
Silverlight printing busy\progress bar.

I'm using Silverlight 4 to print but I would like some sort of progress bar or busy indicator. I've tried to using a progress bar but it is not really working. The 2 issues I have are: the progress bar does not indicate progress, I have IsIndeterminate=True, but it does not animate when printing starts (Print dialog's Print button is...

How to create a xaml databound report in WPF?

I want to create a report that can be printed, exported as PDF or Word document. All of the reporting frameworks I've seen so far, insist on creating a connection to database directly which is absurd. My data comes from WCF service inform of an object. Following is the structure of object. ReportData { public UserInformation Basic...

remove remainder from string in php

Hi. Simple question. I have this code: total = 41 win = 48 echo ($total/$win) * 100 ; printing out 85.416666666667 I need to remove the remainder so it prints out: 85 %. ...

Print variable in python without space or newline

print a variable without newline or space python3 does it by print (x,end='') how to do it in python 2.5 ...

Missing images in print preview

I have an html page, where some images are generated dynamically based on some input text boxes (using javascript). When i am seeing its print preview those images are missing even i can see those images. Whats needed to show those images? which at start are not the part of html content when page loads. ...

Printing Core Data

I'm working on a program and I have created a fetch request to grab the data that I need to print. I'm able to log information like this: 2010-10-03 16:57:10.362 lzshow7.2[2537:10b] <NSManagedObject: 0x2ca120> (entity: Song; id: 0x2afcb0 <x-coredata://CF5A85CE-BE0F-4ADC-979A-7F4214A8FB19/Song/p9> ; data: { cueName = Freedom; cu...

How can I use a WPF FlowDocument or FixedDocument to compose a printable page from on screen controls?

I'm attempting to print a number of WPF controls (datagrid, charts etc) that are on screen in my application but which need to be re-arranged and supplemented with other text etc. Using the WPF FlowDocument or FixedDocument seems the obvious way to compose and print documents but I'm struggling to achieve this. I've tried creating a Vi...

problem when printing from web service

Hi, I have an application that needs to be able to print in different printers. This application has a desktop interface and a web service. If I try to print from the desktop application there is no problem, I'm able to print in both local and network printers, the problem is when I try to print via web service in a network printer (loca...

Why is printing to stdout so slow? Can it be sped up?

I've always been amazed/frustrated with how long it takes to simply output to the terminal with a print statement. After some recent painfully slow logging I decided to look into it and was quite surprised to find that almost all the time spent is waiting for the terminal to process the results. Can writing to stdout be sped up somehow...

print gridviews, datagrids, or datatables

I'm looking for a solution to implement in web apps where I have the option to see a print preview or print either a gridview, datagrid, or datatable or export it to word or excel. What's the best method to do this or has someone written a class that does this, and does it well (I've seen many examples, but many still have errors)? ...

Printing async data from Silverlight 4

I have a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem here... I want to print map data that is retrieved asynchronously from a web service. The problem is I don't know the selected paper size (which affects the size of the map I need to request from the service) until the user presses OK on the print dialog and the PrintPage event is fired. The o...

its posible configure the property silent print for all populars navigators?

lookin for if can posible configure the property silent print for all populars navigators? ...

Print a list of lists of Integers with Haskell returned by CombinatoricsGeneration.combinations

Hello, I already searched the Web, I have Real World Haskell but I can't figure how to print a list of lists of Integers when that list is returned by combinatoricsGeneration.combinations. I found the module at The functions have no type signature, so Haskell has to infer ev...

Is it normal for pages to be unprintable??

Im not sure what could use this, but a client of mine told me that some of the pages of the site I just developed are printed half-and-half. website: here What could cause something like this and how do I fix it? Thanks for any advice on the issue. ...

C print text lines and update them

Hi all, I have a program in C that print a table. I want update the values of this table without reprint the entire table. I can update one line with \r character, but how I can update more than one line? ...

How to print a non-static google map (v3 api)

Hi, I would like to ask if there is any way to print a google map which is showing a direction overlay? I hv tried with google map javascript api v3, but the map cannot be shown. I hv also tried to use static google map, however Static Maps API URLs can be a max...

How to create a PDF which, when printed, will have each page sent to another tray/printer?

Hi all, our application is a Java webbased application which is used by a number of different organizations and which we host ourselves. I'm currently struggling with the described issue. In our application we have a mass printing functionality that spits out PDF file's, generated by Apache FOP, which the user can then print. The probl...

Retrieve Printer's Duplex setting when using PPD Driver

I have a Windows printer configured using a PPD based driver (see Wikipedia). The PPD file defines Duplex as being supported and the duplex setting can be changed via the Printer's Printing Preferences (right click on the printer and choose properties). I have confirmed the setting works by printing a two page document. The problem I h...

Get WMI Win32_Printer Duplex setting for PPD printer

I have a Windows printer configured using a PPD based driver. The PPD file defines Duplex as being supported and the duplex setting can be changed via the Printer's Printing Preferences (right click on the printer and choose properties). I have confirmed the setting works by printing a two page document. The problem I have is reading t...

Native C# way to add a printer?

Is there a native C# (managed) way to add a printer to Windows? I've found a reference to using [DllImport("winspool.drv",CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] private static extern IntPtr AddPrinter(string myserver, uint dwLevel, ref PRINTER_INFO_2 pi ); But I'd rather avoid linking into the unmanaged library. Is this my only option for addin...