
Flex chart datatip position

I have created my own dataTipRenderer for a PlotChart and I am trying to change the position at which it is displayed. I have tried: this.x -= (some number); this.y -= (some number); Ive tried putting this code in the updateDisplayList function and when I set the data, but that didnt seem to move the datatip at all. ...

Layout of pages - absolute positioning

Afternoon all - I'm after a bit of advice really. Being a newbie, I now realise that the method I employed to design my first project is a bit crap. Having little/no knowledge of anything to do with web development, I went down the route of placing my controls on a page with absolute positioning...I just liked the idea of dragging and d...

Autosizing boxes and positioning in Cocoa

Hi, I'm creating an application, from which a part looks like this: I all dragged them to a window in IB, but the problem is that the NSImageView, Action Buttons (Suggest, Send, Poke etc...), Information NSBox, and Friends NSTabView can all vary in height. They should always be placed below each other, with a margin of 8px. Just like...

Problem with position objects on different resolutions

Situation A Flex project exported as a Projector, showing fullscreen. The project has a background and several dots which each represent a "Location". These locations are fetched from an XML file and have their position set in percentages. The location in pixels is calculated (this works as it should) by the width and height of the Appli...

Attaching and Positioning Movieclips with XML in Flash

Hi, Im trying to build a script that attaches and positions an instance of a movieclip for each node of an xml sheet. However, I can't seem to get it to loop properly. The script is simply attaching and positioning a single movieclip according to the last node in the xml file. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?!! Here is my scrip...

Jquery animated overflow element shifts in Safari

I am developing an annual report site which needs to be compatible with major browsers such as IE, FF and Safari at least. I have a couple of issues with the jquery effect. I have added a jquery slide reveal effect to the page which partially shows the main content div for a couple of seconds then it animates to reveal the rest of the c...

Dynamically set the Popup position/placement

Hi, The Popup control is left-aligned by default. Its left edge is aligned with the left edge of its parent. What I would like to do is to have the control right-aligned so that its right edge is aligned with the right edge of its container. I want this to be dynamic because I dynamically bind the data and I don't know how big the pop...

Positioning images outside of main content

I'm having various problems with positioning divs both inside and outside of the main content area in the following example: http://unclemort.com/wp/ I've got a big letter "S" to the top left of the header, but in Firefox this pushes down the large image (with the red sorrounding box) in the main content area. Funny thing is that in I...

Change the ComboBox Popup control to be right-aligned with the its parent

I'm trying to get a ComboBox to display its Popup right aligned rather than left-aligned as is the default. I mean I want the right edge of the Popup to be aligned with the right edge of its parent. I tried overriding the ComboBox class but that didn't quite work as the Popup HorizontalOffset seems to be reset somehow. I thought that wo...

smart page resizing

Suppose I have an HTML page with three blocks of fixed width (their height can vary if that's important), like shown on picture: I would like to make it behave as shown on next picture: when browser screen width is reduced so it can't fit all three blocks in one line, first block goes down. Is it possible to achieve such behavior? Pr...

How to add children of an ItemsControl where the children should decide their own position in Wpf?

Hey all I am using a wpf slider to display the time line in a video player. I need to add an ItemControl of some sort on top of this so that I can add buttons on the time line on certain positions in the time line (the buttons will hold their own position relative to the parent ItemsControl). What ItemsControl container should I use wh...

How do you position a wx.MessageDialog (wxPython)?

Hi: Is there any reason why the position, pos, flag doesn't seem to work in the following example? dlg = wx.MessageDialog( parent=self, message='You must enter a URL', caption='Error', style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR | wx.STAY_ON_TOP, pos=(200,200) ) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() The documentation is here: http://www...

Anchor UIButton to the left of a UILabel

I have a UILabel with right-aligned text that may vary from between three to seven characters in length. I am trying to anchor a button to the left of this text so that when the length of the text increases, the button will stay the same distance from the left of the label. Is there an anchor setting in Interface Builder, or does it req...

- Button's positioning on UIToolBar in IB -

Hey guys, As a fervent adept of IB, I created a UIToolBar (in IB of course) and added to it a few buttons. So far so good ... but then I tried to move each of them to the right position but IB doesn't let me do it ... Each time I try to scroll them IB moves them back to the former position ! Is there a way to choose their position in...

How to prevent external translation of a movieclip object on stage in AS3?

I have a MovieClip object, which is exported for actionscript (AS3) in an .swc file. When I place an instance of the clip on the stage without any modifications, it appears in the upper left corner, about half off stage (i.e. only the lower right quadrant of the object is visible). I understand that this is because the clip has a regist...

CSS - 2 divs side-by-side, one floated - how do I make the other fit next to it without overlapping?

I have had the following problem for a while and I am really not sure how to solve it. The problem can currently be observed here: http://www.androidpolice.com/2009/11/16/the-not-so-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-my-list-of-20-problems-with-htc-hero/ - feel free to use this for Firebugging. There are 2 notions here: a table of contents (toc...

IE8 positioning, nightmare!

Well hi, guess what, I have an IE positioning issue! This is in 8, so god know what's going on in the other versions (checking later) Both the boxes call the same class, why is IE being so difficult? Here's how it's meant to look: And here's how it does look: CSS: (removed comments for ease of reading) div .roundbigboxkunde { ...

Convert absolute position to relative

Is it possible to change DIV position from absolute to relative (and from relative to absolute)? DIV should remain on same place. ...

Draw Custom View on specific position of screen - Android

I have a custom component which consists of 2 text view and 4 toggle buttons. I want to draw this view at some specific position on the screen. How is that possible? ...

Positioning elements outside an Activity on Android

Is there a way to absolutely position an UI element on Android so that it is located outside an Activity? For example: can you create a fullscreen ImageView simply by moving/resizing an ImageView inside an existing regular Activity instead of creating a new fullscreen activity? EDIT: Re-reading my question I see I wasn't very clear abou...