
PLY: Token shifting problem in C parser

I'm writing a C parser using PLY, and recently ran into a problem. This code: typedef int my_type; my_type x; Is correct C code, because my_type is defined as a type previously to being used as such. I handle it by filling a type symbol table in the parser that gets used by the lexer to differentiate between types and simple identifie...

Match unicode in ply's regexes

I'm matching identifiers, but now I have a problem: my identifiers are allowed to contain unicode characters. Therefore the old way to do things is not enough: t_IDENTIFIER = r"[A-Za-z](\\.|[A-Za-z_0-9])*" In my markup language parser I match unicode characters by allowing all the characters except those I explicitly use, because my m...

Tokenizing left over data with lex/yacc

Forgive me, I'm completely new to parsing and lex/yacc, and I'm probably in way over my head, but nonetheless: I'm writing a pretty basic calculator with PLY, but it's input might not always be an equation, and I need to determine if it is or not when parsing. The extremes of the input would be something that evaluates perfectly to an e...

several lexers for one parser with PLY ?

Hi, I'm trying to implement a python parser using PLY for the Kconfig language used to generate the configuration options for the linux kernel. There's a keyword called source which performs an inclusion, so what i do is that when the lexer encounters this keyword, I change the lexer state to create a new lexer which is going to lex th...

Resolving a shift/reduce conflict in an LALR parser

I've been using PLY to build up a parser for my language, however I've got a shift/reduce conflict that's causing me some trouble. My language has generic types with a syntax ala C++ templates. So right now I have rules like: expression : expression LESS expression %prec COMPARISON expression : template template : NAME ...

Should I use Lex or a home-brewed solution to parse a formula?

I'm in the process of writing a small, rule-based 'math' engine. I realize this is unclear, so I'll provide a small example. Let's say you have some variable a, that holds an integer. You also have some functions you can apply to the number, i.e. sqr - square the number flp - flip the bits of the number dec - decrement the number inc ...

md5 module error

I'm using an older version of PLY that uses the md5 module (among others): import re, types, sys, cStringIO, md5, os.path ... although the script runs but not without this error: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead How do I fix it so the error goes away? Thanks ...

How to write a regular expression to match a string literal where the escape is a doubling of the quote character?

I am writing a parser using ply that needs to identify FORTRAN string literals. These are quoted with single quotes with the escape character being doubled single quotes. i.e. 'I don''t understand what you mean' is a valid escaped FORTRAN string. Ply takes input in regular expression. My attempt so far does not work and I don't unders...

How to evaluate a matched number later in a regex? - Lexing FORTRAN 'H' edit descriptor with Ply

I am using Ply to interpret a FORTRAN format string. I am having trouble writing a regex to match the 'H' edit descriptor which is of the form xHccccc ... where x specifies the number of characters to read in after the 'H' Ply matches tokens with a single regular expression, but I am having trouble using regular expression to perform ...

Python PLY zero or more occurrences of a parsing item

I am using Python with PLY to parse LISP-like S-Expressions and when parsing a function call there can be zero or more arguments. How can I put this into the yacc code. This is my function so far: def p_EXPR(p): '''EXPR : NUMBER | STRING | LPAREN funcname [EXPR] RPAREN''' if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[...

Python: Trouble with YACC

I'm using PLY to parse sentences like: "CS 2310 or equivalent experience" The desired output: [[("CS", 2310)], ["equivalent experience"]] YACC tokenizer symbols: tokens = [ 'DEPT_CODE', 'COURSE_NUMBER', 'OR_CONJ', 'MISC_TEXT', ] t_DEPT_CODE = r'[A-Z]{2,}' t_COURSE_NUMBER = r'[0-9]{4}' t_OR_CONJ = r'or' t_ign...

Python/YACC: Resolving a shift/reduce conflict

I'm using PLY. Here is one of my states from parser.out: state 3 (5) course_data -> course . (6) course_data -> course . course_list_tail (3) or_phrase -> course . OR_CONJ COURSE_NUMBER (7) course_list_tail -> . , COURSE_NUMBER (8) course_list_tail -> . , COURSE_NUMBER course_list_tail ! shift/reduce conflict for...

Python: How best to parse a simple grammar?

Ok, so I've asked a bunch of smaller questions about this project, but I still don't have much confidence in the designs I'm coming up with, so I'm going to ask a question on a broader scale. I am parsing pre-requisite descriptions for a course catalog. The descriptions almost always follow a certain form, which makes me think I can par...

How do I display/draw a .ply object in OpenGL?

I'm trying to make OpenGL draw the figure that I'm loading with OPENFILENAME. What I've got right now is: I can display the comments, vertex, how many faces, etc., but I cannot draw the figure and I'm not sure how to do it. I can draw other predetermined figures, but not the ones I'm trying to open. This is where I'm initializing ever...

PLY file to be divided into chunks

I have a ply file which creates a 3d model. I wish to render the 3d model in distributed framework. What I want to ask is how can I divide my ply file into different bounding boxes(frustums) so that each node renders one bounding box and then the master just stitches up every bounding box. ...