
PHP Paypal integration test account

Hi there I am going to work on a project that involves Paypal function. My question what kind of account do I need to do the test? Do I need merchant account? And if you also have a good reference site please share it here. Thanks ...

Form posting - postback then post, (Paypal) is this possible?

I need to submit my cart to paypal in a <form />, (using the web payments standard option). Rather than draw the contents of this form to the page, and have the 'place order' button post directly to, is it possible to have the 'place order' button post back to me, for me to then post the cart, and redirect the user to the cor...

How to: Build a form that connects to amazons mechanical turk for submission.

Flow: ( example : ) User inputs data into a form. User submits and feedbackarmy shows the selections. User chooses a "price" in drop down and clicks the paypal button. User pays for item and then returns to with a link to results. Essentially I would like to build a form that the user pays before...

Online payment implementation - paying product owner directly for items purchased from them

Hi everyone, This is a scenario to one of the system I'm currently developing: I have a platform where users can register and place their product online, provide a price and buyers can add a product to the shopping cart. On checkout, the buyer enters their credit card information on a secure (https) protocol. My que...

How do I create an encrypted PayPal button dynamically in Google App Engine?

So far I have found an example for Django that uses M2Crypto, but because M2Crypto is based on a C library, it cannot be run on GAE. Does anyone have a working code for creating an encrypted PayPal button dynamically in Google App Engine? In a nutshell, I need to translate the following Ruby code into Python. It's taken from PayPal's We...

Pay Pal API Help Please

Hi I am new at paypal payment system... I have seen this been done, but i donn't find PayPals Documentation user friendly... I need to make a payment gateway system, to allow users to use a shopping cart... then they could pay the total through paypal... so is there a way to use paypal api tell how much the user should be charged e.g...

Paypal recurring payment status

I’m trying to set up a recurring billing situation with Paypal using Rails with ActiveMerchant and the ruby-paypal gem. Wondering how the status of subscriptions is commonly managed - IPN? Or a cron job to check the status of all subscriptions? ...

Which PAYPAL method to use ?

Hi, I am working an e-commerce site which will allow pdfs to be downloaded once payment is done. So, user will put them in a cart, click buy using paypal and from there will come back to see download link on a success page. I have implemented PDT. Not sure which is the best option ? Please help. I want to take care of any connection los...

How to Integrate Paypal for month charges that varies?

Hi, I would like to integrate paypal into my current servicing site. I am able to generate the details from database, and retrieve the users' charges, such that a user charges would be using this forumla: Amount payable = no. of hrs service used within the month x $5 per hr I would like to charge users based on their usage on per mon...

Paypal Handling Fee does not work when pass as a form variable

Hello, I am trying to pass a handling fee to paypal, like: <input type="hidden" name="handling" value="2.00" /> however it does dot reflect on the next page: Sample, hit "stop" on page load to view source. what should I do? ...

PayPal issue: buyer buys a product from a seller in a marketplace. Seller authentication problem.

Hi all! We need help with the direction after spending multiple days trying to resolve it on our own. We are building a marketplace where buyers meet sellers (think of eBay but for a specific niche). We want to facilitate a transaction where the buyer can buy a seller’s product and notify us about finished transaction. It is critical f...

How do i implement Paypal in the Chronoform Redirect

I have a page with joomla and Chronoforms on it. How do i use the redirect to send it to my paypal page? An example or a screen shot will help me i don't know why i don't get it.. ...

Batch Paypal Payments

Can you send a paypal payment with a script? I've been googling for this, but I can't seem to find the answer I want (yes) ;-) An example of what I am talking about: Lets say I have a site where users share in the profit. Instead of sending each users payment out manually at the end of the month, I would like to automate this with co...

buy/sell virtual "credits" on a website, is there some easy to use API or something

the users on a website need to have the possibility to buy/sell website's currency (credits in exchange for real money), is there some easy to use API to do this (that is usable in mvc) ? the user can: buy website's currency for real money and get real money for website's currency is this possible with paypal ? ...

How to make a specific web page inaccessible, except to those who get there by a redirect.

I have a webpage on a Joomla based website that I am trying to make inaccessible to anyone but those who have been redirected there through a redirect page. Basically, they would purchase something on a form on my page which is integrated with Paypal, and when Paypal payment is complete I have them redirected to this specific page. I...

How can I receive one payment and split it among two PayPal Accounts?

I am trying to find a way to accept a payment through paypal and have 10% go to one account and 90% to another account. I've checked the paypal site, the developer community and Sarah, the automated responder program. No luck. Anyone have any experience or knowledge one way or another if this is possible and how? ...

Can I use PayPal to charge a Credit Card automatically?

If I have a Visa card number saved in my database, is there a way I can charge that Visa automatically through the PayPal API without the user having to enter anything? We want to keep this site as easy and hassle-free to use as possible. It would be a variable amount, based on how they use the site. (Don't worry, proper disclaimers wil...

Automatically charge PayPal account?

I'd like to automatically charge my members a variable amount of money based on the services they use on my website. They would accumulate a balance owing, and then every week they would be charged for that amount. Is there a way I can do this without having to store their credit card information in my database? (Similar to my last ques...

Simplest way to confirm payment via PayPal?

Hi - what's the best way to simply get feedback from PayPal to confirm that your customer paid? It looks as if the answer is IPN - if so, my followup question is, can I enable IPN for only specific buttons? I don't want PayPal pinging my IPN listener for purchases that don't require any kind of IPN integration. I'm all about Agile and Y...

Oscommerce PayPal IPN still Status pending

I'm working with oscommerce and i have problem with Paypal ipn When someone makes a payment, even though the money is coming through OK, on the backend of the website it is saying it is unverified something like that : PayPal IPN Verified [Completed (Unverified; $99.90). I get the email "Notification of payment received" so why is i...