
Allowing any property/attribute on a server/usercontrol

I've noticed that on most, if not all, standard web controls in the System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace, you can add any properties you want to them without crashing the page. Take the asp:Button control for an example. This code is perfectly valid: <form runat="server"> <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Test button" crapAttribute=...

Accessing object properties from within another object (JavaScript / jQuery)

Hi, I am trying to access properties of a config object from within another object: var myConfigObj = { $myCachedSelector: $('#mySelector') } var myObj = { $selector: myConfigObj.$myCachedSelector, url: '' } $.each([ myObj, mySecondObj, myThirdObj ], function() { this.$selector.load(this.url, fu...

Can I add Runtime Properties to a Python App Engine App?

Coming from a java background I'm used to having a bunch of properties files I can swap round at runtime dependent on what server I'm running on e.g. dev/production. Is there a method in python to do similar, specifically on Google's App Engine framework? At the minute I have them defined in .py files, obviously I'd like a better separ...

Get property value dynamically

I have an object which has a huge number of properties. I'd like to get the value of each of those properties by simply looping through the properties collection of the object. I've looked into the PropertyInfo.GetValue() method however it's not making much sense in the context I have. Here's an example of what i'm trying to do (this c...

Looping through known properties in an object

I've got an object containing 30 properties that I know the names of. The properties are called "ValueX" (1-30) where X is a number. How would I call value1 - value30 in a loop? ...

Objective-C - simple setting property example erroring with 'request for ___ in something not a structure or union'

Hi all, I've been banging my head with this one this evening and am sure it's something very simple that I've missed I've created a new project with the appdelegate and a view controller class as below. The view controller synthesises the property in the .m, and the app delegate header imports the view controller .h file. Code below: V...

Propogating a "volatile" property

I put "volatile" because it's only vaguely so. I have a class which has a property called "StopRequested". This flag can be set by other threads at any time, and needs to indicate to my code that it should stop what it's doing and exit (this is a Windows Service based process, and when Stop is called, all processing needs to clean up ...

Can I set Properties directly in the Context Menu? C#

Following idea: I have a Game Level editor, which should be as simple as possible (I don't want to program something too complex). But that does not mean that the tool should be uncomfortable. So my idea was not to use different types of menus to set some properties, but a form of context menu. Now I wonder if it would be possible to in...

Override default Show behaviour / SetVisible of TForm's descendant (Delphi VCL)

I would like to alter the Show default behaviour of a TForm's descendant (for eg. instead of showing itself on the screen, I would like to place it on a page control as a new tabsheet). How to achive that ? I'd like to show it using a standard method (call Show method or set Visible property) so I tried to override the SetVisible method....

Eclipse Development: Eclipse Properties View - Display properties as read-only

Hi all. I am developing an Eclipse plugin in which the elements shown on my Editor (a GEF one) can have properties modified within the Eclipse Properties View. The problem is that, in some cases, depending on a readOnly flag set in the element, its properties should be displayed but not modified. Is there a way to achieve this behavio...

Best practice for assigning new objects to retained properties?

I am using Core Data for my iPhone app. My attributes are set with retained properties. For example, a "number" attribute in a "Thing" entity: #import <CoreData/CoreData.h> @interface Thing : NSManagedObject { } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * number; @end @implementation Thing @dynamic number; @end When working with...

C# show browsable child properties in designer

Hi, I'm using .NET C# with standard WinForms, not WPF. I have this situation. I'm creating a user control for a month calendar, similar to the .NET one but with a little more functionality. I have a user control form, that fills with button objects representing dates. The buttons can be colored with different color depending on their st...

Hide a column programmatically in MS-Access

I want to hide or show a column based on variable data from a users selection. How do you set a column to hidden in MS-Access 2003? For Example, After user change event... For Each ctl In Me.FormNameHere.Form.Controls If (TypeName(ctl) = "Textbox") Then If InStr(GetTextList(), ctl.Name) > 0 Then ctl.hidden = T... passing string variable to a user control

Hi all, I am trying to pass value of a code behind variable to a user control like: <pv1:ShowPdf ID="ShowPdf2" runat="server" BorderStyle="Inset" BorderWidth="2px" FilePath='<%=path2%>' Height="700px" Width="856px" /> where path2 is a protected string variable declared in code behind. The problem is that the value of path2 ...

Subsonic: How to add new properties and populate its data using Linq

I extend the Order Class generated by activerecord: public partial class Order { private string _refCustomer; public string RefCustomer { get { return _refCustomer; } set{_refCustomer =value;} } } Then, I tried to populate Order's data: var info = (from o in db.Orders join...

Implicit conversion from void to XmlDocument

Probably a stupid question, but I'm quite new to the whole "get-and-set-property"-kind of programming; I keep getting a compiling-error on this part of my code; private string _File = "Session.xml"; private XmlDocument XmlDoc { get { XmlDocument _Doc = new XmlDocument(); return _Doc.LoadXml(_File); } } pri...

How can I edit a mutable property in Objective C?

Hello. I am trying to edit a mutable array from a property and can't seem to directly make it work. Consider the following code that seems to work, but seems also very inefficient; I have to copy the whole property array just to make a change in one object. Why can I change the whole "carNames" array, but can't make a change to one...

how to avoid triggering properties while debugging?

is there a way to prevent triggering of property getter code while watching variables in debug? something in the style of the DebuggerStepThrough attribute? ...

When is it ok to change object state (for instance initialization) on property getter access?

(except for proxy setup!) I spent some time writing a question here regarding a better pattern for a problem I had - of a class that performed some conditional initialization on almost every property getter, since the initialization in the base class relied on data from the inheriting classes that wasn't available on construction. Whil...

MSI Installer and custom folders

Hi! I have an interesting problem. I created a MSI Installer for a .NET 3.5 Application. During the install process I ask the user for a custom folder name where application output files should be stored. To solve this task I have added a "Textboxes A" user interface item. I assigned TextBox Edit1 a property. This property I used in ...