Given the pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9 .\-_]+$ and the string te\\st, why is the match positive? I'm using this to validate usernames and I don't want people to put slashes in their usernames, it messes with URLs.
I'm calling ereg($pattern, $username), running PHP version 5.2.8.
I have this piece of code for email verification :
function VerifRegisterEmail(&$email) {
if(empty($email)) {
return false;
$pattern_email = '^[[:alnum:]\.-_]+@[[:alnum:]\.-_]+\.[[:alpha:]]{2, 3}$';
if(!ereg('^[[:alnum:]\.-_]+@[[:alnum:]\.-_]+\.[[:alpha:]]{2, 3}$', $email)) {
echo "emaill";
return false;
A couple of PHP ereg_replace questions. I have an array of names:
$ssKeywords = array("Str", "Int", "String", "As", "Integer", "Variant");
However when I use this ereg_replace:
foreach($arKeyword as $aWord) {
$sCode = ereg_replace($aWord, "<span class='ssKeyword'>".$aWord."</span>", $sCode);
It will only find the "str" or "int"...
I need help, below is a small VERY basic regex to somewhat validate an email, I do realize it does not work the greatest but for my needs it is ok for now.
It currently uses PHP's eregi function which says is now a depreciated function and I should use preg_match instead, simply replacing erei with preg_match does not work, can...
I've seen a solution for not having to rework usage of the ereg function for PHP 6:
It uses if(!function_exists....
Is there a function that can be used in this way for ereg_replace?
ereg_replace("[^a-z,A-Z]", "", $str);
I'm trying to remove some deprecated code from a site.
Can anyone tell me the preg equivalent of
I am trying to parse some HTML snippets and want to clean them up for various reasons (XSS et al).
I am currently trying to remove all of the attributes on any tag, except for the href on a anchor. I am doing this using a sequence of eregi_replace calls, but I am sure there is a smarter way of doing this using preg_replace and just a c...
Hi all,
I'm getting the following message for some php I have to use but did not write:
Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /opt/lampp/htdocs/webEchange/SiteWeb_V5/inc/html2fpdf.php on line 466
This is line 466:
I tried simply replacing with preg_match, but it couldn't re...
I have two string variables which are both file paths. The code that worked used ereg which is deprecated, so I'm trying to rewrite it using preg_match:
Old code that worked:
$path1 = quotemeta($path);
ereg("$path1(.*)$", $path2, $matches);
Using preg_match which doesn't seem to work:
$path1 = quotemeta($path);
Hi, I'm using ereg in the followin way to validate a field which can contain only numbers from 0 to 9:
if(eregi("^([0-9])*$", $mynumber)) return true;
However the string must have between 8 and 10 characeters. Is it possible to improve the same ereg usage to check for a valid string length as well?
Thanks in advance.. all ereg tutori...
How can I convert
preg_replace... ?
I'm having trouble with it?
ereg and eregi functions will be deleted from Php. Please help to find alternatives for the following ereg functions:
1) To allow IP addresses only for specific ranges:
$targetAddr = "60.37..*..*";
if (!ereg($targetAddr, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
2) To replace series of points like .......................
$message = ere...
Hi all,
I am wondering if someone could please help me convert a piece of PHP code that is now deprecated.
Here is the single line I am trying to convert:
if(eregi(trim ($request_url_handler[$x]),$this->sys_request_url) && $this->id_found == 0){
It is part of a function that return the configuration settings for a website. Below is ...
I have a small chunk of coding I need to take from ereg to preg_match. Here is the code.
function be_file_list($d, $x) {
foreach (array_diff(scandir($d), array('.', '..')) as $f) {
if (is_file($d . '/' . $f) && (($x) ? ereg($x.'$',$f) : 1)) {
$l[] = $f;
return $l;
This code works as expec...
since eregi replace was deprecated on version 5.3 i want to make my program compatible with new version of php
so, i'm trying to use preg_replace like this
but come with error
i'm familiar with eregi_replace(',','','20,000.00'); i'm not familia...
I'm a complete novice when it comes to regex. Could someone help me convert the following expression to preg?
ereg('[a-zA-Z0-9]+[[:punct:]]+', $password)
An explanation to accompany any solution would be especially useful!!!!
I have a class that uses PHP's ereg() which is deprecated.
Looking on I thought I could just get away and change to preg_match()
But I get errors with the regular expressions or they fail!!
Here are two examples:
function input_login() {
if (ereg("[^-_@\.A-Za-z0-9]", $input_value)) { // WORKS
// if (preg_match("[^-_@\....
Can some please help me to rewrite these code:
if (eregi($asked,$accepted)) {
$this->plot_type = $which_pt;
return true;
} else {
$this->DrawError('$which_pt not an acceptable plot type');
return false;
Any help will be highly appreciated, I have tried all the fix I got through Google but none has been able to fix it.
I have this line in one of my scripts and its throwing a deprecated error.
eregi_replace( '\.([a-z]{3,4})$', "-{$width}x{$height}.\\1", $src );
Can someone show me how to turn this into preg_replace and tell me why and which bits of it need to change so I can learn for future changes? I have had a go myself but where this bit of code...