
Why does this program fail to copy files?

Hello all, this morning, my friend and I discussed and wrote the below code. The idea behind this Perl script is to create the directory structure and copy the files to the corresponding directory. #!/usr/bin/perl use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Path::Class; use File::Basename qw/dirname/; my $src = "/Vijay/new.txt"; unless (open(MY...

Splitting a variable and putting into an array

I have a string like this <name>sekar</name>. I want to split this string (i am using perl) and take out only sekar, and push it into an array while leaving other stuff. I know how to push into an array, but struck with the splitting part. Does any one have any idea of doing this? ...

Problem with piped filehandle in perl

I am trying to run (bioperl package) from another perl script that gets a genbank as its argument. This does not work (no output files are generated): my $command = " -y -o /tmp $ARGV[0]"; open( my $command_out, "-|", $command ); close $command_out; but this does open( my $command_o...

Size of hash instance variable

I have a Perl class that contains a hash instance variable for storing other objects. I would like to have a method to print the number of elements in the hash but I am getting the following error message on the line return keys($self->{'_things'}); Type of arg 1 to keys must be hash (not hash element) package MyClass; use strict; sub...

How to generate ODF charts with Perl

How to create Open Document Format spreadsheet with charts using Perl? ...

Using perl's `system`

I would like to run some command (e.g. command) using perl's system(). Suppose command is run from the shell like this: command --arg1=arg1 --arg2=arg2 -arg3 -arg4 How do I use system() to run command with these arguments? ...

How to set cell style using OpenOffice::OODoc?

How to apply a style to cell using OpenOffice::OODoc module in Perl? I tried: my $container = odfContainer("report1.ods", create => 'spreadsheet'); my $doc = odfDocument ( container => $container, part => 'content' ); # Styles my $styles = odfDocument ( ...

Using a Single-String Regex While Doing In-Place Perl Editing

I'm using one-off perl -pi -e commands to do simple search and replace from within a bash script. Most of my regexes work fine, until I get to these: perl -pi -e 's#\<\?mso-application.*\<Table.*Rows="1"\>#\<Table\>#s' 1.xml perl -pi -e 's#\</Table.*#\</Table\>#s' 1.xml Please don't mind the # marks instead of slashes, I didn't want t...

Inserting the elements when id is not equal

I would like to insert updev.xml to the mainea.xml if $upd_dev_id is not equal. Tried this below but it won't insert. Replace works. #!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe use strict; use XML::Twig; my $upd_file = "updev.xml" ; my $main_file = "mainea.xml" ; # get the info we need by loading the update file my $t_upd= new XML::Twig(); $t_upd->pars...

Object as hash key

Is it possible to use an object as a hash key? For example, the following code allows me to use an instance of MyClass as a key but when I iterate over the keys and attempt to invoke the get_value method, I get the error: Can't locate object method "get_value" via package "MyClass=HASH(0x12a4040)" (perhaps you forgot to load "MyClass=H...

Where is the documentation for the behavior of @array->[4] or %hash->{key} in Perl?

A recent question used a sigil invariant syntax %hash->{key} = 1; for hash access, which seems to work fine, but I would have thought it would be a syntax error. It seems to work for arrays as well: my @array; @array->[3] = 6; Is this behavior documented somewhere? I don't remember reading it, but may have overlooked it. It seems ...

Two versions of Perl in Mac OS X?

I've installed the Template module via CPAN on my MacBook Pro and it seemed to install correctly. But, when I try to run a script that includes the Template module, I get the following: Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /Users/purinkle/Sites/rob/modules /Library/Perl/Updates/5.10.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/...

Curl Perl module not working, formadd method missing

Hi. I want to use following script: use FileHandle; use WWW::Curl::Easy; use WWW::Curl::Form; my $file, my $curl, my $curlf, my $return, my $minified; $file = new FileHandle(); $curl = new WWW::Curl::Easy(); $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, ""); $curlf = new WWW::Curl::Form(); $curlf->formadd('out...

Which eclipse should I get to work with Java, C, Bash and Perl?

I'm using eclipse to work on a project with portions written in Java, C, Perl, and bash. Which version of eclipse should I get for this? I'm currently using 3.5-CDT+perl-plugin and would really like better Java handling with out loosing the C. What plugin should i add for java? How does Eclipse handle multi-language projects? when I hi...

IDE(s) for Polyglot programming

I'm working in Java, C ,Perl, and Bash (and a little python) on a project that all work together (mostly via RESTfull interfaces) and am looking for an IDE suited to Polyglot programming? What IDE can i use that has: jump to definition call hierarchy syntax highlighting across at least these languages: Java C Perl all from ...

Split a string containing a continuous paragraph into a left-aligned column of lines

In Perl, working with a paragraph of text in one big long string with no line breaks, how can I use a split and RegEx (or something else) to split the paragraph into chunks of around the same size at a word boundary, for display in a monospaced font? For example, how do I change this: "When you have decided which answer is the most hel...

How can I access Closure JavaScript minifier using Perl's LWP::UserAgent?

Hi. I'm trying to get Code Closure to work, but unfortunately, there's always an error thrown. Here's the code: use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; use HTTP::Response; my $name = 'test.js'; my $agent = new LWP::UserAgent(); $agent->agent("curl/7.21.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8o zlib/ libidn/1....

Parsing and converting 4Test to Perl

I want to convert 4Test scripts to Perl. I have been using the Parse::RecDescent in Perl, but am still overwhelmed at the task. Here is an example. An example of 4Test is something like: ParseSMSPlans (STRING sDir) { STRING sFile; STRING sDirSMSPlan = sDir + "sms_plans\"; STRING sDirPlan = sDir + "plan\"; STRING sDirDeal = sDir + "deal...

How do I merge multiple FLV files using FLV::Splice module?

If I have an array that contains multiple FLV files like so: my @src_files = qw (1.flv 2.flv 3.flv 4.flv 5.flv 6.flv 7.flv); I can call flvbind.exe as an external commandline program to do the merging like so: my $args = join(' ',@src_files); my $dest_file = 'merged.flv'; system "flvbind $dest_file $args"; But the usage example for...

How to check if downloaded file using getstore() function is not complete/corrupted?

Hello, I wrote a quick script to download files using LWP::Simple library and its getstore() function. It is working rather well, but occasionally downloaded file is not complete. I do not know what is causing this, but when I download it afterward manually using wget in command line file is OK. I would guess corrupted files are caus...