
bprof user manual

Can anyone tell me where can i get user manual for bprof? ...

Measuring a program's running time

I need a tool to measure a program's running time, like gprof. But the resolution of gprof is not good enough (about 0.01 second). oprofile seems can do it, I will try to learn how to get the data about the time info, but I can't. So, who can tell me the steps how to do it, or anyone knows other tool can do the same thing? ...

Understanding Haskell profiler output - what is ==_a3JO

I am writing some optimization application in Haskell and I just ran it through profiler. I can see many functions and a strange symbol "==_a3JO" (sometimes different numbers and leters). What does it stand for? Sample output: maxDistanceRaw Igc 360 471912 5.2 5.7 19.8...

browser rendering profiling tools

What are some free (and not free) browser profiling tools? I know of a few: firebug profile / net panel YSlow google's version of yslow (forget the name) dynaTrace Ajax (free) Am i missing anything? Thanks ...

What is causing my C#.NET memory leak, in an application that is sitting idle?

I am trying to work out some memory leak issues in an application, and I am really hoping someone here can offer me some insights that will help. I've been tinkering with this all day and I am afraid I'm completely stuck. The application I am troubleshooting works fine initially, but will become sluggish and perhaps even crash if it is ...

How can I get NetBeans Profiler to profile all my methods, instead of one??

I am new to netbeans and it's profiler. Somehow I have a strange problem: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { test1(); test2(); test3(); } When I run CPU Profile, I see the output in the console of all 3 methods: Profiler Agent: Established local connection with the t...

Which has been the most reliable, fastest Windows C++ profiler that you have used?

I need to profile a real time C++ app on Windows. Most of the available profilers are either terribly expensive, total overkill, or both. I don't need any .NET stuff. Since it is a real time app, I need the profiler to be as fast as possible. It would be excellent if it integrated in some way with Visual Studio 2005/2008, but that's not ...

How to replay a SQL Profiler trace on different database?

I've captured a trace (template: tsql_replay) on our production server for a specific database (filtered by database name). I'd like to replay on it on our test server, but of course the database id is different on the test server. So far, I've tried loading the trace file into a table and modifying the databaseid with an update query ...

CLR Profiler with WCF doesn't work for specific service

Hello, I need to profile a WCF service, but I get the message "Waiting for service to start common language runtime", it only occurs with this particular service; when I tried with other WCF services, it works fine. I was wondering if I should configure something in the wcf to allow the profile. Both services run with the same account(ad...

Visual Studio 2008 profiler analysis - missing time

I ran the Visual Studio 2008 profiler against my ASP.NET application and came up with the following result set. CURRENT FUNCTION TIME (msec) ---------------------------------------------------|-------------- Data.GetItem(params) | 10,158.12 ----------------------------...

How do I configure NHibernate Profiler so I can enable/disable it without changing code?

I've been trying to follow the directions on the NHProf site but can't seem to make it work. What am I missing? I put a log4net configuration section in my web.config: <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net/> ... </configSections> ... <log4net> <appender name="NH...

Can hotshot be used in multiple threads?

I have a long-running multithreaded program, and I'd like to occasionally like to call a function with Profile.runcall and dump the data to a file. The hotshot documentation states: Note: The hotshot profiler does not yet work well with threads. It is useful to use an unthreaded script to run the profiler over the code you’re interested...

Java Profiling on Linux

I have a fairly complex Java application that is utilizing a lot of CPU, and would like to know if there is any recommendation on a profile tool that I could use to determine the cause of the CPU utilization. My goal is to pinpoint the location in the code where it is using most of the CPU time. ...

How can I benchmark/profile my PHP/MYSQL news site in order such I can compare it later on with a django/postgres recoded version?

I'm looking for some type of profiling utility I could use where I can compare between 2 different setups with some sort of consistency factor. Would appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction. ...

My VSTS 2008 has no Analyze menu. Where did it go?

I have VSTS 2008 but no Analyze menu. Why did it happen in first place? And how can I get it? ...

Profiling a Windows Service that runs on startup

Hi, I am interested in a profiler that is capable of attaching to a .NET Windows Service that starts on windows startup. I have tried dotTrace, YourKit and AutomatedQA profilers without luck. All of them show the windows service as shaded and so I cannot profile my service. Can someone suggest a working profiler? ...

Reading register values in interrupts of multicore systems.

I'm designing a sampling profiler, that gets the value of instruction pointer at each interrupt of a real time clock. It is working fine for single core system, but I don't know how interrupts are handled in multicores. What is the technique used by Gprof for sampling? What if I use the timer interrupt instead of real time clock interrup...

Why is Perl's Math::Complex taking up so much time when I try acos(1)?

While trying to profile my Perl program, I find that Math::Complex is taking up a lot of time with what looks like some kind of warning. Also, my code shouldn't have any complex numbers being generated or used, so I am not sure what it is doing in Math::Complex, anyway. Here's the FastProf output for the most expensive lines: /usr/lib...

Is there a PostgreSQL equivalent of SQL Server profiler

I need to see the queries submitted to a PostgreSQL server. Normally I would use SQL Server profiler to perform this action in SQL Server land, but I'm yet to find how to do this in PostgreSQL. There appears to be quite a few pay-for tools, I am hoping there is a open source variant. ...

Eclipse Profiler Tool URL

Where can I get the url for the eclipse profilert plugin ? I want to update it directly to my eclipse rather than downloading and installing I need it for Eclipse 3.2 and Eclipse Galileo ...