
Calling setpgid on child process UNIX

I want a alternative function call for setpgid to call on a process that has done exec() call. setpgid returns error if it is called on a child which has already called exec. Does any alternative function exists? ...

How to control SIGTSTP signal to child processes?

I am writing a shell. It forks background and foreground processes. I have a problem with the SIGTSTP signal. So after giving Ctrl ^ Z, SIGTSTP is generated since this signal is delivered to my shell and its child processes (all background and foreground processes that my shell has forked). But like in actual shell, SIGTSTP is delivered ...

where do i find the MSF Agile 5.0 Process Template for TFS 2010?

Hi Can anyone tell me where to download the new MSF Agile 5.0 Process Template for TFS 2010? I recently decided to use TFS 2010 server.. ...

How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android ?

I want to make a pause between two lines of code, Let me explain a bit : -> the user clicks a button (a card in fact) and I show it by changing the background of this button : thisbutton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.icon); -> after let's say 1 second, I need to go back to the previous stade of the button by changing back its ba...

Get the current working directory of process with a pid programmatically on OS X

Is there a way to get the current working directory of a process using it's PID programmatically on OS X? Cocoa, Carbon, or AppleScript are all acceptable. It is not acceptable to send "pwd" to the current terminal window/tab (Do not want to affect the workspace). The linux command "pwdx" also is also unacceptable (just in case you re...

Can I handle the killing of my windows process through the Task Manager?

I have a windows C++ application (app.exe). When the app is closed, I need to perform some cleanup tasks specific to my application. What happens when this process (app.exe) is killed through the Task Manager. Assuming that the application is still responsive, can I somehow handle this situation in my app.exe? I am looking for something...

How to properly stop a multi-threaded .NET windows service?

I have a windows service written in C# that creates a truck load of threads and makes many network connections (WMI, SNMP, simple TCP, http). When attempting to stop the windows service using the Services MSC snap-in, the call to stop the service returns relatively quickly but the process continues to run for about 30 seconds or so. The...

C# make a window topmost using a window handle

After launching an application using the Process class I'd like to make that window topmost. Currently, my app is the topmost window so when i launch the other app it doesn't display. One thing that came to mind is that I could set topmost = false for my application before launching the process, the problem with this is I want to give ...

Prevent a process from displaying a window during startup

I'm launching an application from a WPF app using the Process class that displays a splash screen at startup. Rather than show the user the splash screen, I'd like to hide the application for the first couple of seconds after starting it by keeping my window topmost and maximized. The problem is that starting this application automatic...

QT: kill current process?

Is there a way in QT to terminate a'la TerminateProcess the current process? QProcess::kill() seem to be only applicable to other, external processes. ...

Read output from svn into a string

Ok, so after my idea of SSHing to a server and using the svn command line client instead of remote desktop (not much of an idea tbh), me and my boss have decided it would be rather better if we could update each project from a single local web-page (this is only for our development server). Now, I did get this to work (once), however it ...

Running another program in Windows bat file and not create child process.

I have subversion server with a post-commit hook to do something. I want the checkin finish soon, not wait the hook script. But by design, the Subversion post-commit hook script will run until all child process exit, so using somthing like: start another_prog... in the hook bat file has no use. So I want to know how to run another p...

capturing stderr and stdout from an already running process in solaris

I've got a process that is currently running (arserverd) that was started by user "remedy". I am able to log in as this user. I would like to capture stderr and stdout without restarting the process. Is this possible? ...

ajax process control

Hi, Is there any builtin control in ajax to show process indicator. Like when i press copy button in my page one popup shuold come and show a small process animation gif. is it possible in ajax using c#? ...

Process Lock Code Illustration Needed

Hi. I recently started this question in another thread (to which Reed Copsey graciously responded) but I don't feel I framed the question well. At the core of my question, I would like an illustration of how to gain access to data AS it is being get/set. I have Page.aspx.cs and, in the codebehind, I have a loop: List<Ser...

Get identity of currently logged-on user, not System account

I have a process which is running within the security context of the local system account. From C#, how can I start (using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start) a process that will run within the security context of the currently logged-on user, not the system account? ...

Windows processes vs. applications

I can easily identify running processes by looping through the WMI Win32_Process elements. Is there a similar way to identify "applications" as in Task Manager? I assume that this is comparable to knowing whether the process has an open window. For example, when you exit Outlook, the OUTLOOK.EXE process keeps running. Task Manager no...

python: run a process with timeout and capture stdout, stderr and exit status

Possible Duplicate: subprocess with timeout What is the easiest way to do the following in Python: Run an external process Capture stdout in a string, stderr, and exit status Set a timeout. I would like something like this: import proc try: status, stdout, stderr =["ls", "-l"], timeout=10) except proc.Timeout...

Why CreateProcessAsUser requires interactive window station on Vista/Windows 7?

I had to delve into this because the code that worked fine on Windows 2003/XP doesn't on Windows 7. Application launched by the use of CreateProcessAsUser fails with 0xc0000142 error code. The difference between my old code and one available from MSDN at Starting an Interactive Client Process in C++ is that I didn't set up privileges and...

Misusing the term "Code Freeze"

I'm just curious if the community considers it acceptable to use the term "Code Freeze" for situations where we stop development except for testing and fixing bugs. Development Situation We're just finishing up our third and final sprint, which will be followed by a "Code freeze" and 2 weeks of Q/A testing. It is a big release and som...