
PayPal Web Payments Pro currency conversion

Here is the situation: US company, with all EU clients at this time (due to needing US approval that they are seeking). What is the best way to take USD and convert to EU with Paypal? Is there anyway to take an estimated weight and use Paypal to calculate shipping based on the country the buyer is from? ...

Which Facebook App Payment Provider has widest acceptance easiest to develop with?

Hi, Am looking at accepting payments on my facebook app. The service providers available are SpareChange Jambool Google Checkout Amazon FPS Paypal Does anyone have experience to share about using any of these? The pros and cons of each. Thanks in advance ...

Using INR in paypal

is it possible to use INR instead of USD in paypal? right now i have an application which allows customers to buy products paying in USD. i want to allow customers to pay in INR. is it feasible? or should i go with INR to USD conversions? ...

One eCommerce Store using multiple PayPal accounts

Hello, I was wondering if someone knew of a way to theoretically have one eCommerce store to act as a medium where sellers can sign up and sell goods and use their PayPal account to receive payments instead? So, Vendor A signs up, stores their PayPal information. Whenever a customer purchases items form Vendor A, the money goes straigh...

Duplicate column names are not allowed in result sets obtained through OPENQUERY and OPENROWSET

How can I get the second column with the same column name using OPENXML in MSSQL 2005? Here is the result set that I plan to get. columnData1 columnData2 A B C D E F DECLARE @hDoc int, @xmldata varchar(max) SELECT @xmldata = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <reportResponse> <reportDataRow rowNum="1"> <columnData colNum...

paypal ipn trouble: Thank you for your payment and doesn't redirect back to my site.

I am using sandbox mode. I click buy item on my shop, and after i pay with sanndbox account it takes me to "Thank you for your payment - Paypal" but doesn't redirect back to my site! I already have IPN setup! I dont understand, do I need to contact paypal first ? or is there some section on paypal where you can enter your shopping sit...

Issue with the expresscheckout in PayPal

I have implemented the ExpressCheckOut which shows the desired transaction using my test account but it shows an error like: Undefined index: SHIPDISCAMT.. What I understand is that this is some kind of discount that PayPal provides (but I am using my test account?) which is not being provided currently and hence this index does n...

paypal IPN works but stuck at paypal's thank you page!

my paypal ipn php works correctl. i tested it out with sandbox account, and the payment works, my database is updated properly etc. however, I expected the page to redirect back to my shopping site. instead it just sits at paypal's Thank You For your Payment page. how can i make it redirect back to my shopping site ? ...

PayPal $0 Dollar Transaction?

Hi. I have a client who wants a paypal shopping cart. All of the services have "Buy Now" buttons, all with different prices. However, there is one service, which is a FREE 0 dollar service. The client wants the "Buy Now" button to remain there, to be consistent with the rest of the site. Does anyone know how I can do a $0 dollar trans...

need a *basic*, digital download shopping cart

Hi there I have a store using Drupal & drupal ecommerce plugin which I use to sell about 8 digital download files. It is extremely large and too bloated for what I'm doing. I'm looking for a new simple solution to sell my 8 files (from my own domain), with automated file delivery to the customer. Does anyone know of a good extremely s...

With PayPal's API, are you more likely to receive a "Success" response back if you include the optional address fields?

When using PayPal's API, are you more likely to receive a "Success" response back if you include the address, city, state, etc. fields VS just the required fields (first name, last name)? ...

How do you log PayPal IPN messages?

From PayPal's documentation: "PayPal returns related variables for each kind of IPN message. Not all variables are returned for each type of transaction." I was initially planning to create a table in the database with the message fields but now after I read this it doesn't seem like a good a idea anymore (esp. that I see a lot of field...

How to intergrate paypal into an application?

Im planning to allow people to create premium accounts on a site. There is a simple registration form, at the end of which I want to direct people to paypal where they will make a payment, and then be sent back to my site with their newly created account now activated (if transaction went thru). I dont want a fully hosted solution ("We...

Passing a variable from beggining to end - Paypal

Hi all, I'be been at this for days and i cant seem to figure it out. All i want to do is when subscribe button is pushed, a variable is send ( post get i dont care ) payment is completed and landed on the success page, with my variable! From what i can gather this should be able to do it: <form action="

Force PayPal web payment to use US site

Hi I have set up a PayPal account here in France to process payments for my new SaaS app and I have set the default currency to US dollars. However, customers always get sent to the French PayPal pages no matter where they are in the world and what browser language or currency is set on their machine. Is there a way that I can force Pa...

How do you identify users when using PayPal?

From this article on CodeGuru about PayPal IPN, I see there are two fields, payer_email and payer_id, that can be used to identify the user. Is there anything else I'm missing? Do you use these fields to identify the user or how do you do it? Thanks ...

Setting a variable like this $config['business']

I was looking at some source code, specifically for Paypal IPN, and I noticed the author sets two variables in this format: $config['business'] and $config['different_text'] Is there a special reason other than the obvious organization for declaring my variables this way or is this Paypal settings? ...

Where and how to store currency rates?

I have written a script that gets paypals current rates compared with the dollar every hour (the currency my products are in by default). The user can set their currency in their settings and that is store in the user table. My initial idea was to store all the currencies rates in the database and then when the user logs in store the c...

iPhone Application And PayPal

I want to integrate PayPal payment facility into my native iPhone application without using web interface so user does not have to leave from the current application. How can it be possible ? Should I use SOAP XML request/response mechanism? I come through following link

Review my Paypal IPN Handler Please

Hey guys! I wrote an automated donations system for someone, so that people who play on his game servers can enter their information, donate, and automatically be added to a database. Its working great, but im not very php saavy, so I am hoping you guys can take a look and tell me what else I should add. I need to remove them when the s...