirect to paypal page(third page). Here we submit data on first page. value pass to second page(in this page user interaction not allowed) after pass to third page.It works fine in IE . But Not In Mo...

Paypal as in-app Payment model in Android?

Hi, I am integrating Paypal into my application for in-app purchase. I am using Paypal Mobile Checkout for this purpose. I will like to know whether Android Market will approve this kind of application which uses a payment gateway other than Google Checkout. Can anyone let me know where I can find information related to this? Thank...

PayPal IPN validation

Following is from PayPal Order Management Integration Guide: Processing the PayPal Response to Your Postback PayPal responds to your postbacks with a single word in the body of the response: VERIFIED or INVALID. When you receive a VERIFIED postback response, perform the following checks on data in the IPN: Check that the payment_...

Cannot send value to paypal

PayPal IPN sends a notification to your script directly. Since the notification is coming from PayPal - NOT the customer that placed the order - My Login session doesn't exits this context .Therefore,all my login data doesn't exist in the session.I need my login session values to update my DB with paypal ipn value.How should i mentain my...

ASP.NET MVC: Triggering an action before posting to Paypal payment gateway

I'm in the middle of developing an e-commerce site that is using Paypal as it's payment gateway. All I want to do is run some code before the user heads off to Paypal to pay for their order, but I have no idea how to do it. The user should click a submit button, changes are made (in this case, the status of the order), and then the use...

Cannot send value to paypal

Hi PayPal IPN sends a notification to your script directly. Since the notification is coming from PayPal - NOT the customer that placed the order - My Login session doesn't exits this context .Therefore,all my login data doesn't exist in the session.I need my login session values to update my DB with paypal ipn value.How should i mentai...

A question about paypal IPN

i download sample code from run and get TIMESTAMP=2010%2d05%2d11T04%3a42%3a06Z&CORRELATIONID=ac15852d1e958&ACK=Failure&VERSION=51%2e0&BUILD=1268624&L_ERRORCODE0=10002&L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Security%20error&L_LONGMESSAGE0=Security%20header%20is%20not%20v...

how to pass 2 custom variables to paypal in php

hi, how to pass 2 custom variables to paypal in php any one know, help me please....... ...

Google checkout invoice through API

Hey all I am trying to find a way of sending email invoice via google checkout's API (and also in PayPal) I can't find how. or at least how to generate a new order (money request) thank you ...

Get details from paypal?

Is it possible to have a user sign into mywebsite via paypal and have the website retrieve the user's paypal postal address? ...

paypal ipn simple question

I want to ask just a thing. I am using paypal for the first time. not by buttons. the data i sends through html page , is it returned by the ipn? i am using a paypal class and this is my custom data: $this->paypal_class->add_field('cemail', $this->session->userdata('check_email')); $this->paypal_class->add_field('fname', $this->sess...

paypal ipn not working

The paypal ipn i set is sending the messsege in my site, which i get from paypal ipn history: mc_gross=39.99&invoice=5f8907aea6ab76a1bc92c761211575a7&protection_eligibility=Eligible&address_status=confirmed&payer_id=EMQD7SB7STQQ2&tax=0.00&address_street=1 Main St&payment_date=13:11:02 May 12, 2010 PDT&payment_status=Completed&c...

Is there a shareware making app for Objective-C Desktop Mac apps

Hi guys, I was wondering if there were any libraries out there to allow Mac desktop developers on Objective-C to create shareware applications, similar to sharify for Air. Perhaps through use of Paypal etc. ...

Paypal Standard option does not appear on the Checkout page

After I fill in all the information in the backend of my Magento installation as described here, the Paypal option is not available on the One-Page-Checkout. Does anyone have an idea as to why this can be happening? Cache and Var have been emptied and I tried it on the standard and on my own theme. Kind regards, Avalon ...

Using Paypal Adaptive Payments API like Kickstarter uses Amazon Payments?

I'm wondering if it's possible to use Paypal Adaptive Payments in the way that are using Amazon Payments to collect/fundraise. For example: A user sets up a project. People pledge $5 to that project, and if it meets a goal, the system then automatically extracts the money from everyone, and puts it into user who created ...

PayPal: IPN vs PDT

Hi, I'm having some trouble choosing between PayPal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN) and Payment Data Transfer (PDT). Basically, users buy a one-off product on my site, pay on PayPal, and return to my site. I understand how IPN works but I'm now seeing that I might be able to trigger the various actions that take place after a succ...

How to deny payment via PayPal IPN?

Hello all, I need to create dynamic 'Pay Now' buttons on my site, and PayPal says the way to do this is via an HTML FORM with preset variables for the price, currency, and item of the purchase. I use PayPal IPN to notify me when a payment has complete. However, what's to stop someone from modifying the query parameters of the Pay Now ...

PayPal IPN on port other than 80

Has anybody tried using Paypal's IPN on a port other than 80? I'm trying to specify a URL like but the IPN request isn't getting through. If I hit the URL directly from my browser it works fine. ...

Paypal and Cocoa

Hello, I want to have a donation box via paypal in a sheet. When the sheet comes down a webview within the sheet loads the donation box website. I want to close the sheet when the user has completed the donation. Any ideas? Thanks in advance ...