
Presentation Topics

Hi, I am working as a Business Development Executive in a Software Company. We are into developing web applications. Kindly suggest me some nice and unique presentation topics related to web application development. Thanks ...

I want to start Qt

Hi all, i wanna know the best source to learn Qt from. i found some books but i believe that videos are more appealing to me. do you have any idea about Qt learning videos ? also if you have presentation or something like that , i would be very happy. ...

Suggested content for a lunch-time "Introduction to Scala" talk

I'm going to be giving a short (30-40 mins) lunch-time talk on Scala to technical staff at my company. I'd like some suggestions for what would be the most appropriate content. Most people attending will have experience in Java and/or C# (plus various other languages). What are the key things to cover? I'd like to give a brief introdu...

Flash Slide Presentation full screen

I am building my very first Flash Slide Presentation. However, I would like to enable full screen when the presentation starts. I placed: fscommand("fullscreen", "true"); In the first layer, first frame, of the first slide. And I use a .html file to launch to embed the .swf file. However, when I open the .html, a popup appears sayin...

What font should I use in Visual Studio 2010 when giving a presentation?

Scott Hanselman suggests using Lucida Console, 14 to 18pt, Bold for the Visual Studio font when presenting. But that's a post from 2003, and I think I remember hearing that there was a better font in VS 2010. Is it Consolas? What font/size should I use when giving a presentation? ...

How to get rid of navigation bars in beamer

How to remove the navigation bar of sections and subsections on the top of each slide generated from a beamer latex file? By the way, in my preamble, I wrote: \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow} ...

How to set the font generated from a beamer latex file to Times New Roman?

How to set the font generated from a beamer latex file to Times New Roman in preamble? Thanks! ...

Writing a webapp for creating presentations

I need to write a webapp similar to Google Presentations, but with lot fewer features (single slide; no effects, just editing styled text; images and shapes), for a specific requirement. I am undecided whether to do it in HTML/JavaScript or in Silverlight. I rate my skills as: C# - Advanced HTML/JavaScript - Intermediate Silverlight ...

Beamer Presentation: Sneak in slides for each bulleted element

So, I am doing a presentation using Beamer. In my earlier presentation, I used the list elements auto unhiding one each time. : using the following code: \begin{frame} \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>] \item Admin Interf...

How to give a presentation on unit testing with nunit?

If you had to give an overview on unit testing with some practical examples to other colleagues and you yourself weren't up to speed on unit testing, how would you approach that? Examples would be shown in nunit, but I guess it could be any unit testing framework. ...