
Processing: how to load a 3d Blender model?

How can I load a 3-d Blender model into the Processing environment? ...

Processing: open UDP socket for reading?

Here's an example of opening and reading data from a TCP socket. Is there a way to create a UDP socket as well? void setup() { c = new Client(this, "", 12345); // Replace with your server's IP and port } void draw() { if (c.available() > 0) { input = c.readString();

Processing: popen() call to start subprocess?

Here's an example of opening and reading data from a TCP socket. Is there a a popen() call or equivalent that can start a child process and read its output? void setup() { c = new Client(this, "", 12345); // Replace with your server's IP and port } void draw() { if (c.available() > 0) { input = c.readString();...

How useful is the "Processing" Programming language? Is it a waste of time?

The language site: Does anyone use this language for anything useful? I have the opportunity to learn this in a classroom setting and am wondering if it will be a waste of time. ...

How do i do this : Define/Model Database Online

There are many IDEs to create database schema pictorially. I was wondering as to how I can do it online? Are there open source codes/libraries/applications which already do this? Basically, what i am looking at is : let the user define a table and the columns - which in common man's term is : define relations etc pictorially. The pictu...

processing: convert int to byte

Hello SO, I'm trying to convert an int into a byte in Processing 1.0.9. This is the snippet of code that I have been working with: byte xByte = byte(mouseX); byte yByte = byte(mouseY); byte setFirst = byte(128); byte resetFirst = byte(127); xByte = xByte | setFirst; yByte = yByte >> 1; port.write(xByte); port.write(yByte); Accord...

Shape object in Processing, translate individual shapes.

I am relatively new to Processing but have been working in Java for about 2 years now. I am facing difficulty though with the translate() function for objects as well as objects in general in processing. I went through the examples and tried to replicate the manners by which they instantiated the objects but cannot seem to even get the s...

Pac-Man Game: Processing Programming Language & ActionScript

I'll simply title this in concordance with my Pac-Man game that I want to make. I was suggested to perhaps start with a programming language or platform that uses less overhead than, say, DirectX. I can agree to that, especially because then I can focus on the design of the game rather than the implementation- something I think is more ...

Reading XBee data into Processing

I've recently built a Tweet A Watt ( wireless power monitor, which uses XBee for data transfer. I'm attempting to get the Tweet A Watt data into Processing for use in creating some visual energy feedback prototypes. Using the XBee API Library for Processing (

How to unblend two images from a blend image

I have blended/merged 2 images img1 and img2 with this code which is woking fine.What i want to know is how to obtain the original two images img1 and img2.The code for blending is as under img1=imread('C:\MATLAB7\Picture5.jpg'); img2=imread('C:\MATLAB7\Picture6.jpg'); for i=1:size(img1,1) for j=1:size(img1,2) for k=1:size(img1,3)...

Windows API in Java (Processing)? Do I need JVM?

I'm not sure I need JVM, or how'd I'd use it if I did. I basically want to a BFS for directories on a multi-drive system. I think I could pound this out using some of the Java examples I've found online, but if there is a faster, better way with Windows, I'd like to explore that option. Ideally I'd like it to work like the Window's Ex...

Save a Processing sketch to a PNG file, server-side with no GUI/display

I'd like to use Processing to render a visualization on the server side (headlessly, with no GUI). The Processing sketch is static (i.e. does not animate), so I only need to grab the first frame, and I'd like to serve this result out to the users of our web application on-demand. I've searched around a bit on the forums a...

Genome browser built in java: Swing and awt or Swing and Processing?

I'm writing a genome browser designed primarily to view the history of chromosomal rearrangements. Right now the project is a series of proof-of-concept demos written using Processing. At this point if I don't make any radical changes the final application will be a web applet with a gui built of swing components that open PApplets to ac...

Text quality in processing

Why does the text quality in Processing not look as good as Flash? In general it looks slightly grainy, and hard to read. ...

jQuery Processing to iPhone Native?

Is there a way to convert processing apps to native iPhone app's? Alternatively... there's a nice jQuery library for processing, but can that be used with the various cross-platform "develop using HTML/JS, get a native app" conversion? ...

programmatically create a pad sound

Okay this one may be a bit out from left field, but I'm going to try anyways. A pad is a sort of ambient electronic sound that kind of 'hums'. Something like this . How can I produce this in code? Using either Processing, OpenFrameworks, C, Objective-C or C++. Keep in mind I haven't been programming for that long. I will be very imp...

Is there a processing python implementation ?

There are javascript and actionscript ports of Processing. Is there a python port ? ...

Fastest Way to Draw a Static Image in Java

I'm in the process of writing a custom heatmap generator. I'm wondering what the fastest way is to draw boxes (up to around 1 million) in Java. Most questions I've found have concentrated on dynamic images (like in games), and I'm wondering if there's a better way to go for static images. I've tried using swing (via a GridLayout and addi...

Fastest data structure in Java (Processing for 4D visualization)

Hey, I've got an application that i need to use a visualization framework for. I'm currently leaning towards Processing for use in a Java desktop app. Problem: I've got ~500k+ state vectors i need to visualize. 4D points - XYZ and time (GPS-like) I need to be able to select time slices fast and easily, also having the capability to pl...

Value Remapping

Processing has a great function I use all the time: map(value, low1, high1, low2, high2) It remaps value (that has an expected range of low1 to high1) into a target range of low2 to high2). I want to understand the math behind it so I can use it in other languages. Anyone want to throw me a ...