
set Orientation of Image in UITableView iPhone?

Hi to all I'm having Application based on quiz. it is collection of questionnaires, images. its xml based database and i accessed its only one class that is Uitableview in one tableview through access upto 56 questions and 25 images. Actually i want to run app on both modes that first one is landscape and another one is portrait. My pro...

how to set up the orientation of actionsheet in iphone?

An app consists rootviewcontroller(rvc) & its detailviewcontroller(dvc) and i wanna run app on both mode. rvc holds uiimageview & then tableview and dvc holds two buttons my problem is that when i build & run the app its shows mvc perfectly on both mode but when i clicked one of table'cell the control goes to dvc in the case the simulat...

addsubview issue at window

hi, i want to add two subviews to window in my AppDelegateController. both in landscape mode. when i add the first view, it is in landscape (that's fine), but when adding the second, it is automatically in portrait mode. any advice? thanks + regards that's in my AppDelegate.m [window addSubview:viewController.view]; CGRect frame = s...

Find out if Android device is portrait or landscape for normal usage?

Is there anyway to find out if a device is portrait or landscape by default? In that I mean how you normally use the device. Most phones have a portrait screen for normal usage but is there some flag for finding that out? ...

portrait view inside landscape activity

Hi Guys, I have a question, how to show a portrait view inside landscape activity (eg. camera activity) for example: i have a camera activity (which should always on landscape mode), but i want my button (which is overlay on top of camera screen) following handset orientation. so when i turn my handset as a landscape, then my button o...

Will Apple reject my app for using setStatusBarOrientation?

ViewController1 uses portrait orientation. ViewController2 uses landscape orientation. If I use: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait]; Will my app get rejected? If I can't use this call, what is my other option? Simply rotating the images won't be sufficient since I need to use ac...

Alert views in portrait, iPad in landscape, and unable to rotate to anything but "other" landscape (180 degrees).

Update: Solved. See fix at bottom. In my iPad app which supports all orientations, if the app is loaded in landscape, weird things happen: Alert views appear in portrait, even though the rest is in landscape Rotating the iPad from landscape to portrait does not trigger a rotation (nor does it trigger any of the shouldAutorotate style ...

Android - Camera preview is sideways

I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything working fine, surface created, surface set and the surface is displayed. However it always displays the picture at an incorrect 90 degree angle in portrait mode. Such as in the picture: I am aware that using the following code will set the pic...

css expanding based on portrait or landscape screen size ??

I have two divs that are floating next to each other. What i would like is to have it have a width of 100px when you are looking at it in portrait mode and lets say 200 px in landscape. This happens viewing on a mobile device actually. So the div will expand when in landscape mode and shrink up a bit in portrait. Any ideas? ...

How to draw canvas in respect of phone orientation (landscape , portrait) ?

There is no problem with portrait mode but when i try my app on landscape mode it doesn't look how it should.What is general aproach to solve this problem.My first idea is replacing X and Y places.If i am on the right track how should i do this ? Should i use an if statement at the beginning of the onDraw() function and write entire same...

touches in landscape and portrait orientations

Hi all, i am developing a game for iPad, on Portrait and landscape orientations. i am taking touches on four corners of the screen, touches is working properly on landscape mode, where as in Portrait mode actual problem, touches working on top corners but bottom corners touches is not working. i think in portrait mode the view frame s...

[Android] Rotate of 90 degrees a Dialog / AlertDialog created by the system ?

Does it exist a way to apply a rotation (of 90 degrees) to an AlertDialog that has been created by the system ? This could seem tricky at first sight. My application uses the camera in preview and must work in landscape AND in portrait, starting from Android 1.5. However, when the OS automatically manages the phone orientation, the pr...

Stopping orientation change with side-keyboard (Android)

I am wondering how I can make the orientation of the screen permanent, even when the phone has a slide-out keyboard. This is the code I have: <activity android:name=".AppName" android:label="@string/app_name" android:screenOrientation="portrait"> Thanks. ...