
Preserving case in HTTP headers with Ruby's Net:HTTP

Although the HTTP spec says that headers are case insensitive; Paypal, with their new adaptive payments API require their headers to be case-sensitive. Using the paypal adaptive payments extension for ActiveMerchant ( it seems that although the headers are set in all caps, they are sent in ...

Is anyone using Paypal's Adaptive Payments API with Ruby?

I'm running into multiple issues trying to access Paypal's Adaptive Payment API from Ruby. The main issue I ran into initially was that Paypal requires their HTTP headers to be in all caps but Net::HTTP does not preserve the case of HTTP headers (it stores them 'downcased' and then outputs them 'capitalized' -- so if you set the header ...

Masspay and MySql

Hi, I am testing Paypal's masspay using their 'MassPay NVP example' and I having difficulty trying to amend the code so inputs data from my MySql database. Basically I have user table in MySql which contains email address, status of payment (paid,unpaid) and balance. CREATE TABLE `users` ( `user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_i...

My pay pal button will not link to pay pal. It only refreshes page, why?

I have the following code in my registration page to go to a paypal button. But when I click on the button it just refreshes the page. Is their something I am missing? I should be able to include a paypal button on an aspx page right? <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server"> </asp:Content> ...

Getting customer name and email from PayPal ExpressCheckout API in DoExpressCheckoutPayment call

I am trying to retrieve the customer info (for license generation) after the purhase has been authorized with PayPal ExpressCheckout. Currently it only returns details on the payment, but not the buyer. I am using InstantPayment so that the purchase is authorized immediately. Is this possible, or is the only possibility to use GetExpres...

ARe there any open source projects for integrating pay pal with

ARe there any open source projects for integrating pay pal with ...

Magento with paypal standard?

Things goes like this: I've read a lot about the Paypal Standard integrate with Magento... the problem here is that I can't get the paypal standard button to show up when check out or in the Payment method form. I tried to disable everything and enable everything but the paypal payment didn't show up any thing. Even on the payment meth...

PayPal return URL

Here's the code for my Paypal button: <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB"> <input type="hidden" name="button_subtype" value="produc...

Using the Paypal sandbox to test an application

I recently set up Paypal payments standard on my web app and things are working fine. I am able to use Paypal sandbox to test and things work the way I expect. However, I would like to send out the app to my beta testers and allow them to test making payments without actually using their Paypal accounts or credit cards. I can create s...

Code sample for Paypal subscription with ASP.NET

Is there a code sample or a really good article that talks about integrating Paypal subscriptions with a ASP.NET website? I'd like to provide a 30 day trial period during which they are not charged (even if they cancel). If they choose to continue, they are charged every month. The paypal documentation is not very helpful and I've yet t...

Is there a mode for different Paypal IPN?

I have a donation script at this moment where the user inputs the donation amount on the Paypal website. The problem with this is that some people donate $0.30 which equates to $0 after Paypal fees. I want to put first check the amount donated using an input on my website and then send off the amount to the Paypal website where they can ...

PayPal IPN - having trouble accessing session data?

Hello, all. I'm having issues with PayPal IPN integration where it seems I cannot get my solution to read session variables. Basically, in my shop module script, I store the customer's details as provided by PayPal to an orders table. However, I also wish to save products ordered in a transaction to a separate table linked by the order ...

Parsing returned array in javascript

I'm making a call to PayPal's credit card processor, and after a successful/unsuccessful transaction it returns me a string that looks like this: DoDirectPayment failed: Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2010%2d05%2d02T23%3a33%3a28Z [CORRELATIONID] => 8c503f5c6c861 [ACK] => Failure [VERSION] => 51%2e0 [BUILD] => 1268624 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10527 [L_...

Adding AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute To Paypal ASP.NET SDK

Currently, I cannot use Paypal Pro on my host (GoDaddy) because it requires Full trust level. After digging in Google, it seems a workaround is possible by adding AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute to the Paypal assembly. I have seen code samples that use AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute in their AssemblyInfo.cs file, however, I...

Paypal NVP API - Keep getting error 81002

Hi there, I am new to PayPal API, and I'm having trouble calling SetExpressCheckout using CURL in PHP. I have set everything correctly, as far as I'm concerned, but I kept getting an 81002 error "Method Specified is not Supported". The code snippet is below. I got the CA Root certificates file from here. <?php $paypal_data = array( ...

paypal integration according to dynamic choices

Hi, I want to integrate paypal with my website. I have studied the documentation available on paypal website. My requirement is A user selects a category, based on category course is populated,user selects course and discount. I want the user to pay through paypal according to the course selected. Also the data should be inserte...

help, Paypal mobile SDK library problem!!

Hi all, i'm attempting to include paypal library in xCode, but i gave only GCC linking errors, as i don't hook the lib in the correct way... i've done the operation described here a lot of times... i'm very confused couse the sample project that is in the package works very well... i hope that someone could help me.. sorry for my poo...

NVP request - CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile

Im facing problem with Trail period and first month payemnt. My requirement is users can signup with trial period which allow new users to have a 30 day free trial. This means they will not be charged the monthly price until after the first 30 days the regular amount will be charged to user. but the next billing date should be one mon...

ASP.NET/Paypal: PayPal Integration Wizard?

I'm currently trying my luck to integrate PayPal in ASP.NET (I'm just starting to know more about PayPal, okay?) PayPal Integration Wizard. Hmmm. Does this even work? What are your thoughts/comments/suggestions about it? Any good implementation (in ASP.NET) you could share? ...

How can I prevent users from overriding the total cost in a shopping cart, when submitted as a hidden input field?

I'm having serious problems with accepting payments. I'm passing the total amount in a hidden field <input type="hidden" name="checkout-flow-support.merchant-checkout-flow-support.shipping-methods.flat-rate-shipping-1.price" value="129.00"/> Some of the users changed this value to 2 using firebug and submitted the form. Instead o...