
What is the relationship between indexers and properties in C#?

Is an indexer an extended version of a property?. ...

Access properties file programatically with Spring?

We use the code below to inject Spring beans with properties from a properties file. <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"> <property name="locations" value="classpath:/"/> </bean> <bean id="blah" class="abc"> <property name="path" value="${the.path}"/> </bean> Is th...

How to get the properties of a class using reflection (specifying how many levels of heirarchy) in C#.Net?

So for example: class GrandParent { public int GrandProperty1 { get; set; } public int GrandProperty2 { get; set; } } class Parent : GrandParent { public int ParentProperty1 { get; set; } public int ParentProperty2 { get; set; } protected int ParentPropertyProtected1 { get; set; } } class Child : Parent { publi...

Save/Load Properties to file or databse provider

I need to save and load properties of a Class dynamicly, but what is the best practis for this ? I have for now, two classes that I need to save. public abstract class BaseComponent { protected int ComponentID { get; set; } protected string ComponentName { get; set; } protected Dictionary GetAllProperties{) { /* Reflection *...

What is the purpose of these PHPDOC properties?

In general, the PHPDOC properties are self-explanatory, but I'm having hard time understanding these: @category - what is this exactly? @package - could some one provide me examples about the usage of this property? ...

Which configuration properties are new in Firefox 3.6?

Hello! Now in beta-stadium, I suppose, Firefox 3.6 will not change much. I wonder, is there somewhere a list of new configuration properties (from version 3.5 to 3.6)? I mean those in about:config. ...

What is the accepted way to enforce proper value in property which depends on other properties of the same class?

Let's say I have a class which has three properties as below. public class Travel { public int MinAirportArrival { get; set; } public int MinFlightTime { get; set; } public int TotalTravelTime { get; set; } } TotalTravelTime must be at least the sum of MinAirportArrival and MinFlightTime but could also be more in the event the...

Returning a property of type List<>

Hello there, I'm currently trying to return a match to a Foreach statement which is contained in a list. I have a class that has a List of string, i'm using this as a collection of tracks. I'm trying to perform a check to see if the given track i pass in through is a match to any tracks stored in the object (CD.cs) and if so return the...

getResourceAsStream works differently on Mac OSX vs. Windows 7?

Hi all, I have a set of unit test cases that depend on a file. When I run the tests under Mac OSX or Linux using Maven ('mvn test'), they work fine. But when running under Windows 7, they can't find the file unless I copy it directly to the class folder. The code to return the properties is the following two methods: ...

Is it possible to add properties to My.Application or My.User?

Is it possible to add user-defined properties to the My.Application or My.User objects? I've got some properties defined currently that tell me what environment the app is running in (i.e. "Development", "Testing", "Production", etc.), whether the user is an administrator, etc. It would seem logical to get this info from something like ...

Crowdsourcing a Complete list of Common Java System Properties and Known Values

I've been inspired by another question: Best Practice for Using Java System Properties I'm currently looking for a complete list of Java system properties and possible values. I'm working on a simple class to simplify use of them (If you're interested, get the source and background info (my blog)). With this class, I try to provide the ...

ASP.NET 3.5 properties' private member access within class

I have read about how in ASP.NET 3.5 you can declare properties in C# public DateTime DisplayDate { get; } instead of private DateTime _displayDate public DateTime DisplayDate { get {return _displayDate;} } like this post explains. My question is, within the class, how do I access the private variable? For example inst...

Log4J not adding newlines between logfile entries

I am just starting with log4j. I don't have a problem with it reading my properties file and actually logging events, but it seems to be appending everything to the end of the same line. My properties file looks like this: # A1 is set to be a ConsoleAppender. log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender # A2 is set to be a Consol...

Spring Properties File

I am using this in my application config to specify where to get my messages <bean id="messageSource" class=""> <property name="basenames" value="WEB-INF/properties/messages"/> <property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8"/> </bean> How do i declare a bean ...

Why am I getting a stack overflow when using properties in the constructor?

I have a non-static class in which i have several properties, ie serverURL, serverPort etc, and the class has a constructor. The constructor accepts arguments which it then uses to 'set' the properties, initialising them. Here is the code: public Server(string newServerAddress, int newServerPort) { serverAddress = newServerAddr...

Grails indexed parameters

I have a list of Team objects that have an Integer seed property. I want to edit all the teams' seeds at once, in a single form. I'm sure that Grails supports indexed parameters, but I can't get it to work. Here is what I have, and it works but I'm jumping through way too many hoops and there's gotta be a better way. gsp: <g:form acti...

Setting TTabControl color after XPManifest in Delphi

I have tabcontrol component on my form. After I put XPManifest, its color became white, I want to change it, but couldn't find color property. And I don't want to remove XPManifest as well. Is there any way to solve this issue? ...

Is there a syntactic sugar C# property syntax to instantiate generic collections?

The following program will fail because Contracts is not instantiated. Of course I can instantiate it in my constructor but if I have dozens of properties and/or multiple constructors I have to keep track of which are instantiated, etc. And of course I could create large blocks for these properties with full gets and sets and private f...

How can you redefine a property using in reflection in C#?

Let's assume we have the following class: public class tx_fct { int _ok; public int ok { get { return _ok; } set { _ok = value; } } } How can I override the getter using reflection? The getter doesn't seem to be in tx_fct1.ok.GetType().GetMeth...

Declaring list and binding property values via XAML for a custom silverlight control

I feel like I've missed something obvious, but when creating a custom control in Silverlight I can declare properties as public and they will be exposed when making XAML declarations, so I can easily do something like this: public class MyControl : UserControl { public string Title {get; set;} } And this: <local:MyControl Title="...