
Paypal Payflow Link ASP.Net MVC Open Source Framework

I am looking at creating a site using ASP.Net MVC which of coarse has a paid membership option and needs to allow recuring payments via Paypal. I am thinking of using Paypals Payflow Link as the site will be fairly small. I am looking for an Open Source example or Framework that I can use with Payflow Link. Are there any good .Net Fra...

send / receive money to/from website users in exchange for website's virtual currency, is possible with paypal ?

I have an website on, I'm thinking of using paypal for payments, is it possible to use paypal api for selling website's currency to users and buying it back ? ...

Rails PayPal proof of concept

I'm trying to create an ultra simple paypal custom integration with rails. I'm following Ryan Bates Railscast #141 on this subject and I've simplified it even further. If you have experience with super simple paypal integration, any advice would be appreciated! I'm attempting to pass everything through my account model. A proof-of-conce...

PayPal Express returns 4011 error message in Sandbox mode.

I am using PayPal express in Sandbox mode in my PHP script (curl + SOAP). I have a simple purchase form with 1 "buy" button. When it's clicked I send initial SetExpressCheckout request and get successfull response from paypal with Acc=success and a fresh token <Ack xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">Success</Ack> <Token xsi:type="e...

Paypal PDT with C#

Hi, I'm trying to implement a shopping cart tracking system using pdt with C#. the trouble i have is finding an example of the paypal succes postback, especially in case of multiple items ! Any help woul be appreciated (some code will be much better :D)! Thanks ...

How do I implement "cash out" on my site using PayPal?

I have a credit system set up on my site where user A can purchase a document from user B, let's say for 1 credit and user B's account gets credited, let's say for $1. User B can then "cash out" and recieve the money they earned from my (the site's) PayPal account into their PayPal account (let's assume that their email address is valid ...

PayPal - CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile - is this request valid?

I sending this request to make a recurring paypent (SOAP request to SandBox), but in response I get error message about missing token and other fields invalid (Missing Token or payment source). What could be wrong with this CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile request? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="ht...

Sandbox paypal not returning success in query string

I have integrated sandbox paypal into my application.After successful payment i am not getting success in the query string.Instead i get is return to merchant but if i do cancel i get the cancel in the query string ...

Possible payment status values

Hi ! I am working on a website to sell PDF's online, where user can get the download link by email after paying through paypal. What could be the possible paypal payment status values for the above scenario ? I can only think of Complete & InComplete. Do using Processing makes sense here ? ...

Get information from PayPal after a transaction

I want to create a simple transaction on my Web Site where after the person's transaction completes, I want paypal to redirect the user to go to a place on my site and I want PayPal to provide me with details so I can use PHP to parse it and email them the link to their purchase. I'm not sure what notify_url does? Thanks ...

Paypal integration with PHP

Hai, I need a system that automatically transfer funds from one paypal account to another paypal account when i click on a button. Is there any paypal API with PHP to perform this task. thanks ...

anybody seen some paypal IPN Listener for ASP.NET MVC

anybody seen some paypal IPN Listener code sample / implementation for ASP.NET MVC ...

How to offer large audio files for download after payment

Hi, I want to offer audio files for download on my site, after a user has completed a PayPal transaction. The commerce side of it is already written and working - the site is built in PHP with Zend Framework. So that I don't incur large charges for storage and bandwidth, I'd like to host the files on a service like Amazon S3. However, ...

What is a good PHP Payment library that works with Paypal, Google Checkout and

What is a good PHP payment library that works with Paypal, Google Checkout and I did find this library but it is not maintained and doesn't offer Google Checkout. Is there other options such as a service that can handle those three or more gateways? ...

Magento - Paypal Express 404 Error

I have added paypal pro (uk) express to my Magento shopping cart. The paypal button now appears below the checkout button in the shopping cart. The problem is when I click the paypal button I get a 404 error. Any ideas? ...

Is anyone using PayPal split payments on a production site?

I'm reading up on PayPal Adaptive Payments and their API and am interested to see how people are actually using the split payments feature. Thx ...


Hello - I have a strange problem that somebody can hopefully help me with. For a while now I have been using PayPal's IPN service for our website. In order to test it I have a port opened up on our firewall pointing to my machine. This has been working great with no problems at all. I recently upgraded to the RTM release of ASP.NET MVC...

What is a good third party transaction API platform to use for ROR?

I have been looking at paypal for a online transaction, but I wanted to know if there are other 3rd party vendor that offer a good service at a good price ( transaction fee) and ease of use of API for ruby on rails application. ...

Testing Paypal error messages using ActiveMerchant

Hello, Is there a way to test your application's processing and handling of Paypal generated credit card errors? I'd like to verify that my application can handle a declined credit card or something like that. So is there a way to have Paypal send an error message? Or would it be better to generate a stub and use it in the testing envi...

How can I verify a PayPal ID?

I have an application writted in ASP with a simple form. The users fill up the form with their PayPal ID to receive money exchanging their points. I want to verify the PayPal ID before they submit the form using some kind of http request. I have looking into the PayPal API but i didn't find anything. Thanks. ...