
What is the best way to connect two users with credit card for payments on the web site?

What is the best way to allow one site user to pay to another user, through web site using credit card? What is best fits for this Paypal Pro or ...

Codeigniter and Paypal: How it works

Hello all, Two random question as I try to integerate Paypal IPN into my Codeigniter based web app. 1) Are these two lines the same? $data['pp_info'] = $this->input->post(); $data['pp_info'] = $_POST; 2) A user agrees to pay a monthly recurring fee to use your service using paypal - first payment you are aware they have paid as you...

Paypal subscriptions IPN - problem with users subscribing multiple times

I'm using paypal subscriptions and the instant payment notification (IPN) to handle subscribers on my site. For the most part it works well but there is one occasional problem I've encountered. Usually if a user cancels their subscription, I wait for the "end of term" (subscr_eot) notification before disabling access to my site. So if...

django-registration with paypal integration

I'm trying to figure out how to integrate django-registration with django-paypal. Being a Django n00b, I'm trying to figure out how to implement a flow like this: User signs up using django-registation with 'active' flag set to 0 After registering, send user to PayPal for a subscription When they come back from PayPal successfully, I ...

PHP PayPal IPN - Getting drop down menu

I'm using Paypal's buy it now buttons along with an IPN handler written in PHP to send me an e-mail whenever a purchase is made. The e-mail is properly being sent and is passing much of the data, but it's not capturing the drop down list for selecting a clothing item's size. Here's my button code fields: <input type="hidden" name="ite...

Dynamic price in Buy item button and hidden notify_url

Hi, I want to create PayPal button with dynamic price (depending from the item) and hidden notify url. The "amount" input is not working with saved and encrypted buttons, but if I use plain text the notify_url is visible in the code. Is the a way it to be hidden or encrypted and in the same time to have working amount input ...

Why Java servlet can't get Paypal IPN messages everytime ?

I have a Java servlet running on my notebook with Windows Vista, I set up a static IP, did port forwarding and registered for a free DDNS service, now my servlet is running, I gave the url to Paypal to send me IPN messages, I went on to it's sandbox site got to the test tools page, tried to send test messages by clicking the "Send IPN" b...

PayPal Payments Pro Sandbox requires membership?

Do I need to pay the $30 just to play around in the sandbox for Website Payments Pro? I'm trying to get Active Merchant working in Rails, and it's giving me an error "invalid merchant configuration"... after digging around a bit it says I need to "accept the billing agreement" and/or sign up for the Payments Pro first. So, do I need to...

using paypals html api is safe?

im trying out paypals html api where you specify price, item_name, customer information and so on in the html: <form action="" method="post" id="payPalForm"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" /> <input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1" /> <input type="hid...

Paypal Express Checkout with ActiveMerchant as in Shopify

Hi all, I'm successfully using Paypal Express Checkout in a marketplace web app passing for every seller the three parameters to the PaypalExpressGateway (login, password and signature). So, I see that Shopify lets the seller set only the e-mail address of the Paypal account requesting to grant as the API Par...

paypal ipn working but stopping at 'thank you' page.

I am using the code for controller(CODEIGNITER): function paypal_tran(){ if (empty($_GET['action'])){ $_GET['action'] = 'process';} if($this->uri->segment ( 3 )){ $action=$this->uri->segment ( 3 ); } else{ $action='process'; } $ammount=39.99; $this->lenders_model->paypal_process(...

paypal html api problem with displaying email with @?

whenever i send a form hidden field to paypal with an email as a field value containing @ eg. <input type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]" /> it breaks the layout in the paypal page. if i remove the @ its ok. i wonder maybe it helps if i use the html entity for @ (in the format ). is there a html entity for @? someone ...

Automated payment notification with php

I'm about to integrate automated payments into a site. To date, I've successfully used paypal for a number of projects, but these have always been sites which sell physical goods, meaning I can upload the cart contents, user pays, person physically ships goods. This site is a one off payment to enable extra features on a web app. My c...

integrating django-paypal

Hi I am trying to integrate Django-Paypal onto a site, where once the customer makes a payment I need to send a dynamic URL from which the user can download some specific information. I am registering all users to a URL which allows them to buy the document. The URL which can only be accessed by a registered user with a verified email...

IPN delivery failed. HTTP error code 403: Forbidden

I am trying to test IPN. Working with django-paypal. What could be wrong. The URL is working. No errors otherwise... But when I test this, it says IPN delivery failed and error code is 403, ...

Anyone run recurring payments in their website? Preferably; Paypal API

I'm wrapping up my startup and will need to implement Paypal API into my sign up page. Does anyone use recurring payments via Paypal API integrated into their billing? Better yet, guide me to a trustable developer with experience or will I have to use Elance? I need it to go to a welcome/get started screen in their logged in account on...

paypal integration

Hi, I am integrating paypal in my website But i have some issues in it , - click on the paypal button here you will see one box, I need two boxes. to put amount and invoice number. How can i do this. does any one did this. Please help me to do this. ...

asp pages and paypal button

I have an page in 3.5 that I have a pay pal button on but when I click on the button it just refreshes the page. I think I need to encapsulate the paypal button in something so it is not trigging the refresh but goes to pay pal. Anyone know a solution? Can I use an updatePanel or iframe? ...

paypal sadbox IPN

Morning all. I am trying to test a SIMPLE php script to deal with the IPN response from paypal sandbox. <?php // read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd' $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); $req .= "&$key=$value"; } // post back to PayPal system...

Auto Submitting a form (cURL)

Im writing a form to post data off to paypal, and this works fine, i create the form with hidden fields and then have a submit button that submits everything to paypal. However, when the user clicks that button, there is more that i want to do, for example change their cart status in the database. So, i want to be able to execute some c...