
How do I read a CSV file containing non-ASCII characters in Perl?

I am using Text::CSV to parse a csv file. Not all lines can be parsed, because of some bad characters. The Text::CSV documentation says: Allowable characters within a CSV field include 0x09 (tab) and the inclusive range of 0x20 (space) through 0x7E (tilde). How can I filter out as easy as possible any not-allowed characters? ...

How do I enter a multi-line comment in Perl?

Possible Duplicate: What are the common workarounds for multi-line comments in Perl? Hi All, I am new to Perl and am wondering how to do a multi-line comment. ...

How can I get the next immediate tag with HTML::Tokeparser?

I'm trying to get the tags that occur immediately after a particular div tag. For e.g., I have html code <div id="example"> <h2>Example</h2> <p>Hello !World</p> </div> I'm doing the following, while ( $tag = $stream->get_tag('div') ) { if( $tag->[1]{id} eq 'Example' ) { $tag = $stream->get_tag; $tag = $s...

Should I choose a hash, an object or an array to represent a data instance in Perl?

I was always wondering about this, but never really looked thoroughly into it. The situation is like this: I have a relatively large set of data instances. Each instance has the same set or properties, e.g: # a child instance name age height weight hair_color favorite_color list_of_hobbies Usually I would represent a child as a hash ...

How can I store raw data with respect to time and sort it?

Hi to all, due to Internet communication i could have two (or more) ASCII files in RINEX format (GPS ASCII format) of the same data period, which i would like to merge to one file. Each data set (epoch) contain more then one line (in this example 19 lines). I would like to merge those files, where it could be that they in some parts ov...

How do I write Arabic in Perl source files?

I need to write Arabic words as labels inside a .pm file. It is not working for me. I tried ASCII letters and they worked. Is there a better way to do so? I tried something like: <span dir="rtl" lang="ar">&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;</span> ...

How do I access environment variables correctly in Perl?

$ cat flaglist.log flag1 flag2 flag3 flag4 $ Perl code my $infile = "flaglist.log"; open my $fpi, '<', $infile or die "$!"; while (<$fpi>) { chomp; if ($ENV{$_}) { # something wrong here func($_); } else { print "oops\n"; } } $ perl oops oops oops oops $ All the four f...

How do I perform general pattern assignments in Perl?

$ cat names projectname_flag_jantemp projectname_flag_febtemp projectname_flag_marchtemp projectname_flag_mondaytemp $ Perl code: my $infile = "names"; open my $fpi, '<', $infile or die "$!"; while (<$fpi>) { my $temp = # what should come here? # func($temp); } I want temp to have jan feb march monday respectively. The p...

Variable instanciation VS double hash reference access

Initially, I was looking for a fast way to access a hash ref element (with a default value if no value is available). So I tried the following : use strict; use warnings; use DateTime; my $hashref = { }; for (0..249) { my $lIdx = $_ * 2; $hashref->{"MYKEY$lIdx"} = "MYVAL$lIdx"; } sub WithVariable{ my $result = $hashref->{"MYKE...

sysopen permission denied

I'm trying to fix an intermittent bug in git-svn. The problem is happening in Windows XP only, with both Cygwin git (perl v5.10.1) and msysGit (perl v5.8.8). With any operation that involves a fetch, I'm able to get partway through and then the operation dies with a message similar to Couldn't open .git/svn/refs/remotes/trunk/.rev_...

Using Perl bind_param with SQL IN statement

Possible Duplicate: Is there SQL parameter binding for arrays? I was wondering if there is anyway to use bind_param with SQL IN statements. According to perl documentation bind_param_array cannot be used as well. Has anyone come across the same situation? ...

How does this regex divide text into sentences?

I know this regex divides a text into sentences. Can someone help me understand how? /(?<!\..)([\?\!\.])\s(?!.\.)/ ...

How can I get the number of pack`ed items in Perl without actually unpacking?

I have a string of packed values which was created sequentially using something like: while (...) { ... $packed .= pack( 'L', $val ); } In another program, after I load $packed, I wish to find out how many values were actually packed. I know how to do that after unpacking: my @vals = unpack( 'L*', $packed ); print scalar(@vals); ...

Perl Output issues

This is going to seem extremely trivial, but it just doesn't make any sense to me. I have the following snippit of code: foreach $i (@inputtext) { @line = split(/\|/, $i); foreach $j (@line) { print "$j, "; } } The input is three of the following lines, identical: 98465895|No idea what goes here|123 anywhere lane|city|ST...

How can I implement a simple IRC client in Perl?

I'm working on a tool that needs to send IRC messages to an internal IRC channel. This isn't a constantly running program, but rather a tool that will be invoked occasionally and needs to be able to notify the channel with a couple of messages when it's invoked. I looked at Net::IRC, but it's been dead since 2004. So I looked at the alt...

Can I execute a multiline command in Perl's backticks?

In Unix, I have a process that I want to run using nohup. However this process will at some point wait at a prompt where I have to enter yes or no for it to continue. So far, in Unix I have been doing the following nohup myprocess <<EOF y EOF So I start the process 'myprocess' using nohup and pipe in a file with 'y' then close the fil...

How do I send POST data with LWP?

I want to make a program that communicates with My goal is to send the site a hash (md5) and hopefully the site will be able to crack it. After, I would like to display the plaintext of the hash. My problem is sending the data to the site. I looked up articles about using LWP however I am still lost....

How do I set an Win32 system environment variable in Perl?

I want to be able to set a system environment variable in Perl and I wrote the following script (inspired from this idea) to accomplish this: use Win32; use Win32::API; use Win32::OLE qw( in ); my $machine = "."; my $WMIServices = Win32::OLE->GetObject ( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(security)}//$machine/root/cimv2" ) || d...

Why doesn't Perl's $OSNAME work on Solaris?

I remember having used the variable $OSNAME in linux. Currently I'm working on a project on Solaris where I need to get the OS name and that variable is not working on Solaris. Even a simple one line program does not work: print "OS is $OSNAME\n"; it prints OS is Please help. ...

What should I use to create a Windows GUI?

I'm an experienced UNIX programmer. Now I want to develop a simple Windows application; the programming part would be very easy with almost any tool (it might be C, Perl, or something else). However, I wonder what tool to use in order to have some simple GUI around it? I've read a little about Perl/TK, but understood that it's too old, ...