
How do I run processes synchronously, targetting the same output?

I have a .Net application that needs to run several executables. I'm using the Process class, but Process.Start doesn't block. I need the first process to finish before the second runs. How can I do this? Also, I'd like all of the processes to all output to the same console window. As it is, they seem to open their own windows. I'm sure...

Deleting an opened file in Infinite looped process

Hi , I have doubt in the following scenario Scenario: A process or program starts with opening a file in a write mode and entering a infinite loop say example: while(1) whose body has logic to write to the opened file. Problem: What if i delete the opened or created file soon after the process enters the infinite loop Thanks in adva...

Launching a program so that it opens in center of the launching application

Launching a program so that it opens in center of the launching application. Platform: Mac Launching mechanism: a c++ program launches using system() Currently I observe the program launched pushes it to left most part of the screen. ...

How to kill an alert window in Windows using C#?

Hi, I am using the System.Diagnostics.Process Namespace in C# to start a system process, sometimes this new created process won't start properly, in these cases Windows shows me an alert window giving information about the failed process. I need a way to close (kill) this alert window programatically. I tried the following code but it d...

Starting Remote Desktop Client. No Control Over PID Kill. PID Changes After Start...WTF?

I am writing a program (Visual Studio 2010 in C# Windows Forms) which keeps track of multiple instances of the Remote Desktop Client (mstsc.exe - tested with Windows 7 version). I have been attempting to launch this program and grab its PID with the following code: Process mstsc = Process.Start(mstscLocation, mstscConString); int mstscP...

Understanding Scrum

I have been working as a .net developer following waterfall model. When working on, say a 12 months project, usually my team follows Analysis, Design, Coding and Testing phases. But when it comes to following Scrum process, I don't really understand How I need to deal with it. Consider a sprint for 4 weeks and our backlog has 10 items, ...

24/7/365 support team

Hey everyone, we are building an app for one of our clients, the app is fairly straight forward but it is database driven and is user facing (lives on the web). Clients require 24/7 support. How do you go about doing that? Does anyone have experience in building an app and supporting in 24/7? Previously my team of programers would simply...

How do you decide what process to kill in SQL Server Activity Monitor?

Hi, I am not a Db guy. But sometimes I am asked to check Db and see if there are some processes blocking the Db and if yes, KILL! Can you explain me what is the best way of reading the Activity Monitor in terms of finding the right process candidates to be killed? What columns to be checked first and against what values? thank you, ...

Programming puzzle at CMU: how to find the location of process control block wrt base of the stack

I read a programming puzzle at CMU from the book Expert C programming: deep C secrets By Peter Van der Linden. The puzzle stated to code a program to read a file of numbers and print the average. The program must run as fast as possible and the program had to be written in PASCAL or C. It seems a programmer had created a program that a...

How to send function keypress (F1..F12) to a console app in .NET

Hello everybody! I am writing a windowed .NET app in C#, which runs a third party console application via the Process class, as hidden as possible (CreateNoWindow, RedirectStandardOutput, etc.). I've redirected it's StandardInput, so I can write whatever string I want, but not function keys or other type of special keys, as they don't ...

need a script which will invoke other process/script and exit, but the invoked process should continue running

Hi All, I'm trying to run a script, which internally invokes other script but, the main script should exit after invoking and the invoked script should run independently on the background. How can i achieve this in shell scripting? or is there any other alternative way to do this? Regrads, senny ...

Prevent C# app from process kill

How can I protect my C# app from someone killing its process via taskman or programmatically? Here is my scenario: App A is an MFC app developed by another team. It has an unpublished text-based remote interface that is enabled via a backdoor. I'm developing app B, a C# WinForms app which interacts with A. B enables A's backdoor when ...

Process for working with a remote Web Designer on an ASP.NET MVC project

I have a side project done in ASP.NET MVC. So far the presentation is just very basic functionality. If I were to hire a designer online and work with them to produce the final website design what process should I follow to make it as easy as possible to take their HTML and CSS and translate that into ASP.NET MVC controls etc? I am un...

How can I GAE (Eclipse IDE) to kill previous instance of test server when I start debugging?

GAE Eclipse IDE launches test server instance when I start debugging. But the test server instance does not killed when I restart the debugging after some code modified. This annoying. I have to kill previous instance manually on each time before new instance launched because previous instance holds port. How can I make the IDE kill pre...

How does Apple Inc organize development teams?

Apple computer has recently had a prodigious output of software (for example the iPad-specific productivity applications, and iOS4). My (purely subjective) experience has been that this recent software is of excellent quality. Does anyone know of any specific techniques or processes that Apple use that might contribute to this? ...

How do I stop a process running using Perl?

I want to write a Perl code that ends the process of another program of mine, running on Linux. For example, I execute and a process is opened for it. I would like to use Perl to close the process of What do I need to do? ...

Getting process ID from a shell executed file?

I am making a program for handheld PDAs using .net 2.0 compact framework and I have this one part which I'm not proud of and I was hoping for a more elegant solution. Basically the problem is another process using my file in this case its Windows Media Player. I start the process by passing the file location to Process.Start but it seems...

How can I control an instance of Windows Media Player in c#?

I'm trying to control windows media player in c#. That means, I want to be able to programmically play songs. To reiterate, I'm talking about the full version of WMP, not the component you can embed into a windows form. I can launch the WMP process just fine, the problem comes in actually controlling it as I can't think of any keypresses...

Problem with Runtime.getRuntime().exec("

Hi! I need to execute a command from a program. The command line is ok, I tryed it in the terminal, but it doesn't work in the program. I add a copy from my code: File dir = new File("videos"); String[] children = dir.list(); if (children == null) { // Either dir does not exist or is not a directory System.out.print("N...

AIR 2.0 NativeProcess is not supported problem.

Hi, I'm Fran. I have built a application that use a nativeProcess to open exe. The application into Flex Builder 3 run whitout errors. Then the problem come when I export the aplicaction AIR in .air and install the applicaction in the developer pc or other pc. When I push the button to open the .exe, appear the message "Native Proces...