
In PHP, imagepng() accepts a filter parameter. How do these filters affect the function's output?

How do these filters affect the output of imagepng() in PHP? PNG_NO_FILTER PNG_FILTER_NONE PNG_FILTER_SUB PNG_FILTER_UP PNG_FILTER_AVG PNG_FILTER_PAETH PNG_ALL_FILTERS The documentation simply says, "A special PNG filter, used by the imagepng() function" for each of them. It seems that using PNG_NO_FILTER will reduce the filesize of...

PHP: imagepng is creating inordinately large files

I'm using a simple thumbnailing script I wrote and it's pretty standard: $imgbuffer = imagecreatetruecolor($thumbwidth, $thumbheight); switch($type) { case 1: $image = imagecreatefromgif($img); break; case 2: $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($img); break; case 3: $image = imagecreatefrompng($img); break; case 6: $image = imagecreate...

Most efficient method of generating PNG as HTTP response

I've built an ASP.NET page whose output stream is a dynamically-generated PNG image containing only text on a transparent background. The text is based upon database IDs contained in the querystring. There will be a limited number of variations. Which one of the following would be the most efficient means of returning the image to the ...

Build turns partially transparent image pixels black

I'm very new to C# and I've run into a problem and haven't been able to solve it. I have a row of buttons that have .png images assigned to them. The images are in .png format to allow transparency, and smoothing the edges in GIMP leaves some semi-transparent pixels. I've set the Image List Toolbar (imglToolbar)'s properties to recogn...

rounded corners in Qooxdoo - problems with ImageMagic and PNG

Hi, I want to create a button with rounded corners in Qooxdoo but I'm having some problems. I guess it's a problem with ImageMagick and not my Qooxdoo code, but I'll post it anyway. So in order to create rounded corners I'm following this guide Guide this is what my image.json contains: { "jobs" : { "common" : { "let" ...

Insert PNG with alpha channel using FPDF (PHP)

In official documentation of FPDF, it said alpha channel is not supported for PNG. Is there any workaround? ...

transparent background in ie6 for png

How to make transparent background for png image in ie6 Thanx ...

How to have hidden link actions on PNG image ? See link for example. Image is a PHP created PNG image. When viewing just the image, then no link actions are present. I cant figure out how the link actions are added. Please help. ...

iPhone screenshot different colour when displayed

I've taken a screenshot of my iPhone app running and I'd like to use that image as a png to be drawn by the app instead of generated graphics. When I take the screenshot, it looks fine. However, when that is saved as a PNG file, added to the Xcode project and then displayed back on the screen of the phone (or simulator) the colours are ...

how do i create a transparent canvas, then add transparent pngs to it?

i need to create a transparent image, then combine transparent pngs to it whilst maintaining image quality. how can i do this? imagecreatetruecolor(...); //processing using imagecopymerge(..); imagepng(...); outputs a black background. thanks :) here's my actual code for reference... $d = getimagesize(TMP.$this->files[0]);...

How to get coordinates from a image for CGRectMake

Is there a program, that you can drag a box around a specific area of an image, and it will give you the coordinates you need to input into CGRectMake? //The numbers in here CCSprite *sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteSheet:spriteSheet rect:CGRectMake(608,6,44,45)]; The way i do it know, is by guessing, and recompiling every time til...

Clicking through a transparent .png

First off, I would like to say that myspace is a pain. But, musicians love it, and I can make some money doing layouts for them. I overlayed a layer of .png's over myspace's original look, but need to utilize the myspace music player. So, I made a picture frame that surrounds the myspace player that has a transparent center so you can se...

downsizing several hundred png files from png24 to png8

I have several hundred images that I ended up saving as a large file format (png24) so I'd like to downsize them all. Is there a quick way to do this rather than manually opening each one in photoshop and saving as a png8? Also, if I only have the png file and not the psd, can I still downsize the image from png24 to png8? Thanks. ...

iphone tabbarcontroller PNG

I've run out of places to look for why my image will not display in the tab bar controller. Whether I use Inkscape, Pixelmator, or an antique version of Paint Shop Pro to create and then export the PNG, I get a blue, highlighted square of nothingness or a dull gray square of nothingness. All are 30 x 30, but white on black, black on whi...

IE8 not rendering transparent pngs correctly -- never happened before

I've never had a problem before with IE 7 or 8 and transparent PNGs until now. I don't know if it's Photoshop or Fireworks that is possibly messed up. I really don't know what else to say.. here is the link: It's the three fading images on the home page. My only guess is that it has to do with the ...

Display PNG with alpha channel in C#

Is there a way to properly display an image with alpha channel (let's say PNG) in C# application? Thank you for any suggestions. UPDATE: OK, my question was a bit unprecise. I'd like to acquire real transparency of alpha channel - not filling with the parent's background color. In the image below we can see that the transparency is sup...

PNG transparency with IE6

Hello! I need to overlay two PNG images and see this in IE6. Simple overlay like: <div style="position: relative; width: 150px; height: 300px;"> <img src="im1.png" alt="" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;"> <img src="im2.png" alt="" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;"> </div> works only for 256 color images, it do...

Floating png over transparent div in IE7

I have a div which ive made semi transparent using the following css -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40)"; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40); opacity: 0.4; Problem is it made the contents of the div semi transparent aswell which i didnt want. So i made another div underneath it a...

Google/YouTube Insight style "Interactive PNGs"?

I have been looking at the YouTube Insight function and want to learn how their chart PNGs are created. If you have a video and look at the statistics, you get a bunch of PNG-images that in many ways can be considered interactive. Look at the image below. As far as I can tell, everything consist of PNG images. I expected to see flash...

Why does this PNG show differently sometimes?

I am playing around with CodePress for a small project, and I am trying to figure out how it generates the actual numbers for the line number display. I have looked all through the code, and I see nothing where 1, 2, 3, ..., n is outputted. However, when viewing the page info in Firefox, I see this: Now, when I actually go to that URL...