
Stuck in Paypal Integration

I am trying to integrate Paypal and I am not getting the things right.When the site is redirected to the Paypal,it shows the webpage(the image I have added with this Post). Please anybody help me out of this mess coz I am doing this for the first. Please anybody suggest me where I could be wrong. I have Used this Class to integrate Payp...

Add site logo on standard paypal redirected page in php

Hi, I want to add my site's logo on paypal redirected page from my site to paypal, for payment. Any one know how to do that ...

Paypal + PHP: how to receive a value on success sale

I have a paypal button on my site in a form. The form has an additional input called ID, where the user must enter a specific value. After the sale is complete, Paypal returns the user to How can i receive the original ID value entered by the user in /credits?done ? need it to modify his database record automati...

How to implement eCommerce susbscription service with multiple products

I've been researching eCommerce payment gateways and service offerings, but I'm an eCommerce novice, so please excuse my ignorance. I wish to set up an eCommerce solution with the following requirements: User "subscribes" to the service on a yearly basis. This service includes a single product subscription for a set amount (let's sa...

Which Paypal API for preapproved payments?

I'm trying to implement PayPal on a completely custom shopping cart and have been unable to figure out which API for recurring payments we need. We ship a physical product every 2, 3, 4, 6 months so shipment and payment have to both happen together. In addition it must be easy for the user to change their shipment date - or add or remov...

3dsecure processing using paypal soap api

Hello, I'm trying to get paypal to accept my 3d secure authorisation after taking a user through the Cardinal Centinel process (3dsecure verification is now required in the UK by Paypal for all Maestro payments). Having got the authorisation codes back from Cardinal Centinel when I then pass then on to paypal using a SOAP DoDirectPayme...

In AS3, how to set return variable for returning from paypal to merchant site?

I am trying to implement paypal payment in as3. But the return variable conflicts with an as3 keyword. So how to set return variable for returning from paypal to merchant site. ...

Grabbing Paypal returned values

Hi, these are the steps in my app: 1) user enters 2 variables (credits and pin) 2) goes to paypal with button and makes the payment 3) paypal automatically returns the user to my site 4) ??? ... So 2 questions: A) step 4 should grab the same original 2 variables that the user entered... how can i achieve that? B) what happens if t...

Paypal CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile billing for firstmonth automatically

I need to know how to pay for the first month while calling the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile, current situation is that I am able to make a initial payment at the time of creation of the profile, but I want to make the first month payment of the recurring payment. My current request parameters are below METHOD=CreateRecurringPayments...

What can I use for voluntary donations? (like Tipjoy)

There used to be a site called Tipjoy that would let me put a small "donate" button on a webpage, and users could donate small amounts (like 25c) to me easily. I think it was a pretty neat idea, since I want to have a way for people to give me money, and I don't like advertisements, and I don't update regularly enough to sell subscripti...

Can Any One Tell me i have used this code for Paypal Integration but i get falure in Response?

-(IBAction)btnsendPressed:(id)sender { NSString *soapMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi= \"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=\"\" xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\...

Paypal to return true or false

Hey, So I am curious on how to setup a recurring payment like I have here, but I need paypal to return to me if the payment was successful, and ONCE it is go to X.PHP page where I update the MySQL User Table stating he has setup payment. If anyone could give me some guidance that would be great. echo '<form action="

PayPal IPN Unsubscribing

I'm using the PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) api for subscriptions but I can't find a way to let users UNSUBSCRIBE themselves. The solutions I've found so far require the customer to login to paypal but what about the users who paid with a creditcard/don't have paypal? This is very frustrating. I've the entire day today lookin...

Dealing with two people buying a unique item in an online shop at the same time.

Hi there, I'm creating a simple online shop with PHP integrated with PayPal that sells unique items. What I'm wondering is how other shops deal with multiple people attempting to go through the payment process with the same item. This is my current draft strategy: Items have three status types: available, on hold & sold. As a user mo...

PHP + PayPal - how to integrate/merge both?

hi all, i have an idea about how pay-pal works but not an expert. I'm asked to implement online banking (using PHP) through PAY-PAL in my page. I've no idea where to begin. No introductory sites where found by 'googling'. Is web-service needed for this implementation? Any site for beginners will do. Thanx all. ...

sending to paypal the "custom" variable on saved buttons ipn question

Hi , i have quick question, i'm setting up recurring subscriptions for paypal and i can't configure but saved buttons, (not like web_accept where i could define all the vars in the form to send...) so it results a form like this: <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_...

Paypal IPN script: create a php on my site that receives confirmed payment messages and inserts into wordpress db

There are two parts to this question, so I'm going to pubish it as two separate questions. The first one deals with interfacing with IPN and is this: I need to create a simple .php script that can interface with Paypal's IPN system everytime I receive a confirmed payment for a given product. The script will then install the user into m...

How to download paypal transactions using some API

Is it possible to download my paypal transactions using some kind of API? Scenario: I own a paypal account and don't want to download the files using the website export. Instead I want to download and process the transcations of my paypal account automatically. ...

Python: Getting INVALID response from PayPal's Sandbox IPN, slowly going insane...


Passing money from a customer to a 3rd party directly (Paypal Payments Pro)

Hi All, Let us assume that there are three parties. Organization X, which provides a SaaS, organization Y, which is using the X's service, and Consumer Z which is using X's service to make purchase from Y. This is similar to something like EBay for instance in a way. Now I would like to have Y and Z directly transfer money between them ...