
Realtime Console Output Redirection using Process

Hi Guys, I am using VBOXMANAGE to "export" a guest machine. VBOXManage is a Console application that can control the guest machine's behavior from the host. Since the export command is a long process, it returns process updates like so: 0%...10%...20%...30%...100% I am writing a C# application that will invoke VBOXManage using Process...

Python and NGREP

I want to be able to start and stop an NGREP process from inside my python code. I really dont have experience with python on a system level. Normally I run NGREP from the command line, but I would like to be able to run it from a script every hour and capture the trace and then process the results. Can anyone point me in the direction...

Tell proc_entry->write_proc to use an ioctl with an argument?

I've seen some sample code that does this: proc_entry->read_proc = module_read; proc_entry->write_proc = module_write; However, in my module, I've used ioctls instead of the read and write. Here is my ioctl function prototype: int mytimer_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int fcn, unsigned long args) For read, ...

How to stop an Excel process that I started from a C# .Net application?

I'm running Excel from a C# .Net application and having trouble getting the process to shut down. How can I get the Excel process to shut down correctly from my C# program? ...

How to shut off a certain process on windows?

I have some .exe name i want to terminate if its running, how? Edit: I modified mike's example to this, and its perfect: WinExec("taskkill /IM notepad.exe /F", SW_HIDE); ...

Programming without code

Hi everybody. What is the best way to implement business processes without writing code? I want to implement about 200 forms and workflows without writing a line of code because I want our customer to be able to extend the software without our help. What is the best way to generate forms and then add business processes to them? Thanks ...

execute a process remotely with System.Diagnostics.Process

Hi there, I'm working on an app I'm trying to execute a process remotely , using System.Diagnostics.Process class here's my code: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\TestCommand.exe"); startInfo.Domain = "myDomain"; startInfo.UserName = "MyUserName"; SecureString sec = ne...

How to execute process on remote machine, in c#

Hi there How can I start a process on a remote computer in c#, say computer name = "someComputer", using System.Diagnostics.Process class? I Created a small Console app on that remote computer that just writes "Hello world" to a txt file, and I would like to call it remotely Console app path: c:\MyAppFolder\MyApp.exe currently I have ...

How can I manage a long running process from a Rails app?

I'm building an app to learn Rails, and I'm not sure how to go about this. I have a form, where the user enters some data. The data is validated, and a server side process should start ( the process may take from 5 minutes to 2 hours ). I'd like to be able to know the state of the process at all times and to be able to kill it. The thi...

Multi-threading calls in Windows Forms application?

I'm trying to make my C# application multi threaded because sometimes, I get an exception that says I have made a call to a thread in an unsafe manner. I've never done any multi-threading before in a program, so bear with me if I sound kinda ignorant on the issue. The overview of my program is that I want to make a performance monitori...

create a process tree in C

How would I approach creating a process hierarchy that would look like a balanced ternary tree of depth N? ... meaning each process has 3 children so there would be (3^N-1)/2 processes in a tree of depth N. To create the new processes, I only want to use fork(). This is what I have so far but I don't think it works because I don't deal...

Monitor a process

Is there a way I a process can be monitor and if it were to die, can a script be called which in turn will bring the process back up ? ...

Difference between processes running in kernel mode and running as root?

I am aware of the difference between a process running in user mode and one running in kernel mode (based on access restrictions, access to hardware etc.). But just out of curiosity, what is the difference between a process running in kernel mode and one running as root? ...

Run code when current process terminates?

Is there a way to run a bit of code when the current process is getting terminated? I want to log some stuff when a process terminates (either through external means - eg killing it - or quitting in the application itself). We're talking about a Console application written in c#. Thanks! ...

How can I stop the Visual Studio debug window appearing when a process crashes?

I have a server that runs processes that are playing up. We have a third-party process monitoring service running that will detect when a process dies. However, the server also has VS 2005 installed. When the process fails, it displays the 'Choose Debugger' and doesn't actually quit. Our process monitoring doesn't detect a missing proc...

How to assume/steal another process's windows as my own?

I'd like to show another app's windows under my app's taskbar button. It's a background app that reports another process's windows as my app's own. Is there any universal way to do this, e.g. each "new" window, alert glow, progressmeter, and other taskbar features, show under my own app's button? For example, Winfox runs under its own p...

Discussion with a sub-process, using Ruby with IO and threading

Hi everyone, I am trying to use IO.popen in order to put (with .puts method) and to get (with .gets method) messages from a process to its sub-process. I am not very experimented and I have a question about. Having the following code, I have an error because it is not possible to write in a closed stream. class Interface def initia...

Is there a way to get an event from windows on every new process that is started?

Hi I want to get a notification each time a new process is started by the operating system. Note that I need to that in native code (I know it can be done in managed code using System.Management members). Extra points if there is a way to get it before the process starts running :) (i.e in during its initialization) Thanks. ...

Error in Process.Start() -- The system cannot find the file specified

Hi, I am using the following code to fire the iexplore process. This is done in a simple console app. public static void StartIExplorer() { ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo("iexplore"); info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardInput = true; info.RedirectStand...

How to access a public field on process? C#

I'm using C# and Process newProcess = Process.Start("someProgram.exe"); This someProgram.exe has a form that has public text boxes. Is there anyway that I can use newProcess to set the textBoxes? I was hoping there would be something like newProcess.GetField(textField1).Text = "Awesome"; I've looked at the Process API and properties w...