
Why does `print` not work in this wxPerl program?

In my frame constructor I have a function that easily makes a menu bar for me. package Routines; #This function will set up a menu #REQUIRED: entries #RETURNS: id, menu sub SetupMenu { $menuItemCount = 0; #Element number under the same menu $subMenuCount = 0; #Number of menus $mbar ...

Perl-oneliner to bash

perl -E '$i=@{[`zypper lr`]}-2;map{`zypper rr $_`}1..$i' What would be a good way to write this perl-onliner in bash. ( I would like to remove all repositores with zypper)? ...

When using DBIx::Class Schema Loader, is there a way to maintain custom relationships and methods in separate files?

Currently we use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader to generate and regenerate (when our db schema changes) a set of Result classes. We add additional relationships and methods to the bottom of these classes and this is causing merge hell when people regenerate or change the schema. We would like to maintain our custom changes in a separate...

Perl Text::CSV_XS Encoding Issues

I'm having issues with Unicode characters in Perl. When I receive data in from the web, I often get characters like “ or €. The first one is a quotation mark and the second is the Euro symbol. Now I can easily substitute in the correct values in Perl and print to the screen the corrected words, but when I try to output to ...

How can I change font size specified in an HTML document using Perl?

I am modifying some HTML pages and want to increase the font size dynamically with a regex. In my script below, I want the '8' and '3' to turn into '9' and '4' but I get '8++' and '3++', respectively. I have the following: #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use LWP::Simple; my $content = "<TD><FONT STYLE=\"font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-...

Using perl regex constructs in VB.Net?

In perl you can write $string =~ tr/[a,e,i,o,u,y]/[A,E,I,O,U,Y]/; for example. Is it possible to achieve the same "translation" effects with VB.Net regexes? Thanks you! PS: I'm not searching for a way to port this very example, it's more of a curiosity question :) ...

Hide window in Perl/Tk and show again incl. all widgets

I want to hide the mainwindow for a certain amount of time then show it again. Example: use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; my $lblMsg = $mw -> Label(-text=>"blabla")-> grid(); my $btnPostpone = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Postpone for (min): ", -command =>\&postpone)-> grid(); MainLoop; sub postpone{ $mw-> withdraw(); sleep(1);...

Amazing error in perl

i write this perl code : use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST); use LWP::UserAgent; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $req = POST '', [ hfc /[pos]/ => 'yayaya' ]; $content = $ua->request($req)->as_string; but when i compile it i get this error : syntax error at C:\Documents and Settings\ysys\ line 5, near "/ =...

Best way to have a formatted output with perl

I want to output strings into 8 columns, but I want to keep the spacing the same. I dont want to do it in HTML, but I am not sure how to do it normally. Example: Something Something Something Something Something Else Else Else Else Else Another Another Another Another ...

How Can i convert a perl script into a C code?

How Can i convert a perl script into a C code? ...

How does this regular expression work?

From this article, /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/ checks whether a number(its value in unary) is prime or not. Using this, perl -l -e '(1 x $_) !~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/ && print while ++$_;' returns a list of prime numbers. I do not have enough experience with Perl, but what I understand is that the regular expression will be true for a number that ...

Append n number of 0's as the prefix of integer

I have the following data in a CSV file. 2454,"dum my" 12345,"dummy" 300001,"du m m y" I was wondering, what regular expression I can use, to turn them into 002454,"dummy" 012345,"dummy" 300001,"dummy" Thanks. ...

Retrieving data from a has_many relationship in DBIx::Class.

Given a simple case of two tables - Term and Definition - where Term has_many Definitions and Definition belongs_to Term, all terms and the corresponding definitions are to be fetched and displayed somehow. Here is what I've come up with so far: my $terms= $schema->resultset('Term')->search(undef, { prefetch => 'definitions', }...

Inline regex replacement in perl

Is there a way to replace text with a regex inline, rather than taking the text from a variable and storing it in a variable? I'm a perl beginner. I often find myself writing my $foo = $bar; $foo =~ s/regex/replacement/; doStuff($foo) where I'd really like to write doStuff($bar->replace(s/regex/replacement/)); or the like, rather...

Does Fortran have inherent limitations on numerical accuracy compared to other languages?

While working on a simple programming exercise, I produced a while loop (DO loop in Fortran) that was meant to exit when a real variable had reached a precise value. I noticed that due to the precision being used, the equality was never met and the loop became infinite. This is, of course, not unheard of and one is advised that, rather ...

Two file handles for the same file in perl

Hi. Is it possible to have 2 file handles for the same file? open TXT,"+>","New" or die "Cannot Create File \n"; print TXT "Line1 \n"; open TXT1, ">>New" or die "Cannot open file"; print TXT1 "Line2 \n"; will this work? ...

How to capture the text wthin the brackets: (), using regex maybe?

any way would be fine. Perl, python, ruby... ...

How do I accomplish if-else in Perl Expect?

Hi, I am using Expect in Perl to accomplish one task. After sending the command I am expecting either Success or ERROR as the output, depending on which I need to print to a file saying that it was successful or failed. $exp->expect(30, '-re', "Success", printf LOG "Successfully Deleted \n" => sub {exp_last;}, '-re', "ERROR", ...

database [table name DATA_PES]

my @DATA_PES = ( { col_name=>"rpad(request_no,9) as request_number",col_width=>9,col_mandatory_yn=>"n" } what does this mean ...

Detecting declared package variables in perl

Given # package main; our $f; sub f{} sub g {} 1; How can I determine that $f, but not $g, has been declared? Off the cuff, I'd thought that *{main::g}{SCALAR} might be undefined, but it is a bona fide SCALAR ref. Background: I'd like to import a variable into main::, but carp or croak if that variable is already declared. EDIT Ad...