
Should I use nested subroutines in Perl?

I have 5 Perl files that are verification scripts for 5 different states of my environment. Each of them has at least a couple of subroutines. Till now, the number of states was limited to 5 and these worked fine. But now, I have like 20 more states of the environment and hence 20 more Perl scripts according to the current design. I wa...

How can I bind the values of the parameter in the SQL statement Uusing Perl?

HI am using SQLite DB and whenever I try to bind the values of parameter into the statement I am getting an error. Here's the piece of code: my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT UserId,UserName,CardNo,GroupId,Role,VerifyType FROM UsersList limit ?,? "); $sth->bind_param(1, undef,SQL_VARCHAR); $sth->bind_param(2, undef,SQL_VARCHAR); $st...

Is there a way to programmatically grab a list of meeting attendees from Outlook?

Hi I am trying to grab a list of meeting attendees from Outlook 2003. I am open to using any language that would be appropriate. Scripting languages are preferable. Any suggestions? ...

How can I get the last two digits of a number, using Perl?

How can I get a value from particular number? Lets say number is 20040819. I want to get last two digit i.e 19 using Perl. ...

How can I call a subroutine whose name is a value in a hash, in Perl?

$ cat use strict; use warnings; sub route { print "hello, world!"; } my %h; $h{'a'} = 'route'; print "1\n"; $h{a}; print "2\n"; $h{a}(); print "3\n"; "$h{a}".(); $ perl Useless use of hash element in void context at line 12. Useless use of concatenation (.) or string in void context at line 18. 1 ...

Where does Perl store its intermediate byte code?

After going through couple of linksI came to know that Perl does the compilation and create an intermediate byte code and then interpret that byte code. My question is where does that byte code reside? Like in other language like java, c we can see the machine executable object code after compilation. Though Perl doesn't create machine ...

How can I parse user-agent strings in Perl?

I need to parse the user-agents in HTTP-headers from a text file so as to determine the browser, the version, the OS and possibly the device. so few examples of those lines are: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Update a; AOL 6.0; Windows 98) User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Crazy Browser...

How can I acces read-only attributes of Moose objects?

I'm an absolute newbie to Moose and so far I have read Moose and most of the Cookbook. There a few things I don't get. I created the following package: package MyRange; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; has [ 'start', 'end' ] => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1, ); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable...

Can I call a subroutine at a hard-coded address in Perl?

Let's say I have the following piece of code: my $compiled = eval 'sub { print( "Hello World\n" ); }'; I can call this by writing: $compiled->(); So far so good. Now imagine I create 10 functions: my @fns = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { push( @fns, eval "sub { print( 'I am function $i\n' ); }" ); } I can call these 10...

Using multi-dimensional array in Perl class

I need to create a multi-dimensional array which will be passed to a class. Here is sample code where I can reference the array elements outside of the class, but once I create a class and pass the multi-dimensional array, I'm not able to reference it inside of the class. Output: My Array Value = 3 Can't use string ("1") as an ARRAY ...

Can I set a single signal handler for all signals in Perl?

Is it possible in Perl to install only one signal handler for all the signals it receive? The reason behind this is, I am not aware of what signal my Perl code will get at run time. One way I can see is that point all the available signals to my custom signal handler, but I don't want to go this way. Is there any easy way to do this? som...

Find All Possible Combination of Features (Column) in a Tab Delimited Data

I have a data that looks like this: 1 1:-0.394668 2:-0.794872 3:-1 4:-0.871341 5:0.9365 6:0.75597 1 1:-0.463641 2:-0.897436 3:-1 4:-0.871341 5:0.44378 6:0.121824 1 1:-0.469432 2:-0.897436 3:-1 4:-0.871341 5:0.32668 6:0.302529 -1 1:-0.241547 2:-0.538462 3:-1 4:-0.871341 5:0.9994 6:0.987166 1 1:-0.757233 2:-0.948718 3:-1 4:-0.871341 5...

How do I load libraries relative to the script location in Perl?

How can you get current script directory in Perl? This has to work even if the script is imported from another script (require). This is not the current directory Example: #/aaa/ require "../bbb/" #/bbb/ # I want to obtain my directory (`/bbb/`) print($mydir) The script could be executed in any ways and fr...

How can I replace characters just at the end of a string in Perl?

I have a Perl script that replaces any Us or Ns at the end of a string with Ts. This program is what I'm trying: use strict; my $v = "UUUUUCCNNCCCCNNNCUUUNNNNN"; printf("before: %s \n", $v); if($v =~ m/([UN]+)$/) { my $length = length($1); substr($v, (length($v) - $length), $length) = "T" x $length; } printf(" after: %s \n", $v); ...

Is there a good process monitoring and control framework in either Ruby or Perl?

I came across God which seems good but I am wondering if anyone knows of other process monitoring and control frameworks that I can compare god with. God has the following features: Config file is written in Ruby Easily write your own custom conditions in Ruby Supports both poll and event based conditions Different poll conditions can ...

Are there any existing Perl wrappers for USPS's new Intelligent Mail barcoding?

The USPS provides a C library and a Java wrapper for generating their new Intelligent Mail barcodes. Has anyone found a Perl wrapper? I've used SWIG once before but wanted to see if it's already been done before I went to the trouble. My searching so far has only led to those spam sites that pretend to have whatever your search terms are...

Does DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader cache its moniker map?

Recently we added a "audit_logs" table to the database, and after some frustration I realised that there was already an "auditlog" table in the database for some reason. It wasn't being used so I dropped it. I deleted the and files from my schema, and then regenerated. For some reason DCSL again created AuditLogs...

How can I check if a Unix process is running in Perl?

In UNIX, I am checking to see if a process is up by executing the following command; E.g. psg dtllst pe99 This returns the following output if the process is running; UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD pe99 1234 1 0 03:29:44 pts/8 0:01 dtllst pe99 Now in Perl, I want to be able to find out whether th...

What's the best way to handle multiple outgoing connections in Perl?

I have three TCP servers I need to connect to, each with different protocols, but all in nonblocking mode. Right now my plan is essentially opening a new IO::Socket per each one and adding them to IO::Select, then looping through can_read(). The idea is based on how servers are usually written in Perl, but it seems like it could work for...

How should I serialize code references in Perl?

I wish to nstore a Perl hash which also contains a code reference. Following this perldoc I wrote something like this: use strict; use warnings; local $Storable::Deparse = 1; my %hash = (... CODE => ...); nstore (\%hash, $file); I get a warning saying Name "Storable::Deparse" used only once: possible typo at line 15.. I gues...