
Will defunct processes prevent proper running of other processes?

My mongrels were not responding, and neither god restart nor cluster restart made a big difference. I dug a little deeper, than i realized that i had plenty of zombie processes. app 29607 27948 0 19:45 ? 00:00:00 [mongrel_rails] app 30578 21681 0 19:52 ? 00:00:00 [mongrel_rails] app 30704 21405 0 19:53 ...

Problem in CreateProcess function!

Hello all,I have my main application ,from my main application I will be calling another module(third party) to perform a small operation in my main application,when I call that processes for a particular time say 5 sec.while its proccessing it shows the process in the commmand window with some my main applica...

Capture IE Process and open Current Tab

It there any way to capture the current IE process and open a link in an existing tab? I am trying to open a link from a windows form and I NEED it to open in the current browser window. ...

Django subprocess

I'm really sorry if this is a duplicate, but I have been searching, and haven't been able to find the answer. In Django I want to do something like (see the comments): # we have a file in our database... v = create_file_entry(clean_data, ip_address) # next, start a *background process* to upload the file somewhere else... p = Proce...

Launching an .exe from the current folder sometimes fails

I have an app launching an executable which is in the same folder as that app, by doing: Process procStarter = new Process(); procStarter.StartInfo.FileName = "OtherApp.exe"; procStart.Start(); which works fine, until I used a file open or file save dialog in my app. Then it can't find OtherApp.exe...

How should a professional testing process look like?

Hello, how would you describe well formed process of quality management of developing software? I mean it like separate sub-process from other processes like development and analysis. The main input for this sub-process should be documents from analysis. The process should have own budget which can be raising through a time when new fun...

Run and Kill a Selenium Server Singleton Process for duration of C# DLL lifetime

I have a Selenium Test .DLL that is loaded using NUnit. I run a required Selenium Java Server quietly hidden in a process when a test is run. However I currently start the server when a test is started and Kill() it when the test stops. This results in the selenium server starting/stopping for every test. What I want is for the Sel...

Launch a process in ASP?

I am working on an old ASP web app (not .net) and I need to launch a separate process (exe). After much googling I have yet to find a valid way of doing this. Anyone have any suggestions? Does CreateProcess work in ASP? Thanks! ...

New Application Process from Bash Shell

I'm relearning UNIX commands to use git on windows using MINGW32. When I launch a program, for example "$ notepad hello.txt" I can't use the shell again until I close the notepad file or CTRL-C in the shell. How do I essentially fork a new process so I can use both programs? ...

Why is there no .NET Community Process?

I was doing some research into general topics of software engineering and I came across the Java Community Process website: The JCP is the mechanism for developing standard technical specifications for Java technology. Anyone can register for the site and participate in reviewing and providing feedback for the Java Specific...

Scala isn't allowing me to execute a batch file whose path contains spaces.Same Java code does.What gives?

Here's the code I have: var commandsBuffer = List[String]() commandsBuffer ::= "cmd.exe" commandsBuffer ::= "/c" commandsBuffer ::= '"'+vcVarsAll.getAbsolutePath+'"' commandsBuffer ::= "&&" otherCommands.foreach(c => commandsBuffer ::= c) val asArray = commandsBuffer.reverse.toArray val processOutput = processutils.Proc.executeCommand(a...

Send a command to a process

Using bash, is it possibile to send the equivalent of a space bar stroke to a process? If so, how can that be done? Edit to clarify a bit what I want to achieve: let's say I've got an mplayer process running and I want to pause the execution of the current song, how would I achieve this? ...

How can I find out the original username a process was started with?

There is a perl script that needs to run as root but we must make sure the user who runs the script did not log-in originally as user 'foo' as it will be removed during the script. So how can I find out if the user, who might have su-ed several times since she logged in has not impersonated 'foo' at any time in that chain? I found an i...

Development process for an embedded project with significant hardware changes

I have a good idea about Agile development process but I have no ieda how to map that to a embedded project with significant hardware changes. I will describe below what we are currently doing (Ad-hoc way, no defined process yet). The changes are divided into three categories and different processes are used for each of them: compl...

execute external command / application from java

I'm looking for a package to support reliably executing external processes from Java. My criteria: Abstract over OS. So if I want to run 'foo', it will look for 'foo.bat', 'foo.exe' under windows and 'foo' under other OSs (or, have a way of passing a map of os->command) Being able to execute Java classes by simply giving the class name...

Start a thread in a different process in Java

Hi there, is it possible to start a new thread in a different process in Java? I mean, I'm running a specific process and main thread, issuing ProcessBuilder for creating a new process. Before start() method is invoked, one must provide the command to be run in another process. Is it possible to start a new thread in newly created proce...

Java process problem in Eclipse

Hi! This is my code: final String run_tool ="cmd.exe /C pelda.exe"; final Process tool_proc = null; Runnable doRun = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { tool_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(run_tool); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; ...

Java process inputstream in thread

Hi! I develop an Eclipse plugin and I have a problem My code is the following one: String run_pelda = "cmd.exe /C pelda.exe"; Runtime pelda_rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pelda_proc = javacheckgen_rt.exec(run_pelda); And after I would like to read the inputstream: InputStream toolstr = tool_proc.getInputStream(); InputStreamRea...

What is application and process?

An application consists of one or more processes. A process, in the simplest terms, is an executing program. One or more threads run in the context of the process. A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time. A thread can execute any part of the process code, including parts currently being executed ...

C# process restart loop

Hi, I'm trying to make a console app that would monitor some process and restart it if it exits. So, the console app is always on, it's only job is to restart some other process. I posted my code below.. it basically works but just for one process restart... I would appreciate any help!! Thanks in advance! { System.Diagn...