
creating presentations with python

Hello! I am looking for a library that would allow me to create presentations as would ppt or latex would allow me to do, but using python! Does such a library exists? Thanks! [edit]:Well a simple precision: I don't know latex but from what I understand it's a scripting language with keywords etc that allows to create presentations. W...

I have 15 minutes to present ASP.NET MVC to my colleagues. What topics should I focus on?

I've been using ASP.NET MVC for personal projects since before it hit RTM. I am preparing a presentation for my colleagues to introduce them to basic concepts of ASP.NET MVC and show them how it could be used in our environment. My presentation has a 15 minute limit. There is a lot of information to relay (especially if you factor in p...

A Programming Presentation for eight year olds

I have been given the opportunity to give a small presentation to a group of young children about what I do as a software developer. I have a few ideas kicking around for how to make this interactive and entertaining for them while still getting my points across. Ideally I would like to capture that feeling of working with pure ideas, ...

What to cover in a django introduction talk?

I am taking a session on web application development using django at a local Open Source Community. The audience has earlier programming experience in Java or C; Some people with php and .net. What all should I talk about. Hardly anybody would be familiar with dynamic languages. How to cover essential topics of Python? Are there any ...

Most embarrassing moment during a project presentation?

Have you ever had such an experience such as during a presentation something goes wrong and you feel terribly bad and uncomfortable. How could you handle such a situation? ...

Best method for embedding source code in presentations?

When creating (Impress) presentations containing source code snippets, what is the best way of including these snippets in the presentation? If possible, I would like them to be rendered with a fixed-width font and appropriate syntax coloring. An obvious answer would be to embed a screen captures from a code editor, but this causes pro...

What would be a good task for a test-driven development presentation?

Possible Duplicate: What would you like to see in a TDD demo? What is a good sample class to demonstrate TDD? I'd like to prepare a one-hour talk on test-driven development, using Python. But rather than describing what TDD is (and giving little examples), I'd like to choose some user stories that could be implemented usin...

How should I set up Eclipse when preparing for a presentation or demo?

If I'm presenting code usually I show it in a syntax-highlighting text editor. But I've been doing more "live coding" in some presentations recently where it's important to show off some IDE tooling. How should I set up Eclipse when preparing for a presentation or demo? Is there a way to save and switch out presenter settings? Is the...

Good font for code presentations?

(update: I know there's several questions regarding fixed-width fonts for coding... that's why I mentioned it in the first sentence of this question. I'm specifically investigating fonts for projected presentations and printed handout notes.) There's a couple of good questions regarding screen fonts for coding. I'm putting together so...

Physical world examples of design for testability and test driven development

I'm going to be doing a presentation on unit testing and in doing so I will touch on "design for testability" patterns. In other words using IOC containers, Dependency Injection, avoiding static methods etc. I have a feeling my team will be cold to starting to code differently to accommodate for testing. So I was wondering if anybody ...

How to Remove Footers of LaTeX Beamer Templates?

I am using the "beamerthemesplit" template of the Beamer LaTeX package. This templates includes the author's name and the title of the presentation in the footer of all pages. Is anyone aware of any way to suppress this footer? ...

Presentation (Brown bag) ideas for a J2EE team

I need to give a brownbag to my dev co-workers. The team is a typical Java/J2EE team, mostly using the current technologies (Grails, Spring, Hibernate, EJB, Caching, Webservices, Messaging). I want to talk about something that we aren't using yet. Part of my reason for giving the presentation is to learn it myself too. And I don't care...

Putting citation text on same slide with LaTeX Beamer

By default, using \cite in the Beamer class of LaTeX places the actual citation information at the end of the presentation on a separate slide containing the bibliography. How does one get the citation information, instead, on the same slide as the citation (the expected, courteous practice for most presentations)? ...

Recomendations for Creating a Picture Slide Show with Super-Smooth Transitions (For Live Presentaiton)?

Hi everyone, I'm doing a theatrical performance, and I need a program that can read images from a folder and display them full screen on one of the computer's VGA outputs, in a predetermined order. All it needs to do is start with the first image, and when a key is pressed (space bar, right arrow), smoothly cross-fade to the next image....

Giving presentation on software project to non-programmers

Soon I will need to give a presentation on my honours project for the engineering faculty and a large group of engineering and technology students at my university. While all the the people attending will be technical-minded, not all of them will be programmers and most will be from other engineering disciplines. I have given presentati...

I seek parser markdown-file for presentation

hi, I search web-based markdown-file parser to presentation. I want to presentation from online markdown-file, realtime parse. Because I want to manege markdown-files on git repository like github. I try to parse on ruby script(gem) 'slideshow' or 'slidedown'. It is very useful but it need parsed before. I know javascript base present...

Web content presentation

Any one have an ideas how to present a website content very impressive? Is there any reference that guides me? Eg: I am designing online marketing website. I need to design step by step approach for the clients who visits our site. The contents taking too long to view, I have to simplify, but everything is important? I need some basic ...

Library for Creating Animated Presentations

Is there any library for creating animated presentations? Although the question is language-agnostic, I'm specifically biased towards WPF, yet I wouldn't mind you giving examples of libraries for any other language, or a visualization language of some sort. ...

Using Ignite style lightning talks for brown bag presentations?

Recently, I ran across Ignite and thought that style of presentation (five minutes, 20 slides, rotated automatically after 15 seconds) could work for "brown bag" sessions. It would be a way to take a lunch hour and get through a range of topics for the purpose of knowledge sharing. Because each talk is only five minutes, it could get p...

Distribute searchable documentation on CD?

We have a need to publish a presentation in the form of a website(or some other form) on CD with contents, search, and glossary capabilities. Sort of how some magazines are putting out electronic cds with all their issues for the previous year. Unfortunately I dont know the right terminology to do a proper search for this. Currently I ...