
Why doesnt SIGINT get caught here?

Whats going on here? I thought SIGINT would be sent to the foreground process group. (I think, maybe, that system() is running a shell which is creating a new process group for the child process? Can anyone confirm this?) % perl local $SIG{INT} = sub { print "caught signal\n"; }; system('sleep', '10'); Then hit ctrl+d then ctrl+c im...

Is it feasible to track or measure the cause of bugs or is this just asking for unintended consequences?

Is there a method for tracking or measuring the cause of bugs which won't result in unintended consequences from development team members? We recently added the ability to assign the cause of a bug in our tracking system. Examples of causes include: bad code, missed code, incomplete requirements, missing requirements, incomplete testin...

Issues about files in use: get the name of another Process that use file

I using C# .NET , vs 2008 , .net 3.5 For me, is difficult, but I need sample code in C# for this: Check if a file is in use If file is in use, the name of Process that use it For example, in my issue. I try delete file, and I get "The process cannot access the file 'XYZ' because it is being used by another process." Exception. Fi...

Launch process from Threadpool worker thread (and wait if needed)

I have an application that processes file transfers. In some instances, I need to launch some pre/post processing executables that do stuff with the files. So the order of events (in brief) would be like this: Worker thread is created Worker realizes it needs to launch a pre-process executable before starting the transfer Pre-process...

ProcessBuilder - Start another process / JVM - HowTo?

I'm writing a network app, where each Client has a Singleton ClientManager. For testing, I would like to create several clients (each in their own VM / process) without starting the program by hand n-times. The following two questions on stackoverflow already describe how-to do that: Is this really the best way to start a second JVM f...

How to trace all files opened by a process and its child processes?

I tried Sysinternals - Process Monitor, but there is no way to dynamically attach filters for child processes ...

How to programmatically search for a folder in a user's environment in C#?

I would like to be able to search for a folder by name within a user's files in C#. The reason for this is to enable a process which utilizes two applications that are otherwise not communicating with one another. (The process is essentially a file hand off, and the applications cannot communicate as one is a proprietary app). If this is...

process.start() arguments

when i do the following command into dos it will work fine ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame%d.jpg -vcodec mpeg4 -b 800k video.avi When I try to use the process class in c#, without the arguments, it loads ffmpeg in a console window then dissapears like usual. However, when I try to use the argument as I do above, formatted exactly the same.....

Running an application as a thread and not a process

A while back, I asked a question on here about how to run an application as a thread in the memory space of another application, rather then a new process: As a follow up to that question, I think I have a theory on how I might do this to ach...

How to get hWnd of window opened by ShellExecuteEx.. hProcess?

This "simple" issue seems to be fraught with side issues. eg. Does the new process open multiple windows; Does it have a splash screen? Is there a simple way? (I'm starting a new instance of Notepad++) ... std::tstring tstrNotepad_exe = tstrProgramFiles + _T("\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe"); SHELLEXECUTEINFO SEI={0}; sei.cbSize ...

PHP - child process blocking SIGTERM for parent

Hi all, I'm having problems with killing parent process that have 1 child - parent is waiting for child to exit and only after that kill handler is called. When the kill handler is not installed (pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "kill_handler")) script terminates immediately. I need that after submitting kill command to terminate parent process ...

Can a process use a socket created by another process?

I'd like to create an application that gets the ipv4 tcp table ( currently by using GetTcpTable() ), then gets a socket (searching for a particular IP address) and peeks data from that connection (it actually has to send data too). So we have two processes on the same machine, one that has a connection to a server, and another one that ...

running pskill.exe "access denied"

Im attempting to kill a process remotely by using pskill. From the command line, pskill works great, but when trying the same command in C# Im getting an access denied error. var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "pskill.exe", Argume...

Running an executable programmatically .NET

I would like to execute a program in .NET server side code. So far I have this: Process p = new Process(); p.StartInfo.FileName = "myProgram.exe"; p.StartInfo.Arguments = " < parameter list here > "; p.Start(); p.Close(); This is a console program. What happens is that console is opened and closed repeatedly wi...

How to launch a process on Linux with highly restricted privileges?

Hi everyone. I'd like to (from code) launch a process with highly restricted privileges. Can save files, but only in its own folder and limited to a quota. Can use memory, within a quota. CPU time (including any subprocesses it launches) is limited to a quota. Can't talk with any other process except it's own and the interface to my c...

Permission issues when running JScript from C# Console application.

I'm trying to run a Jscript task from a C# console application. The Jscipt file is not mine so I can't change it. The script moves some files and this is what is causing the issues. When I run the script manually, i.e. form the shell it executes correctly. When I try and run the script from my console application the bulk of the proces...

How do I launch a function and wait/don't wait on it depending on whether it's a GUI application?

I'm looking for a Python function which behaves just like the Windows command interpreter cmd.exe when it comes to waiting for newly launched processes to finish. Right now I'm using os.system() but this function always blocks, even when launching GUI applications (which, in case they were written in C/C++, have a WinMain function and w...

NativeProcess Flex and Java

I am starting to work with Air2 NativeProcess and maybe you can give me a hand. I want to create a project with parts in Java and Flex that communicate through NativeProcess. I already installed Air2 and set it up for Eclipse. I wrot a small aplication in Flex with two text fields (textToSend and TextReceived) and a button (sendText w...

why can't i find process class in my System.Diagnostics silverlight project VS 2010

i wanna use process.getprocesses() but it doesn't seem to be in my diagnostics class, why?!!! ...

How to approach a new project

Many a time I get lost in the middle of a project, and the project gets delayed. I have four projects which are still not completed, and new projects are coming. How should I approach a new project? Are there any books or websites that help understand what I need to do first? Do we make a database or static design first, as the custome...