
Paypal IPN - Invalid

Hi all Im having a really hard time getting my head around this. I have a simple PayPal IPN script; // read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd' $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); $req .= "&$key=$value"; } // post back to PayPal system to validate $h...

Adding a PayPal 'Add to Cart' button to the caption section in Lightbox plugin for jQuery.

Hi there, The person I am making a website for has asked for a PayPal 'Add to Cart' button to be displayed underneath an image when it is being displayed in the Lightbox popup. I can't figure out how to do this at all. Does anyone have any ideas? :) Thanks very much in advance. P.S. I say another similar question on here, but I am un...

Are there any CMS/scripts for PayPal software selling?

I want to sell my application, but I wonder is there any cheap/free cms or script to validate the paypal transaction, and then send serial from a db to desired email? ...

Paypal IPN: How can I place a minimum of $1 donation?

Currently, the user can enter a quantity less than $1 on Paypal's website and some people are donations result in $0 because of Paypal fees. How can I set the minimum to be a $1 or more? Example:

Testing PayPal certificate on a different domain

I have a PP-enabled site that needs to be tested. I've already tested it with Sandbox credentials and it works ok. The next step is to test it with live PayPal credentials on test server. Here I hit a wall, because using real credentials from on gives me error of "malformed url" (which as I read stands...

How to automate disbursement of electronic payments from one bank account to 20,000 other bank accounts?

I am helping a startup business to launch and I will be building or finding a shopping cart software for its website. There will only be one product for sale, but anytime someone buys a product, I have to use customer information like their zipcode and which distributor they bought from to calculate commissions that will go to the differ...

Paypal Encrypted Website payments

I am trying to integrate a PayPal Website Payments Standard > Cart Upload payment type into my shopping cart. I integrated Google Checkout a while back and I did not find it overly confusing as I do paypal. I am getting info on how to encrypt it from here:

Building a complete online payment gateway like Paypal

So this question isn't about integrating an existing payment gateway into my site. This is more of a architectural question. I want to build a system similar to Paypal. Now I understand that Paypal offers a lot of features under the roof and I can't implement all of them at once. I want to implement the core functionality of Paypal and ...

Paypal IPN Handler for Cart

Hey everyone! I'm using PayPal 'buy it now' buttons on my website to sell products. Because I keep track of the number of units in stock for each product in a MySQL database and I'd like the inventory tracking in the system to be automated, I am using PayPal's Instant Payment Notification functionality to let me know when a purchase ha...

PayPal IPN Response

I am having a problem with PayPal IPN response. After payment is made by the customer, PayPal IPN returns this URL: There are a couple of issues Post-back field names are undefined or missing. Thus I can get the INVALID message. I am not ...

ActiveMerchant - Optimal method of sending money to user? PayPal account or Credit

I have a website that will take payments from user A, hold them in our escrow account, then transfer the money minus a fee to user B. I have the first part figured out, in terms of taking credit card payments from user A, but I'm trying to figure out the optimal method of taking that money and sending it to user B. I'm not storing cred...

Will PayPal require fresh implementing work when I transfer site to an another host?

Hi friends, I have a site using PayPal payment for membership. I need to move my site to an another host now. So, Do I need to do PayPal integration work from scratch on new server? or will it just work when I transfer files to new server? Thanks a lot for helps! Appreciate. ...

PayPal integration with magento

Hi, I am new to paypal and magento. I have a buiness account created on paypal and have a magento installation Now I need to integrate the paypal account on to this magento. How do i do this exactly. I tried to go through tutorials but no soap. Can some kindly help me out here with the process. Thanks in advance Alloi ...

can we purchase book via paypal mobile checkout from within iphone application ?

in connection to one iphone project i need to ask that if i purchase ebooks from webview of iPhone (from with in application) application using paypal mobile check out of paypal () then Apple will approve this app or not ? do you know any on this by any statement from apple or by personal experience or so ? please suggest, i am stuck ...


I'm trying to implement PayPal Adaptive Payments API. Into the headers I should include these informations: headers.put("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID", ""); headers.put("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD","1244612379"); headers.put("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE","lkfg9groingghb4uw5" headers.put("X-PAYPAL-DEVICE-IPADDRESS", ...

how do i create donate buttons using paypal premier account?

how do i create donate buttons using paypal premier account?. i couldn't find donation button creation link, how can i do that?. Is there any special procedure to get donation button? ...

Paypal integration in iPhone native app .

Hello all, I am repeating the below question to reassure that the below accepted answer is still right or now there is way to integrate PayPal in iPhone native app. EDIT : I am repeating the question only to get on the board and...

Paypal IPN security

Hello! I am developing a website which will allow users to pay via Paypal. Paypal IPN seems to be easy to integrate and it works on my localhost. Now the problem is that, the amount and the business name are passed to paypal using POST Data. I know it's very dangerous to put it that way, but I am not sure what are the alternatives. ...

Payment service like Paypal in a RIA environment

I would like to offer a payment service in a RIA app I am developing. The user can order a service (storage of user files in a secured cloud environment). The fee ist calculated from the size of the files. Is there a payment service like PayPal which can be embedded seamlessly in such a RIA application? Is there a standard way / best pra...

How do you use Canadian currency with ActiveMerchant?

When I pass an option of :currency => "CAD" to the setup_purchase and purchase methods the transaction still goes through in US funds. My paypal account does have CAD as the default currency. What am I missing? ...