
PHPUnit: Multiple Bootstraps or XML files?

I have a PHP MVC framework with multiple 'applications' under this system the organization goes \project\apps\app1\ \project\apps\app2\ \project\apps\shared\ Each application can have it's own set of controllers \project\apps\app1\controllers\FooContoller.php \project\apps\app2\controllers\FooContoller.php \project\apps\shared\contr...

How to start a System.Diagnostics.Process in C#?

when i run this code : Process printjob = new Process(); printjob.StartInfo.FileName = "file.html"; printjob.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; printjob.StartInfo.Verb = "print"; printjob.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; printjob.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; pr...

Is there a way to get feedback from a process in XUL?

I'm starting to develop an extension which must interact with an external application. I can run the external application as described here, but I do not see a way to get any feedback. The only information I get is the exit status, while I need to read the application output, as it would appear on a terminal (stdout). Is there a way to d...

A question about the ProcessStartInfo class and the Argument Property?

Some sample code: var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.FileName = "path to update.exe"; psi.Arguments = "arguments for update.exe"; psi.Verb = "runas"; var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = psi; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); Ref: 0xA3. Programmatically in code what type of objects if possible could you pass ...

WDK : get processId by name.exe

Hi, I'm developing a driver in Windows Filtering Platform and I need the process ID of another process to do what I need to do. I know only the file name of that process (name.exe). In win32 I could use the function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to get the list of all processes and I could search the PID there. (

Page and page file

A page is a contiguous of block of 4 kb and so what is page file? how it is used by 32 bit processes? ...

simple shell using execlp goes weirdly

I am reading GNU/Linux application programming the 2nd edition,you can reach what am reading from here.After I write the code similar to his,but it work strangely: $ ./shell ./shell>>quit $ ./shell ./shell>>date Sun Aug 8 21:19:37 CST 2010 ./shell>>quit $ ./shell ./shell>>abc execlp failed: No such file or directory ./shell>>quit ./she...

Run external application with no .exe extension

Hello everybody! I know how to run an external application in C# System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(executableName); but what if the application I want to run has extension that is not recognizable by Windows as extension of an executable. In my case it is application.bin. Regards. ...

c++ Start process with argument

i know how to Start process with argument but im trying to create a program that uses this arguments. for example IE8 uses Process::Start( "IExplore.exe",""); as a argument to open new window with url i want my program to use the argument are send it but i don't know how to get the the argument. like Process::Start(...

c++ process start problem with path

I'm using process::start(PATH); to open up the process. The problem is, sometimes it finds the file and sometimes it doesn't. For example, this works: process::start("C:\text.exe"); But this doesn't work: process::start("C:\New Folder\text.exe"); Any idea what the difference is? ...

Whose Bug Is This - IE or Windows/.NET?

When I run this and then go into the task manager and manually end one of the iexplore instances (there are 2 presumably since IE now also uses multiple processes) I see an error pop-up box that says a tab has been recovered. However, iexplore itself is invisible because of my process settings. Accordingly, I don't think that that pop-...

A real top level window with Qt ?

Hello, i use the last Qt version for a projet and the QProcess : I have a question - i want to lauch program from my application by using QProcess . I want to display a QGraphicsView transparent on full screen over the launched program. For the moment: i hide the view, launch the program, slee...

How to get set process shutdown level?

Here is my case. I have a process running in my system. I want that process to end last when a shutdown/logoff is initiated. I read and understood that we can assign shutdown levels to process.But I couldn't figure out how to do that. Can anyone help me with a example on h...

How to find DLL's loaded into a process and it's location, etc.

I've used Process Explorer, but I'm forgetting of another utility that lets you see where a process is loaded from (image file), and it's dll's in memory and where they got loaded from. Process Explorer for me is only working for managed assemblies. Anything that does native as well? ...

C# Launch application with multiple arguments

Hi, I have been trying to start an application from a C# application but it fails to start properly. From the cmd the application plus the arguments launch a small window showing the output then the application in minimized to the system tray. Launching the application from the C# application using the code below results in the proce...

Need a ruby solution for executing a method in separate process.

I am implementing a poller service whose interface looks like this. poller = poller.start poller.stop The start method is supposed to continuously start hitting an http request and update stuff in the database. Once started, the process is supposed to continue till it is explicitly stoped. I understand that imp...

Help to fill PSP forms and module

Hi guys wanto to try PSP personal software process. I have no tutor and i'm in mess with compiling forms. for example, in Project Summary, for phases of process what's “To Date” is the total actual to-date values for all products developed. ? there are online some resources for linux or some completed examples? i've downloaded psp-d...

Creating a Collaborative Programing Environment

I am searching for the best way to get people involved internally at a company. This company has tons of knowledge(from C#, Ruby, Mobile Dev, Windows Linux, Java, everything), with the problem being it is silo'ed in various peoples heads. How do you go about creating a culture that allows for their intelligence to spread? We have tri...

GetProcessName in C++

I have a function with blow detail. typedef part typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GETMODULEFILENAMEEX)(HANDLE hProcess, HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR lpBaseName,DWORD nSize); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNTERMINATEPROCESS)(HANDLE hProcess,UINT uExitCode); /// GetProcessName function void GetProcessName(DWORD PID, PTSTR szProcessName, size_t c...

Shell-Scripting (BASH): What is the best way to toggle a script "on/off" that isn't able to end itself?

Hi, I would like to have a script with an infinite loop, that kills all processes created by this script when it gets executed again. So basically you start the script via terminal: bash and it's running infinitely, you open another terminal and again bash and all processes will get killed. What would be th...