
how to define an autoincrement id column in doctrine?

I'm using symfony 1.4 with doctrine as my ORM, I need to do one of two thing to get it working, and I don't know how to do it. If anyone can help me please do :-P the id fields should not be bigint, just int or When I define my table as follows: Table: columns: id: type: integer autoincrement: true primary: true make th...

Inserting a Japanese XML feed in to a MYSQL table via PHP

Hi I've been looking for a solution to this issue and have tried most answers found. But with no luck was I able to insert the Japanese xml feed into the tables which have been created. I tried setting all setting where UTF8 should be used as most answers have suggested - But no luck!! Can someone guide me through. Thanks Sam ...

Is it possible to call C code from php

Hi, is it possible to call C function from 3rd party C library from a PHP5 script. If so any link or how to do it please. Thanks ...

parse variable from php to a c++ function as an argument

I have a web server which receives an image from a client and do some SIFT based image matching at the server (win32) end send the result back to the client. Receiving image is done using apache and php. SIFT based processing functions are in C++. Now I want to parse the data in php variable $image (the variable which holds the received...

How to use php variable insisde system comand

Hi, How do i use a php5 variable inside a system() call $dir = '/etc/somedir'; eg system("ls $dir") i think i'm missing something ok sorry, i am actually passing a variable from a post eg $username = $_POST[username]; to a system call system("processData --user $username --pass $password"); this isn't working, so i trivialised do...

Is there a way to set a different PHP module per Virtual Host?

I'm developing for a bunch of sites on my local machine. Some of those sites ultimately run on php5.3, and some run on php5.2. Is there a way I can setup virtual hosts to use different versions of php for each? ...

PHP - creating multiple forms

I would like to create a dialog where I am asking the user about his language skills. the construction looks as follow: form input select language input select years of experiance button(add new language) {or} button(submit) /form the problem I have is that I only can pass my values to my db after I have collected all information. ...

Problem running console app from php script

Hi, i start a linux console app from my php5 script, it starts ok but then termintates. I've tried using system(), shell_exec and tried starting as background process but to no avail it starts and then quits. What i am trying to achieve is from a remote browser start a console app using a php5 script and then it should remain running (...

how to prevent this error : Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in ... on line 11

i'm very confused with this error , it shows when I try to return a result from the DB that doesn't exist ... I tried mysql_num_rows() but it returns the same error but instead of mysql_fetch_assoc expects ... it says mysql_num_rows() expects ... I set error_reporting(0) to avoid showing this error, but I'm not satisfied with this solu...

Changing 'memory_limit', 'post_max_size', and 'upload_max_filesize' in .htaccess file

I know there are a lot of questions on here about this, but most of them seem to be from people who don't know that 'memory_limit', 'post_max_size', and 'upload_max_filesize' are PHP_INI_PERDIR (i.e. they can't be changed using ini_set()). I already learned that the hard way. However, everything indicates that I should be able to change...

PHP Twitter proxy that supports XAuth on an Apache server

I've been banging my head against this problem for nearly two days now, and I'm hoping someone on this site can help me. I live in China and have a server (shared hosting) located in Hong Kong. I've set up a PHP Twitter proxy on the server, and I connect to the proxy using Twitter for iPhone (AKA Tweetie). It's worked beautifully for th...

facebook fanbage id

i get the face book user id who create face book page,now i need to get page id to display like box in my website. different users have there own face book pages.however i know to get there facebook user id is there any solution or alternative solution,something like fquery or etc??? ...

Get Facebook fan page ID

I've got the Facebook user ID of the user who created a given page. Now I need to get the page ID to display like box in my website. Different users have their own Facebook pages; however, I know how to get their Facebook user IDs ...

How to create a public form for other sites in php?

Hi I need a public order form to provide registered users in my site. I can give a link to the users then user can copy paste that link to their own sites. If any person order via from the user site. the details must be saved in my site. How can create that kind of a page. any body can help me please :( ...

How do I get the fan page id with the user id in the Facebook graph API?

Using the Facebook Graph API I need a way to get the fan page id using that page created "user id". Is it possible? ...

Regex to change format of all img src attributes

Let's say I have a string contaning HTML markup with many img tags that look like this: <img src="data/images/original/3.png" alt="" /> I need a regular expression that would change all images to have paths like this: <img src="/utils/locate-image?path=data%2Fmedia%2Fimages%2Foriginal%2F3.png" alt="" /> I'm not very good with regul...

Copying non existing rows from one database table to another database table?

I have the following 1 db table in Database 1 and 1db table in Database 2, now the stucture of both tables are exactly the same. Now what happens is table 1 (DB1) gets new rows added daily, I need to update the table 1 (DB 1) new rows in table 1 (DB 2) so that these 2 tables remain the same. A cron will trigger a php script on midnight t...

directory listing with restrictions

I am trying to make a script that lists only folders within a folder. The thing is that I have users who can create folders within their folders so basically what I'm trying to do is to have a way for users to manage their folders and storing files... My problem is that I want to make php "think" that the root folder is their home direct...

Expand and Collapse Paragraphs with JQuery Inside of a Loop

I am attempting to write some jQuery code that will expand a paragraph when a link is clicked and once expanded present another link that will allow the paragraph to be collapsed. These paragraphs are all generated within a foreach loop and I am having trouble selecting the correct paragraph because I am not sure of the best way to crea...

issue with panel override for specific node

I have a node view panel that overrides nodes. My variants are setup to only override certain content types. One variant only overrides a specific node. I am using a php selection rule to achieve this. The node id is 2856. So the url is I also have a view setup that creates a feed whose path is ...