
moving up problem in custom table view cell

Hi friends, I am using custom table view cell to show to table view - (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier { if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier]) { m_mail_status = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(295, 10, 18, 18)]; [self addSubview:m_mail...

[C#] Different SHA1 Hash result between Java and C#

Hi guys, I've a big problem. I using this C# function to encode my message: byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(file_or_text); SHA1CryptoServiceProvider cryptoTransformSHA1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); String hashText = BitConverter.ToString(cryptoTransformSHA1.ComputeHash(buffer)).Replace("-", ""); On java side, I use this ...

log4net not rolling properly on 2003 server

I am using Rolling file appender with rolling style Size, it rolls fine on my XP box and one 2003 server. But its behaving wieredly on on other 2003 boxes, ie while rolling it truncates the file. ...

how to combined between "easy silder" & "prety photo" jquery plugins?

i have a problem put 2 jquery scripts in one page. only one is working until i remove the second script the other working. here is the code of easy slider <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#slider").easySlider({ auto: true, continuous: true }); }); ...

import android .net.http package can't be resolved in android

hi all, how to download jar files for rectifying the package importing problems in android.i cant find jars downloading site for android. please help me renu ...

Giving up Agile, Switching to waterfall - Is this right ?

Hi, I am working in an Agile environment and things have gone to the state where the client feels that they would prefer Waterfall due to the failures (thats what they think) of the current Agile scenario. The reason that made them think like this would be the immense amount of design level changes that happened during the end stages of...

QT APPlication not exiting , Remain in Memory

Hello and Good Morning , I have problem using QT application . I am posting little code here QApplication a(argc, argv); QString path = qApp->applicationDirPath(); qApp->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); a.addLibraryPath(path+"/plugins"); TryQt w;; return a.exec(); this is how i am starting my Application . In the A...

Problem using Wildcard search in Solr

Hi, I am having a problem doing wildcard searches in lucene syntax using the edismax handler. I have Solr 4.0 nightly build from the trunk. A general search like 'computer' returns results but 'com*er' doesn't return any results. Similary, a search like 'co?mput?r' returns no results. The only type of wildcard searches working currren...

VBA Excel: Too many checkboxes on worksheet, code doesn't work

Hi everyone, I'm currently working on an MS Excel worksheet which contains 1277 checkboxes, spread over 96 rows. In this sheet, there is a column in which the total of the checked checkboxes is placed. The idea is that when a checkbox is ticked, the total sum in this control column is added by one. The code for this works fine, because...

Can somebody tell me what is wrong with the code in this page? The layout does not work properly in Safari browser

I do some work on on old tables based site. It is being replaced but I would like it to work for now. One of the pages in question is When this page (and some others) is viewed in Safari 5.0 (7533.16) and probably others, the page content is off to the right. I just need to fix...

Solved Array Issue, App Disappearance and Force Close Error, but still no videos, where is the flaw in this code??

After having solved every of my previous issues to get the code running for retrieving videos from the sdcard and displaying them in the GridView, I still cannot see the videos. I don't know what I have done wrong that they won't show and the array isn't passed on. If someone could help me out, please, because I really haven't got a cl...

Trying to get the CGColor value from a property causes crash

Hello, I'm trying to set a property like so - -interface: @property (readwrite, assign) CGColorRef otherBallColor; -someMethod: CGColorRef ballColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:255.0/256.0 green:165.0/256.0 blue:239.0/256.0 alpha:1.0].CGColor; [self setOtherBallColor:ballColor]; As soon as I try to access the value it crashes - -s...

How to multiply two big big numbers

Hey guys, Consider a list of numbers L=. We can only have the series between +=2^j, while 0<=j<=32.We have to implement an algorithm which implements the largest product. ...

CSS Problem with Chrome and first-letter pseudo-element

I have a problem where Google Chrome on Windows places the first letter of the paragraph differently compared to all the other browsers such as IE, Firefox, Safari. The difference is in the vertical placement - the letter appears higher in all other browsers (the same way in every one of them) but lower in Google Chrome, making styling t...

Common class for AsyncTask in Android?

Hi, I have a common class say for eg Class A which extends AsyncTask and has all the methods implemented i.e. onPreExecute, doinbackground and onPostExecute. Now, there are other classes which want to use Class A object. Say Class B uses class A in the below manner A a = new A(context) a.execute(url) Then i fetch the result in get ...

exercise in the c++ programming language 3rd edition - desk calculator

I'm not sure what Bjarne meant with this exercise: "Convert the desk calculator to use a symbol structure instead of using the static variables number_value and string_value." Did he mean puting those 2 variables inside a structure and then using them through a structure? Edit: also one exercise related to the clculator and it says: "...

C# BackgroundWorker DoWork event won't run

Hi, I created a WCF client service (a Windows service) in C# which starts a BackgroundWorker in the OnStart to do the core functionality in the background and leaving the main thread managing the service itself. Maybe this approach is overkill but it's working without problems on my dev machine. If I try to run it on the client machine...

Which problem do we face after switching from PHP 4.0 into PHP 5.3.3?

As we all know yesterday PHP released new version of 5.3.3. My question is following: What kind of possible problems could we have if we update PHP 4.0 into up to date 5.3.3.? I mean were their any functions or operators on PHP 4.0 that don't work on PHP 5.3.3. and kind of such a problems? That's it. Thank you. ...

mailing problem

thanks a lot for helping for previous one. now another is here. this is the response when i try to run the code. <h3>copy of this order has been emailed to you for your records.</h3> <?php echo $html_body; //send email $headers = array(); $headers[]= 'MIME-Versioon: 1.0'; $headers[] = 'Content-type: text/html;charset="iso-8859-1"'; $hea...

ASP.NET MVC2 Model Binding does not POST back hidden values

I have a /Register [GET] Action in the controller that pre-poluates a view-model with a string and an integer and returns: return View(myModel); I can see the string being populated in the textarea and the id being populated in a hidden input. Yet when the form gets POSTed, the string value is null and the int value is 0. I verified tha...